What’s the smallest we can make an imperative programming language to, for example, plot points in a framebuffer?
Well, BF is one answer to that question; StoneKnifeForth is another. But what about a language that supports subroutines (recursive, with arguments, but without closures), conditionals, loops, arrays, and arithmetic with infix syntax? Because I guess I’m not willing to go that minimal.
A thing you have to think about is whether arrays are valid as arguments or not. That makes a big difference in the flavor of the language.
You need some way to declare arrays, but that could be static, like subroutines are in C.
Your syntax might look like this:
program: _ (name '['_ int ']'_ | name '('_ (name, ','_)? ')'_ ':'_ exp)*
exp: stmt, ';'_ | '{'_ (exp '->'_)? exp? '}'_ | stmt
stmt: name ('=' | '<-' | [-+*/%^&|] '=' | '&^=')_ stmt | cond
cond: cmp '?'_ cond ':'_ cond | (cmp, '&&'_), '||'_
cmp: val ('==' | '<=' | '>=' | '<' | '>' | '!=')_ val | val
val: ((((chain, [*/%]_), [-+]_), ('<<' | '>>')_), ('&' | '&^')_), [|^]_
chain: ([-+~]_ chain | atom) ('('_ (expr, ','_)? ')'_ | '['_ exp ']'_)*
atom: '('_ exp ')'_ | name | int
_: [ \n\t]*
int: [0-9]+
name: [A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z0-9_]*
In this grammar, the syntax a, b
means a (b a)*
; ,
binds more
tightly than |
, so a | b, c
means a | (b, c)
, and a, b | c
means (a, b) | c
. This enables this grammar to get by without
defining associativity much, though it does define precedence. It
also is free of left recursion, enabling a straightforward PEG
Most of this is the same as C or Golang, but the { foo -> bar }
construct is intended to mean while (foo) { bar }
, and the
distinction between =
and <-
is that =
declares and initializes
a new variable, while <-
mutates an existing variable.
(Inconsistently, +=
and the like are not written +<-
.) The
intended semantics are that everything has a value, including stmt
but loops return just the zero value of their conditional upon exit,
rather than anything useful like their last body expression or a list
of their last body expressions (since we don’t have lists). Sequences
a; b
likewise return the value of the last item in the sequence.
There’s a bit of parsing confusion where a stray :
after a function
call could give you a potentially misleading error message.
So here’s a program:
fib(): f[0] <- f[1] <- 1; i = 2; {i < 100 -> f[i] <- f[i-1] + f[i-2]; i += 1}
The really lame nature of not being able to initialize data structures shows up strongly in this program.
Here’s another.
minskytron(x, p, n): y = 0; {n -= 1 -> x += y >> p; y -= x >> p; pset(x, y)}
Here’s a toupper function operating on ASCII codes in s.
toupper(i, end):
{i < end ->
(s[i] >= 97 && s[i] < 97 + 26) ? s[i] -= 64 : 0;
i += 1}
This language is somewhat similar in its capabilities to BASIC or bc, though it lacks strings.
It is, however, considerably bulkier in the description of its syntax than the λ-calculus, Abadí and Cardelli’s ς-calculus, or the ur-Lisp. On the other hand, an implementation of an interpreter for it might be simpler, since you don’t need any memory management or type testing. (You might need subscript error handling.)
(See also Tagging parsers.)
It’s perhaps worthwhile dwelling a bit on the syntax of the PEG above. It doesn’t use negation, but I’m including negation here, since it’s an important tool in PEGs in general.
grammar: (name ':'_ alts)*
alts: (seq | seq ','_ seq), '|'_
seq: ('!'* (name _ | str | class | '('_ alts ')'_) [?*+]*)*
str: "'" ('\\' char | [^\\'])* "'" _
| '"' ('\\' char | [^\\"])* '"' _
class: ('[^]' | '[]' | '[^') [^]]* ']'_
_: [ \n\t]*
name: [A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z0-9_]*
The definition of character classes omits the syntax of ranges, but
that’s okay as long as we don’t care about the rightmost member of a
range being ]
A big problem with this syntax is that it doesn’t provide a way to tag
parts of a production so they can be referred to elsewhere. Following
the proposal in Tagging parsers, let’s use the syntax name {
contents }
to tag the range of input matched by contents
with tag
. To achieve this, we could just change the definition of seq
in the above as follows:
seq: ('!'* (name _ | str | class | '('_ alts ')'_ | name _ '{'_ alts '}'_) [?*+]*)*
Now we can take advantage of this to build an AST, refactoring the grammar a bit in the process:
grammar: _ rule {name ':'_ choice}*
choice: choice {alt {term* | item {term*} ','_ sep {term*}}, '|'_}
term: '!' negated {term} | modded { atom mods { [?*+]+ } } | atom
atom: name _ | str | class | '('_ choice ')'_ | tagged
tagged: tagged {tag {name} _ '{' _ spans {choice} '}'} _
str: "'" str {('\\' char | [^\\'])*} "'" _
| '"' str {('\\' char | [^\\"])*} '"' _
class: '[' class {'^'? ']'? [^]]*} ']'_
_: [ \n\t]*
name: name {[A-Za-z_] [A-Za-z0-9_]*}
Separating nonterminals from tags allows us to avoid constructing
worthless intermediate nodes in some cases; the term
rule can
generate, for example, just a str
node or just a class
rather than a term
containing an atom
containing a str
. It also
enables the resulting node to tag just the relevant text, omitting
irrelevant delimiters.
The idea is that each AST node has a start byte position, an end byte
position, and a sequence of zero or more child nodes. In token-like
cases, the client program is probably more interested in the byte
positions, while in other cases, it probably only cares about the
child nodes. So, for example, a choice
node in the AST will have
zero or more alt
children, none of which children include the |
separators between the alternatives. The alt
nodes may have a
single item
child and a single sep
child, or they may have a
sequence of the possibilities that come from term
: negated
, name
, str
, class
, choice
, or tagged
The modded
node structure is an unfortunate result of PEGs’ lack of
left-recursion; ideally the AST for something like x*+?
would be
optional { oneormore { zeroormore { name "x" } } }
, although of
course that is a pretty stupid thing to write. Nowever, once we’ve
parsed the thing into a lopsided tree structure, it’s pretty easy to
write imperative code in your language of choice to produce the
desired structure. See Tagging parsers for another solution to
this problem.