A formal language for defining implicitly parameterized functions

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-09-05 (updated 2019-09-30) (29 minutes)

In Dercuano plotting I talked about the need for a linguistic model of describing calculations to plot, that is, a programming language. I think the ideas I’m describing here are finally crystallizing, but I wrote about them previously in APL with typed indices, A principled rethinking of array languages like APL, Relational modeling and APL; additional sources of inspiration have been First impressions on using the μMath+ calculator program for Android, Adam N. Rosenberg’s “A Description of One Programmer’s Programming Style”, Darius Bacon, and the ZIMPL and GNU MathProg languages discussed in Some notes on the landscape of linear optimization software and applications, with the relationship explored in A principled rethinking of array languages like APL.

I’m pretty sure I’ll have to rework some of this, but I feel like at this point I have not only something implementable but also a concrete use case where I can see how the existing designs are suboptimal.

The basic idea is that every expression evaluates not to an atomic value like 37 or 2.5 but to (looking at it in five different ways) a table or an array or an N-ary relation or conditional or function; and the particular atomic values we get out of it depend on the circumstances that obtain when we happen to look at it; and under some circumstances it may fail to have a value entirely. We can inspect these tables to see which circumstances are the relevant ones, and when the possibilities are finite, we can enumerate all the possible sets of circumstances and the corresponding atomic values, which is to say that we can reason counterfactually about what values the expression would have had under circumstances that do not in fact obtain at the moment.

Even if the possibilities are infinite, by stipulating all the relevant circumstances, we can reason counterfactually about what atomic value the expression would have had under those hypothetical circumstances.

As a very concrete example relevant to my plotting problem, given some value representing a function y that depends on an argument x, we can ask what value y would have if x were 0, or if x were a member of the list [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]; in the latter case, the result is a finite table of five values that tell us what value y would have for each value of the index into the list. If y additionally depends on a parameter p, we can stipulate that p belongs to some other list, and y will provide a potentially larger table of results. This provides a strategy for getting good efficiency out of even a naive interpreter implementation, much like Numpy, Pandas, APL, Octave, or R; but it should be much easier to write correct code with, because of the rigorous logical underpinning.


Because I’m planning to use a non-textual user interface, I’m not going to design a syntax; instead, I’ll just use Lisp S-expression syntax in this document. It’s not very readable syntax but it’s adequately formal and flexible. Its execution semantics are not Lisp execution semantics; it just represents an ordered-tree structure.

Semantic model

The main objects of interest are atomic values, atomic types, aggregates, variables, environments, and expressions. The following is full of forward references, unfortunately; I should see if there’s a better order to put things in.

Atomic values

Atomic values are things like 4 or -2.5 or 4+1j or :London or possibly ‘w’; they correspond to values in many normal programming languages, but do not include any kind of aggregate data structure such as arrays, structs, dictionaries, sets, lists, tuples, or ML-style constructors. Like quarks, they are never observed alone; they are always part of an aggregate. There are different kinds of atomic values: integers, real numbers, opaque symbols like :London (which I will write with a leading : to distinguish them from variables), and maybe characters.

Atomic types

XXX confused ideas about what goes here: discrete vs. continuous? Finite vs. infinite? Bound vs. unbound? Bounded vs. unbounded? Nominal, ordinal, interval, and rational levels of measurement? Units of measurement? Can a single aggregate contain values of different types?


Aggregates are tables of atomic values, in the sense that they have rows and columns. The number of rows may be zero, any natural number, or infinite; there is always one “result” column, but there can be zero or more “key” columns. Each “key” column is associated with a variable, but the “result” column is not; it is only associated with the tuple of key-column variable values in its row. Conceptually neither rows nor columns have order, although by necessity they will be in some order when we serialize them. Aggregates are what expressions evaluate to, and what environments bind variables to. Here is an example aggregate:

(agg      (month oils)
          (1    :VEG1  110)
          (1    :VEG2  120)
          (1    :OIL1  130)
          (2    :VEG1  130))

This aggregate has two key columns, associated with the variables month and oils, and four rows, the first of which associates the atomic value 110 with the situation where the variable month has the atomic value 1 and the variable oils has the atomic value :VEG1, a symbol. A useful way of reading this is “110 if month == 1 and oils == :VEG1, else 120 if month == 1 and oils == :VEG2, else 130 if month == 1 and oils == :OIL1, else 130 if month == 2 and oils == :VEG1.”

Here is an aggregate with no key columns, a constant, which associates the atomic value 4 with all possible states of the universe:

(agg () 4)

The key columns of an aggregate are its free variables.

XXX Should we remove infinite aggregates? They are the only way to represent things like “matrix-vector multiplication” as values, but they seem significantly different from other kinds of values.


Variables are opaque, indivisible names, like x, VC, month, or oils. In themselves they serve only to be distinguished from one another, but they are crucial links between aggregates, expressions, environments, and atomic values.


Environments are sets of key-value pairs in which the keys are variables and the values are aggregates. Here is an example environment:

(env (month (agg () 1))
     (oils (agg () :VEG1))
     (oilhardness (agg (oils) (:VEG1 8.8) (:VEG2 6.1))))

This associates the variables month and oils with constant aggregates and the variable oilhardness with an aggregate with two rows and two columns. You might think that this second aggregate contains some extraneous data, describing as it does the oilhardness of a situation that we know is not currently the case (when oils is :VEG2), but as we will see, this counterfactual data can be very useful.


Expressions describe computable functions; given some input data, in the form of an environment, they evaluate to output data, in the form of an aggregate. But there are other things we can do with expressions other than evaluate them; we can query them to find out what free variables they require in a given environment and what they require of those free variables.

Here is an example expression:

(+ (* x y)
   (let (oils (agg () :VEG2)) oilhardness)
   (sum (month) production))

XXX should we require an explicit “in months” in case production fails to depend on month in a useful way so we don’t know what to sum over? Should there be some kind of explicit or implicit association between domains and variables, to allow inferring a universe in the absence of an explicit value?

XXX I’m being a bit fast and loose including an aggregate literal inside the expression. I might not want that to be legal.

It has the free variables x, y, oilhardness, month, and production, so it cannot be evaluated in an environment without an aggregate associated with each of these variables. Also, it may inherit some free variables from the aggregates associated with those variables; for example, if production is associated with an aggregate that depends on the variable city, then the expression as a whole also has city as a free variable. However, there are two binding constructs in this expression, let and sum, which bind the variables oils and month in their respective argument expressions oilhardness and production, which prevents those free variables from bubbling up further. Indeed, if the expression is evaluated in an environment that provides values for these free variables, these binding constructs will prevent those values from penetrating.

This sort of bubbling up is why the set of free variables of an expression depends on the environment; it amounts to a sneaky sort of dynamic scoping. XXX can this dependency be expressed in a usefully simple way to satisfy the needs of plotting to figure out what kind of creature it’s going to have to plot?

The aggregate that results from evaluating an expression in an environment has the same set of free variables the expression had in that environment, and the tuples taken from its key columns will be some subset of the cross-product of the result columns of the aggregates supplied for those free variables in that environment. However, the expression may produce some arbitrary subset of those rows rather than all of them.

XXX could it be that the expression had free variables that aren’t used?

Expression types

Literal aggregates

Although I’m not sure if this is the right thing, for the moment I’m going to allow literal aggregates as expressions. Moreover, constants such as 4 and :VEG1 are also valid; they represent constant aggregates like (agg () 4) and (agg () :VEG1)


The standard set of computer arithmetic operations are provided with their usual meanings: +, -, * for multiplication, / for division, % for remainder, ** for exponentiation, >>, <<, abs, exp, ln, pow, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, ceil, floor, round, bitand, bitor, bitnot, and bitxor. I mean this might change a bit but that’s what I think right now.

These operations take one or more arguments, which are evaluated in the same environment the arithmetic operation is, and the aggregates thus produced are passed to the arithmetic operation as actual parameters. Their free variables are the union of the free variables of their operands.

These operations operate purely pointwise and generate a full Cartesian product output. In any environment, (+ 3 4), syntactic sugar for (+ (agg () 3) (agg () 4)), will produce (agg () 7). In an environment lacking x, (+ (agg (x) (1 3) (2 5)) 4) will produce (agg (x) (1 7) (2 9)), and

(+ (agg (x) (1 3) (2 5))
   (agg (x) (1 4) (2 10)))

will produce (agg (x) (1 7) (2 15)). In an environment lacking both x and y,

(+ (agg (x) (1 3) (2 5))
   (agg (y) (:a 4) (:b 10)))

will produce (agg (x y) (1 :a 7) (1 :b 13) (2 :a 9) (2 :b 15)). (At this point a reminder seems in order that the sequence of rows and columns in the aggregate is arbitrary and insignificant.)

XXX note that this contradicts the note earlier saying that expressions could not be evaluated in an environment that didn’t provide aggregates for all their free values.

XXX rename ‘aggregate’ to ‘table’? It’s too long and operations like “sum” and “min” are usually called “aggregate operations”.

The expression (+ x y) cannot be evaluated to a finite aggregate if either x or y is missing from the environment, but consider the environment

(env (x (agg (p) (0 3) (-1 5)))
     (y (agg (q r) (20 30 4))))

in which (+ x y) will evaluate to (agg (p q r) (0 20 30 7) (-1 20 30 9)), with three free variables bubbling up from the bindings of x and y. If we further augment the environment, we can prevent q from remaining free:

(env (x (agg (p) (0 3) (-1 5)))
     (y (agg (q r) (20 30 4)))
     (q (agg () 20)))

This causes (+ x y) to evaluate to (agg (p r) (0 30 7) (-1 30 9)).

It will be seen that an arithmetic expression containing free variables defines a function taking those variables as arguments.


The expression (let assignments expr) allows invoking a function with specific arguments or composing two (or more!) functions. During evaluation, it constructs an environment by augmenting its own evaluation environment with new associations taken from assignments, which is a list of alternating variables and expressions. These expressions are evaluated in the outer environment, and each one is associated with its corresponding variable in the new environment.

The let-expression’s free variables are the free variables of expr, minus the variables assigned to in assignments, plus the free variables of the expressions in assignments, which might reasonably add variables back in that were dropped in the second step.

So, for example, (let (x 3 y 4) (+ x y)) evaluates as before to (agg () 7), because whatever the outer environment is like, the inner environment has x bound to (agg () 3) and y bound to (agg () 4); and it has no free variables.

A more interesting example is (- x (let (i (- i 1)) x)). If x has i as a free variable and is defined for i integer, the inner x can evaluate to different atomic values from the outer x, and you get the backward differences of x along the i axis. (I said at the top that I wouldn’t invent syntax, but if I were inventing syntax, I might write this as x - x[i=i-1].)

Conditional expressions

The expression (if x y) operates very similarly to the arithmetic expressions, in that its free variables are the union of the free variables of expression x and those of expression y, it evaluates them both in its own environment, and it combines the x and y results pointwise. However, it produces, in general, less than the full Cartesian product of their results; the rows where x produced false are removed.

So, for example, (if (> x 1) (if (< x 3) (* x x))) is the function x2 limited to the domain (1, 3).

The expression (case e1 e2 e3 ...) evaluates all the expressions e1, e2, e3, etc., in the same environment it was invoked in, but then combines them in the fashion of SQL’s coalesce or the | alternation operator in Icon or Unicon: rows are taken from e2 only for the case where e1 did not produce a value, from e3 only where e2 failed, and so on. This means that you could write the absolute-value operator, for example, as

(case (if (> x 0) x)
      (- x))

The first expression produces x whenever x is greater than 0, but for x less than or equal to zero, it produces no value, so case fills in the empty space with the result of the - operator.

Note that this can be misleading; if you write (case (if p q) r), even if p is always true, that is no guarantee that you will never see values from r, because q might fail of its own accord, aside from getting externally failed by p.

(Again, if I were inventing syntax, I’d want to write that as x > 0 -> x | -x.)

Another use of case is augmenting the first-differences example above with the initial value of the sequence x:

(case (- x (let (i (- i 1)) x)) x)

Here we suppose that when i is at its minimum valid value, such as 0, then (let (i (- i 1)) x) will fail, leaving a hole that can be filled with x.

XXX for efficient evaluation we need to be able to tell which dimensions are going to stay rectangular.


The expression (iota var expr) evaluates to (agg (var) (0 0) (1 1) (2 2) ... (n n)), where n is one less than the value to which the expression expr evaluated.

XXX this sucks compared to writing 1:10 in Octave or R. You have to name a variable! Moreover you still have to index it.

Standard reductions

The expression (sum (month) production) produces a result that is the same as the result of evaluating production except that all the rows differing only by month have been summed together, and the month key column has been removed. This generalizes in obvious ways to multiple key columns and to the other standard reductions product, min, max, and mean.

XXX this means that month does escape as a free variable, but the result won’t depend on it, and there’s no way to get a sum over more months than you have some other iteration variable to throw away; this is surely the wrong semantics, and the one explained earlier is surely better. Given some of the evaluation semantics explored above, it could probably get the valid months out of production. But then how do you get a sum over only certain months? Maybe (sum (mi) (let (month (agg (mi) (1 3) (2 5) (3 11))) production)), maybe with some syntactic sugar like sum{mi} production[month[mi]=[3 5 11]]?

Monoidal prefix sums


Non-monoidal reduction

The expression (for var1 seq var2 start var3 reducer) expresses a general definite loop. It evaluates seq in its surrounding environment and produces an aggregate “the sequence” with, hopefully, the variable var1 free. It also evaluates start in its surrounding environment and produces “the initial state”. Then it proceeds sequentially along the sorted values of var1 in the domain of the sequence, evaluating reducer once for each sequence item, in an environment with var2 bound to the sequence item and var3 bound to the previous result of reducer or, on the first iteration, the initial state.

XXX wait, the loop state has to be a single atomic value?

XXX “domain” and “range” are better than “key” and “result” column; “domain variable” is maybe better than “free variable” for aggregates.

Variable capture

As described above, the model has the same variable capture problem as Lisp macros, only much worse.

Consider this expression for describing the Lp norm of a vector:

(** (sum (i) (** x p)) (/ 1 p))

This relies on the fact that the i introduced by the sum is visible to x so that it can select the elements of x. Similarly, consider this code to evaluate a polynomial at a point (inefficiently):

(sum (i) (* a (** x i)))

This relies on implicitly indexing a with i. But consider this expression for describing matrix-vector multiplication:

(sum (k) (* (let (j k) a) (let (i k) x)))

This has a free variable i which ranges over the columns of a (or rather its j-indices). To do the summation, we need to introduce a new, fresh loop variable k; it is our intention that the only two uses of k be indexing the i-indices of x and indexing the j-indices of a.

But what happens if a or x internally has a free variable, which is to say an argument, k? Disaster strikes! Instead of bubbling up to the sum expression as a whole, it becomes part of the iteration, with bizarre results that will potentially be difficult to debug.

On the other hand, if we change the language’s scoping to purely lexical, constructs like (let (j k) a) make no sense --- lexically a does not contain j, so that expression would be equivalent to just a. And (** (sum (i) (** x p)) (/ 1 p)) relies on the visibility of the index i to the vector x.

This is more or less just the standard problem of variable capture that occurs in Lisp macros or with dynamic scoping, but it’s much more severe in this context, because of the pervasive use of free variables for implicit parameter passing through many stack levels.

The usual Common Lisp approach to solving the problem would be something like this:

(let ((k (gensym)))
   `(sum (,k) (* (let (j ,k) a) (let (i ,k) x))))

Alternatively, but awfully, you could use a name less likely to collide:

(sum (*matrix-multiply-index*)
  (* (let (j *matrix-multiply-index*) a)
     (let (i *matrix-multiply-index*) x)))

Alan Bawden and Jonathan Rees’s “syntactic closures” mechanism offers an relatively simple solution that is not difficult to implement (see also Chris Hanson’s shorter 1991 proposal and the superb Scheme Wiki page, and also Stephen Paul Carl’s 1996 master’s thesis on an extension of it); Scheme unfortunately standardized on Will Clinger’s “Macros that Work” instead, which is a much more complex mechanism to implement.

On the other hand, because of the evaluation semantics outlined above, a different kind of variable capture that occurs in Scheme is absent here. Bawden and Rees give the example

(define-macro (push obj-exp list-var)
  `(set! ,list-var (cons ,obj-exp ,list-var)))
(let ((cons 5))
  (push 'foo stack))

in which the expression containing the macro invocation expands to

(let ((cons 5))
  (set! stack (cons 'foo stack))

which will give an error due to attempting to invoke the number 5 as a function. I assert without demonstrating that the corresponding problem does not arise in this new language.

XXX does it?

A simple direct fix for the matrix-vector-multiply problem is to have a fresh or new or my annotation that generates the equivalent of a syntactic closure or gensym:

(sum ((my k)) (* (let (j k) a) (let (i k) x)))

However, this is bug-prone; code that unintentionally omits the my tag will function correctly, perhaps for years, until used in a context where variable capture occurs, which may be a result of a change to code that doesn’t even explicitly invoke the matrix multiply or whatever, even renaming a variable or something. A different alternative is to make the variables introduced by expressions like sum implicitly lexical, but continue to treat let variables as dynamically-scoped; this would leave the matrix-vector multiply as I had originally written it, but the Minkowski p-norm code would change from

(** (sum (i) (** x p)) (/ 1 p))

to the perhaps more gnomic

(** (sum (i) (** (let (i i) x) p)) (/ 1 p))

and change the polynomial-evaluation code from

(sum (i) (* a (** x i)))

analogously to

(sum (i) (* (let (i i) a) (** x i)))

(I reiterate that the S-expression form shown here is not intended as the syntax for interactive use, but just as an unambiguous representation of the internal tree structure; perhaps on the display this would be written as ai=i or abbreviated in something like the conventional way as ai.)

However, there’s still the possibility of unintended variable capture in an expression such as

(let (h (* n dh)) (/ (- (let (x (+ x h)) f) f) h))

where we are really just using let to factor out a common subexpression, rather than to pass arguments to code or index data lexically defined elsewhere.

A third alternative would be to require every introduction of a new variable by let, sum, and the like, to be explicitly marked as statically or dynamically scoped, but this seems like it would still be bug-prone --- a variable incorrectly marked as dynamically scoped would still be a bug. You could catch this by requiring that the dynamically-scoped variable not be used statically, though.

A fourth alternative would be to declare the variables at some lexical scope, in some cases module scope (where, in the context of Dercuano plotting, a module might be a note or a plot). Then, an expression like

(** (sum (i) (** x p)) (/ 1 p))

would be referring to some i that was already in scope, perhaps imported from another module or perhaps declared in the same module, and would be a compilation error if there were no such variable, so in theory you would know that you were capturing a variable that could be used as a parameter; while on the other hand an expression like

(** (sum ((my idx)) (** (let (i idx) x) p)) (/ 1 p))

would be introducing a new idx variable. This seems simultaneously more awkward and less safe than most of the alternatives above.

Extradimensional features

In the UI, you can write a table with some key columns and some value columns; each value column becomes a new aggregate, stored under a variable with the name in the column header, indexed by all the key columns. If you don’t have key columns, a nominal invisible key column is generated.

The top level of the UI defines an environment, or a sequence of environments, within which each expression is evaluated.

XXX does this mean it does some kind of topological sort to come up with an evaluation order?

When you define an expression with a single continuous free variable, the UI by default plots its value against that free variable in a 2-D plot, heuristically picking an initial range that seems likely to be interesting (which you can then interactively zoom and pan). If you define an expression with two continuous free variables, it by default generates a contour plot in a similar way, with a 3-D heightfield plot a click away. Discrete free variables that belong to some numerical range get, by default, a lollipop plot; discrete free variables that are merely nominal result in a labeled small-multiples display, switchable with a click to a single plot with multiple lines (or lollipops or whatever). Tabular results display is always available, but only enabled by default for small tables.

The UI uses the same kind of introspective magic for this that sum uses to figure out the possible values that month can take on in (sum (month) production). This allows it to distinguish between discrete and continuous parameters based on how they’re used, a sort of type inference, find out what their valid values would be, and measure their limits.

Automatic differentiation

How can we squeeze reverse-mode automatic differentiation into this model?

A first prototyping step

The above has made it clear that there are a variety of issues that aren’t crystallized yet, but since I’ve been thinking about this for six years, I probably shouldn’t expect them to crystallize anytime soon without more intensive effort. Instead, maybe I should write enough code to get some experience with a subset that is crystallized, and maybe try two or three different approaches to the other aspects and see which ones work best.

The most basic core is a few kinds of plots (linegraphs, scatterplots, lollipop plots, contour plots, and heatmaps, at least, and I’d like some 3-D surface plots), pointwise arithmetic (*, **, -, +, /, abs, exp, sin, binary min, binary max), conditionals (“where”), extracting the free variables from an expression, and composition (indexing). I think summing along a dimension is the first sort of uncertain thing to add.
