Dercuano plotting

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-09-03 (updated 2019-09-05) (34 minutes)

Related to Dercuano rendering, Dercuano formula display, Dercuano calculation, and Dercuano drawings, but not the same — I want some kind of equation-and-data-plotting thing in Dercuano, with some kind of Jupyter-like rapid feedback. I think I can make it simpler and less fiddly than Numpy or Pandas, using the ideas in APL with typed indices, A principled rethinking of array languages like APL, Relational modeling and APL, and First impressions on using the μMath+ calculator program for Android, plus some I got from Darius Bacon, and get some formula display out of it into the bargain.

As discussed in those notes, prerendering images to PNG or JPEG files like the humans normally do is not really an option for Dercuano because of its 5MB total download size budget.

A concrete example

In Image filtering with an approximate Gabor wavelet or Morlet wavelet using a cascade of sparse convolution kernels I wrote 4800 words about an algorithm; the resulting HTML compresses to 11kB. I tried it in an IPython notebook which contains 511kB of text, mostly compressed images, so I'm not including it as part of Dercuano (that, and because it's in a file format that browsers don't recognize). The actual Python code in the notebook is 2.3kB and compresses to 0.7kB. With reasonable JS signal processing and plotting libraries, this implementation could be part of the text, also costing only about 0.7kB, the plots would be viewable alongside the text, and they could be an "explorable explanation" in the sense that you could interactively vary the parameters and observe how this affects the plots.

Rapid feedback HCI

In 2015 I wrote an RPN editor with numbers and 1-D arrays that generates simple plots and formula renderings as you calculate, a followon to an older JS calculator I wrote in 2005; in 2016 I did a similar hack where instead of calculating on arrays the elements you calculate on are functions, starting from the identity function f(x) = x and constant functions fk(x) = k, then combining them pointwise. These are all fairly keyboard-driven (Interactive calculator explores how to do a multitouch UI) and prototype-quality.

One of the interesting things about the 2015 RPN editor above is that it uses the URL #fragment identifier to store the entire application state, much like erlehmann’s glitch: URLs for bytebeat, so that you can bookmark the calculation state or pass it to someone else in a link. In some sense, it’s an interactive viewer and editor for a calculation text, with some linguistic representation — in this case, RPN, since nothing more complex is needed.

The 2015 RPN editor also allows you to highlight subexpressions (with the ←→ keys) to see their values, and to structure-edit it (with ^←/^→), although that is confusing.

Another thing about all three of these prototypes is that you don’t have to request for a result to be plotted — as soon as it exists, it gets plotted. But they need more flexibility in how to plot things. (The 2005 one gives you the option of resizing a plot with the mouse, while the others don’t even do that much.) Every value has an infinity of possible visible presentations; peremptorily displaying two of them is not enough.

These all feel much more immediate than the experience with IPython/Jupyter, where you are constantly faced with the alternative between using a value you have calculated:

t = dt * arange(20e-3 / dt)

and seeing it:

dt * arange(20e-3 / dt)

and plotting a function so you can see both its domain and range and have it labeled and have more than one plot requires bending over backwards:

plot(t, VR, label='$V_R$')
plot(t, VL, label='$V_L$')
plot(t, VC, label='$V_C$')
plot(t, I, label='$I$')

Consider, instead, being able to say:

(VR over VL over VC) atop I

or the equivalent with keystroke or touch commands? I mean VR isn’t dependent just on t — in this notebook it also depends on C, L, R, and dt — but t is the axis I’ve been thinking of it as varying with here, while I’ve been treating those other variables as constants. So is it too much to ask that my calculating and plotting system would be able to infer that, at least unless I override it? Especially when I’m plotting VL on the same axis where I already plotted VR against t? Sheesh!

Another thing is that, if you’re evaluating a function of more than one variable at many points so you can plot it, Numpy (like APL, Octave, and R) can’t keep straight which variations belong to the X-axis and which belong to the Y-axis. It chokes on this:

R = array([1000, 2200, 4700, 10e3, 22e3, 47e3])
C = array([100e-9, 220e-9, 470e-9])
matshow(R * C)

It complains, “ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (6,) (3,)”, which is to say that it was trying to multiply corresponding elements of R and C to get time constants. If we want the two to vary independently, R.T * C doesn’t work as you might expect, but we can say

matshow(multiply.outer(R, C))


matshow(R.reshape((6, 1)) * C)

But then the next time you do a calculation involving both R and C, you have to tell Numpy again that you want them to vary independently. And this is what A principled rethinking of array languages like APL is about. (Also, don’t forget colorbar(), which is not the same as legend().) This is actually the same problem as getting the X-axis labels right by default: for Numpy, R is just a vector of six numbers, just as earlier VR was an array of 100’000 numbers. It doesn’t have any idea why there are six.

The only software I’ve seen that does get this right is μMath+; see First impressions on using the μMath+ calculator program for Android for details.

Of course, I keep using Jupyter, despite the above, and even though I can’t incorporate the plots into Dercuano. That’s because in my 2015 prototype calculator I haven’t even implemented typing in negative numbers or decimals, much less multidimensional arrays, the Fast Fourier Transform, or singular value decomposition; moreover, I can probably expect a 10× slowdown just from switching the inner loops of these numerical algorithms to JS from Fortran in LAPACK.

Integration with my current workflow

This AJAXy thing I described above has a difficulty: I’m mostly writing Dercuano in Emacs, not in some kind of browser-based IDE. I could reasonably pop out of writing to the browser to do some graphing (I could even add a keybinding in Emacs), but ultimately whatever I put together in the browser needs to be something I can paste into a text editor, and ideally something that will diff reasonably well.

Probably the best I can hope for there is to pop open a textarea that says something like

calc(`jasiodj jiaji aoj ioaj iojgosjo
aijgwj jaiojgioawj owj oiajio jaweoj jaiojo
jaiogjwojao ioj ioaj oij ioawj oaj aj iawjiawejisjga0 auj
ajigwaj jawjiawjipwuj0aweuj890ejgp aji

where the text inside the `` encodes the calculations and plotting options. Then I can copy and paste this into the text editor, hopefully remembering to delete the previous version. A hassle, but manageable. (Maybe a keybinding can find the surrounding <script> tag, paste in whatever is on the clipboard, and if it looks like a new <script> tag, delete the old one.)

The `` syntax is new in recent versions of JS.

Even the hairiest plots I’ve been doing so far should be encodable in a kilobyte or two of text, and maybe different plots in the same document could talk to each other.

Why I don’t want to try an embedded DSL in JS

Numpy is an embedded DSL in Python, rather than a separate language implemented in Python, much less a funky keystroke-driven RPN UI. So why not do the same thing in JS?

First, JS doesn’t support operator overloading, which is a bigger deal for readability than it sounds like. (a + b + c + d)/e.sum() becomes It’s already hard enough to tell if the computation you specified was really the computation you wanted; this makes it much harder still.

Second, I prefer the RPN UI because it’s a lot more fluid than typing in strings of Python or JS. See the above complaints about Numpy for some of the reasons.

Third, I want to be able to define functions in a somewhat abstract, static way so that replotting them over different regions is a reasonable thing to do. I even want to be able to do this for Runge–Kutta integration and things like that, although I don’t know how successful I’ll be. Embedding your DSL means that the host-language facilities are always ready-to-hand, but they would frustrate this ambition.

Rendering improvement

As explained in Antialiased line drawing, we could go a long way to improve the readability of graphs by using LCD subpixel antialiasing and a bit of signal-processing theory, instead of drawing PostScript-style convolutions of the graph line with a one-dimensional boxcar kernel at right angles to it.

Ideally, the line plotted on a plot is infinitely thin, a line-shaped Dirac delta, but rendering it that way requires not only infinite resolution but also infinite dynamic range. (The infinite dynamic range is particularly a problem for dark lines, since it would require either emitting negative amounts of light (at infinite concentration) from the line itself, or drawing on an infinitely bright background.) Bandlimiting the Dirac delta to a sinc that won’t alias at the screen resolution and maybe inverse-filtering a bit to compensate for the rectangularity of LCD pixels (which amounts to a low-pass filter through convolution with a rectangle) should give a high-quality rendering; windowing the sinc should make it more computationally tractable, but of course requires a little more frequency headroom. Reducing the height of the peak in the center of the filter kernel should help at reducing the demands on the dynamic range of screen pixels, but maintaining the sharpness of the peak there should help with visibility. High-pass filtering the filter kernel a bit, maybe without terribly strong stopband attenuation, should also improve the precision/visibility/dynamic-range tradeoff.

Attenuating the lowest- and highest-frequency components this way has the effect of spreading the line’s brightness over more pixels, which means that it can vary more within the same dynamic range; this is important when lines cross or pass very nearby. However, I don’t know whether the dynamic range increases proportional to the number of pixels or to their square root.

Any opacity, even if it merely results from saturation, is nonlinear and tends to generate alias frequencies. (It might be possible to avoid the generation of alias frequencies through some kind of very careful balancing, but if you don’t manage to do that, they will be present, and for the right pattern of lines they will be overwhelmingly strong.)

Windytan’s oscilloscope-emulation algorithms demonstrate what can be achieved with closer-to-ideal plot rendering — aside from the issues of correct interpolation close to the Nyquist frequency, there’s lots of detail that is lost to the nonlinearities of the standard approach to waveform plotting but visible on an analog oscilloscope.

It might be possible to get such effects purely in SVG — SVG 1.1 in 2003 already defined the filter element and the filter property, which supports an feConvolveMatrix filtering primitive that I think could in theory handle this. I’ve rarely or never seen this element in the wild, making me think its implementation is probably not well tested, and so might have performance or even correctness issues. The spec page is well worth reading as an overview of what 2-D graphical primitives the experts at Adobe thought were important in 2003; they go well beyond what PostScript can do.

To get deep-subpixel line positioning, a brute-force approach is to render with minimal antialiasing at a much higher resolution, then convolve with an antialiasing filter kernel at the high resolution before decimating to screen resolution. This is probably not very computationally efficient. More efficient approaches might include precomputed fractional-delay filters to shift patterns by fractions of a pixel and texture-mapping with a 1-D texture representing the pattern produced by the integrated filter kernel along a line perpendicular to the line being drawn, plus some kind of linear or quadratic adjustment to account for sharp angles or sudden ends.

It’s often observed that bright lines on a dark screen background are more visible to the humans than dark lines on a bright screen background; this is particularly a problem for things like visualizing two-dimensional scalar fields such as the signed response of a filter kernel. I don’t have a good understanding of why this is; I wonder if it has something to do with the humans’ logarithmic brightness perception, where a bit of blurriness diminishes the white around a black line by an imperceptibly tiny amount, while the same blurriness will convert the black around a white line into a slightly dimmer white.

If this is the reason, it means there’s an unavoidable compromise between correct in-focus appearance (where the logarithmic perception law means we should do our convolutions in logarithmic color space) and correct out-of-focus appearance (where the defocus inside the human’s eye mixes the light linearly, so we should do our convolutions in linear color space). Using strong contrast sparingly should reduce the costs of this compromise.

With these tricks, it should be feasible to get lines that are an order of magnitude more visible than the traditional 250-micron-wide 125-micron-quantization-noise Bresenham lines that Gnuplot will give you by default, while at the same time being more than an order of magnitude more precisely positioned in the X dimension (say, 10 μm), on a traditional 100-dpi, 250-micron-resolution LCD screen with vertical RGB subpixels, and nearly a factor of magnitude more precisely positioned in the Y dimension (say, 30 μm).

On the high-dpi screens now common on hand computers — 200 dpi, or 127-micron pitch with 42-micron pitch if it has RGB subpixels, is a typical resolution nowadays — it should be possible to get positioning errors on the order of 5 μm in X and 15 μm in Y.

Still, none of this is needed for an “MVP”, which can be done straightforwardly with <canvas> or SVG (possibly using d3).

What I use most in Numpy, SciPy, and matplotlib

Maybe if my calculating/plotting thing can do most of the things I can do in IPython/Jupyter, it’ll be comfortable to use for a variety of things.

I looked through 16 of my recent IPython notebooks and came up with this top-64 list by frequency of use (in source code, not execution):

    105 plot
     68 subplot
     55 *
     41 **
     40 len
     40 []
     39 [:]
     35 -
     27 xlim
     27 abs
     26 copy
     19 @
     18 matshow
     17 contour
     17 [:,:]
     16 sum
     16 '.'
     15 set_*scale('log')
     15 resize
     15 print
     15 arange
     15 /
     14 linspace
     14 legend
     14 -=
     13 max
     13 fft.fft
     13 +=
     13 [:,]
     12 stem
     12 colorbar
     12 array([])
     11 zeros
     11 ylim
     10 pi
     10 [,:]=
      9 exp
      9 +
      9 [,:]
      9 >
      8 inv
      8 concatenate
      8 [:]=
      7 []=
      7 [:,:]=
      6 .T
      6 cumsum(axis=)
      6 '.-'
      5 sin
      5 shape
      5 reshape
      5 min
      5 max(axis=)
      5 gca().set_aspect('equal')
      5 cumsum
      5 cond
      5 [:,]=
      4 xticks
      4 where
      4 svd
      4 plot(linewidth=)
      4 [,]
      3 sum(axis=)
      3 round

This is from a bit over 1000 invocations of Numpy array operations and matplotlib operations. plot is super popular, and so is damned subplot, but stem, matshow, and contour also appear a lot. Arithmetic *, **, -, @ (matrix multiply), /, -=, and += are very popular; + is less so. Popular aggregate operations are len, sum, max, and to a lesser extent min. And abs, exp, and sin are surprisingly popular.

Then there are indexing and slicing operations. A lot of indexing and slicing operations. Like, just scalar index reads are #6, more popular than subtraction. It might have been worthwhile to break down the kinds of slicing a bit more: sometimes it’s between two constant indices like x[200:400], sometimes it’s dropping some elements from the beginning x[3:] or the end x[:-3], and sometimes it’s some other calculated index like x[pos:pos+size]. Sometimes it’s a coordinate shift, sometimes I intended to select a subset (often for plotting), etc.

Popular plotting options include xlim, '.', '.-', yscale('log') (and occasionally xscale too), legend, colorbar, ylim, gca().set_aspect('equal') (which doesn’t have a convenient function in pyplot the way set_yscale('log') does), and xticks.

Popular heavy-duty algorithms are fft.fft, inv, cond, and svd. Maybe matrix multiply @/dot should be included there too.

Popular ways of generating arrays, other than arithmetic, include copy, resize (which in Numpy repeats an array, like tile), arange, linspace, array([]) (converting a literal list to an array), zeros (typically followed by assignments), and concatenate, which puts the elements of one after the elements of the other.

Other miscellaneous facilities I apparently use a lot include pi, cumsum, .T, reshape (a generalization of .T), and where (conditional: where(a, b, c) is b where a is true, c where a is false).

Not all of these operations would map over to other environments in exactly the same way. In particular, a lot of the plotting options are maybe things to set with the mouse.

Attaching aesthetics to data

The Grammar of Graphics refers to the visual appearances we attach to data to make it visible as “aesthetics” — as in:

Aesthetic attribute functions are used in two ways. Most commonly, we specify a variable or blend of variables that constitutes a dimension, such as size(population) or color(trial1+trial2). Or we may assign a constant, such as size(3) or color(“red”).

They specifically disclaim “the derivative modern meanings [of “aesthetics”] of beauty, taste, and artistic criteria”.

In GG, as in most graphics systems, data do not have aesthetics. Instead, aesthetics have data. This is also how matplotlib, d3, and Gnuplot do things. The data are floating around in vectors or whatever, and at some point they collide with a plotting command or a plot-update command, and at that point they get used, perhaps ephemerally, to generate a graphic; but subsequently they lose their connection to the graphic.

I think this is probably not the best approach for an interactive calculator with instant feedback. Instead, aesthetics and indeed a whole presentation should be attached to the data, so that the data can always be plotted in a sensible way at any point in the calculation. (Bret Victor has demonstrated some visualizations of Dan Amelang’s Nile which probably inspired this thought.)

I don’t know how exactly this should work. Probably if you plot two different voltages in different colors or different linewidths, they should retain those aesthetics whether you’re plotting them against time or against their common current — but what if you are plotting them against each other, with one on X and the other on Y? What if the current has its own color? What color should the sum of the voltages be, or the square of one of them? I probably need to try stuff to see what feels least frustrating.

For short discrete signals, stem is probably the correct presentation under most circumstances, and plenty of operations on discrete signals are closed; so probably if you add two stem-displayed signals, or multiply one by a constant, you should get another one. But stem becomes unwieldy for sufficiently many samples. Do I need conditional formatting?

(One potential benefit of the more symbolic way I’m thinking about doing things is that discrete and continuous signals are not the same.)

Square aspect ratios — a common tweak — are nearly always appropriate when the axes are in the same dimension. But tagging every variable with units of measurement might be unwieldy. (On the other hand, it might help to associate some aesthetics with units of measurement rather than values. And units.dat, now definitions.units, gzips to 78 kilobytes.)

The implicit, conditional associations in A principled rethinking of array languages like APL should help somewhat with the problem of associating varying quantities with an aesthetic — it should be just as easy to set the voltage’s linewidth to be the current as to set it to 3. (You might need some kind of scale mapping from amperes to pixels, though.)

A possible alternative is, as in the 2016 prototype, to do computation by changing a variable — for example, adding a constant to it, or multiplying it by a time-lagged version of itself — and update a pre-existing display accordingly.

Another approach, explored in Relational modeling and APL, is for these quantities to exist as named attributes of a model, which then has one or more visual presentations. A cylinder, for example, has a volume, a cross-sectional area, a lateral area, a total surface area, a radius, a diameter, and a length. But I’m not sure how this would work with plotting a series of different cylinder volumes against some independent variable.

Abstract model/language semantics

There are two pieces here: one is the semantic model of the plotting, and the other is the semantic model of the calculation.

I anticipate that the model of the calculation is going to be a longish document, so I'm preemptively splitting it out into A formal language for defining implicitly parameterized functions.


JS is not going to be as fast as Fortran, as evidenced by things like PDF.js, modern JS interpreters can be coaxed to be fast enough to do some substantial computation.

Firefox takes about 3.6 seconds to run this JS on my laptop:

function tri(n) {
  let t = 0
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) t += i;
  return t;


It also gets the wrong answer, because of 64-bit floating-point roundoff error, but that’s not the point. The point is that it was able to chew through 280 million loop iterations per second. Given a 32-millisecond budget to render a graphic, it can do 9 million simple arithmetic operations like the above.

I tried it in C:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

long long tri(long long n)
  long long t = 0;
  for (long long i = 0; i < n; i++) t += i;
  return t;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  printf("%lld\n", tri(strtoll(argv[1], 0, 10)));
  return 0;

Without optimization, it was the same speed as Firefox; with optimization, I had to make the number a command-line parameter to keep GCC from evaluating the loop at compile time, and it takes 900 ms, four times as fast. (Also, it gets the right answer, unlike JS.)

So the cost of JS for this simple integer numerical code is about a factor of 4. So JS on my laptop or my phone is faster than C on my netbook. And my rule of thumb is that code in Numpy takes 5× longer to run than reasonably written C, so JS might actually be faster than Numpy. We just need to compile the dataflow graph into nested loops in JS before evaluating it in order to get that delicious JITty goodness!

I tried to test array indexing speed but all I found out was that integer division is super slow and now I need to redo everything below

But JS array indexing is bounds-checked, so it might be a lot slower than C. So I wrote these quick functions in Firefox’s inspector console to see:

function leap(a, n) { let m = a.length, j = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[j] += i; j = (a[j] + j) % m; } }
function time(t) { let a = new Date(); let b = t(); let c = new Date(); return [c-a, b]; }
function repeat(x, n) { return new Array(n).fill(x); }

Thus time(() => leap(repeat(0, 8), 5000000)) gives 1.49–1.51 seconds (in another run, mentioned below, after a reboot, 1.23–1.28 seconds instead); at 10 million it gives 3.09–3.11 seconds. Enlarging the array to 8192 speeds up both of these, 5 million to 1.09–1.12 seconds; enlarging it further to 65536 speeds up 5 million to 9.91–1.02 seconds; at 16777216, 2.3–2.6 seconds; at 1048576, 1.46–1.52 seconds; at 2097152, 1.32–1.37 seconds; at 33554432, 3.9–4.6 seconds. Moreover, at 33554432, doubling the loop count to 10 million only extends the time to 5.5–6.9 seconds. It doesn’t start to get linear again until 20 million, at 8.5–9.6 seconds.

(I did three trials of each one to get some idea of the variability, but probably the JIT is too unpredictable for just three trials to be decent.)

I don’t know what to make of this precisely, but it seems like for small arrays, it can do 3 to 5 million of those Array inner loops per second, which is enormously less than the 280 million it was getting for just adding the loop counter, and then starts to get slower presumably due to cache effects for indexing arrays over 32 mebi-items.

To see if the optimizer is replacing the % with a &, I tried reducing the array size to 33554431, which didn’t make any difference. This suggests that maybe I should try explicitly using & to see if the 97% of the work this program is doing has a lot of division in it.

At 10 seconds, Firefox shows its warning that “a web page is slowing down your computer”, offering the option to kill the computation; this is a thing to beware of.

Typed arrays

To compare, I tried time(() => leap(new Float32Array(8192), 5000000)) and got 0.964–0.969 seconds; Int32Array gave 0.924–0.935 seconds; Uint8Array gave 0.50–0.53 seconds; Uint16Array gave 0.74–0.76 seconds; Uint32Array gave 1.170–1.172 seconds; and Float64Array gave 1.21–1.23 seconds. Both of these last two are slower than just using Array. This is well below the size where cache effects came into play, and the leap() loop is specifically designed to not be vectorizable, so I don’t know why the smaller data types give a performance boost (up to 10 million iterations per second!).

To see if we get big caching effects, I tried time(() => leap(new Float64Array(33554432), 20000000)) and got 8.35–8.41 seconds; with Float32Array I got 5.9–6.2 seconds; and, astonishingly, with Int16Array — which I expected to be faster — I got 14.6–15.3 seconds.

I don’t think these results are predictable enough to draw very precise conclusions about whether, or even when, typed arrays help or hurt performance. They seem to help performance by a factor of 2 in some cases and hurt it by a factor of 1.5 in others. Maybe a better benchmark function would help.

Adding methods to arrays makes no difference

After the reboot mentioned below, I thought I would try time(() => { let a = repeat(0, 8); a.method = function(x) { return "hi, " + x; }; leap(a, 5000000)}) to see if the extra method on the array frustrated Firefox’s optimizer. (This is a thing I’d done in 81hacks and always wondered if it was the reason for what seemed to me to be relatively poor performance.) It didn’t make any difference: it took 1.262–1.265 seconds, within the 1.23–1.28 range observed immediately previously.

However, it’s certainly possible that the bottleneck in leap() isn't actually the array indexing! (It turns out to be true, so I need to redo this test.)

Memory use

I tried running x = repeat(0, 1024*1024*64) and had to reboot after Firefox allocated a few gigabytes of virtual memory.

After rebooting, it was hard to tell which of the many Firefox processes to watch in htop. x = repeat(0, 16777216) did not make it apparent. It turned out to be pid 4172, as revealed by f = n => (n < 2 ? 1 : f(n-1) + f(n-2)); f(36), using 1839MB VSZ, 336MB RSS. Rerunning the repeat boosted that to 2366MB VSZ, 858MB RSS, a difference of 527 and 522 megabytes respectively. That suggests that each array item is occupying a bit over 32 bytes, which is four times what I expected. delete x returned the process to 1976MB/465MB.

Presumably typed arrays should reduce this substantially, and indeed, after x = new Uint8Array(16777216), we see 1972MB/479MB, a 14MB jump in RSS, close to the expected 16MB. delete x has no effect (481MB remained constant before and after) but x = new Float64Array(16777216) boosts memory use to 2257MB/606MB, 285MB and 127MB respectively; the latter is very close to the 128MB you’d expect at 64 bits (8 bytes) per array item.

So native JS arrays are four times more expensive on memory use than you’d naively expect, while typed arrays have exactly the memory price they say on the tag, which can be more than an order of magnitude better. Given that there’s no consistent runtime cost for using typed arrays, though also no consistent benefit, it is probably better to use typed arrays by default for numeric data arrays. (Presumably using typed arrays will make other code run faster by reducing the load on the garbage collector.)

How I found out the speed tests above were totally wrong

This took 1.0–1.4 seconds: time(() => { const a = repeat(3, 16777216); let t = 0; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) t += a[i]; return t }). That’s, like, 10 or 20 million array indexing operations per second. However, this still took 0.9 seconds: time(() => { const a = repeat(3, 16777216); let t = 0; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) t += i; return t }). So it wasn’t really the array indexing in the loop; it was the repeat function above. Changing to time(() => { const a = new Array(16777216); let t = 0; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) t += i; return t }) gives 61 milliseconds instead, 15 times faster — so it was the .fill() call.

It only takes 73–75 ms to run time(() => { const a = new Float64Array(16777216); let t = 0; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) t += a[i]; return t }), which just totals up all the zeros. But I’m not sure how far I can trust Firefox’s optimizer here.

This version takes wildly varying times from 168 ms to 639 ms: time(() => { const a = new Float64Array(16777216); for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = 3; let t = 0; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) t += a[i]; return t }). Using Array instead slows it to 0.9–1.5 seconds, which is probably slower than calling .fill() inside repeat.

So, I don’t know. Loop analysis and bounds-checking hoisting is easier with loop counters, and maybe that’s what accounts for the difference. Certainly my earlier typed-array tests weren’t calling .fill(); they just relied on the implicit zero-filling provided by these constructors (even the float ones), which, as we see above, is much faster than what I was doing. So maybe it really was the inner-loop division.

Here’s a division-free version specialized for power-of-two arrays:

function laap(a, n) { let m = a.length-1, j = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[j] += i; j = (a[j] + j) & m; } }

And, with that, time(() => laap(repeat(0, 8), 5000000)) takes 50–80 ms. On my netbook, it takes 270-310 ms, or 370-420 ms on the netbook in Chromium. I totally fucked up by using division! time(() => laap(repeat(0, 8), 500000000)) takes 5.36–5.37 seconds, so 93 million loop iterations per second.

I was going to say, “This explains why there was no difference (usually) between JS arrays and typed arrays,” but it turns out time(() => laap(new Float64Array(8), 500000000)) is still three times as slow as the plain-Array version above. Still, the better benchmark function probably will make it easier to understand what differences do exist.
