Tagging parsers

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-11-23 (updated 2018-12-10) (9 minutes)

See also Minimal imperative language.

I’ve written a PEG parser generator with inline semantic actions in itself; it was 66 lines of code, although it was fairly minimal. A more complete implementation would be a bit longer. An embedded DSL for Python that parses to syntax trees, called Tack, was 27 lines of code, but eliminating the extra crap from the syntax tree took another 13 lines on top of the grammar itself.

Inline semantic actions have the difficulty that they are host-language-specific, so if you want to parse the same data format in different programming languages, you need to rewrite the grammar over and over again. In today’s polyglot programming environment, this is a serious disadvantage for the development of grammar libraries over time, as each host language has its own private set of grammars.

(And of course embedded DSLs have this problem to an even greater degree.)

As an example grammar, consider this numerical expression grammar, in a very minimal PEG language:

sp <- ' ' / '\n' / '\t'.
_ <- sp _ / .
digit <- '0' / '1' / '2' / '3' / '4' / '5' / '6' / '7' / '8' / '9'.
digits <- digit digits / digit.
num <- (digits ('.' digits / '.' / ) / '.' digits) _.
i <- num / '(' _ a ')' _.
e <- i '**' _ i / i.
m <- e ('/' / '*') _ m / e.
a <- m ('+' / '-') _ a / m.

If we have repetition * and nonempty repetition + in the language, we can simplify it a bit:

_ <- (' ' / '\n' / '\t')*.
digit <- '0' / '1' / '2' / '3' / '4' / '5' / '6' / '7' / '8' / '9'.
num <- (digit+ ('.' digit* / ) / '.' digit+) _.
i <- num / '(' _ a ')' _.
e <- i '**' _ i / i.
m <- e (('/' / '*') _ e)*.
a <- m (('+' / '-') _ m)*.

This is more or less the example grammar I used for Tack, but the tree Tack builds for it includes all the whitespace and is tagged with all the nonterminals. (Additionally, because Tack doesn’t support repetition, it associates the wrong way.)


A possible solution that occurred to me was to put XML-like tags into your grammar, instead of relying on the nonterminals. Then the parser’s job is merely to associate these tags with points in the input text. For example:

_: (' ' | '\n' | '\t')*.
digit: '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'.
atom: <num> (digit+ ('.' digit* | ) | '.' digit+) </num> _ | '(' _ a ')' _.
e: <exp> <base>atom</base> '**' _ <pow>atom</pow> </exp> | atom.
m: <term> e (<op>('/' | '*' | '%')</op> _ e)+ </term> | e.
a: <sum> m (<op>('+' | '-')</op> _ m)+ </sum> | m.

We can think of the parser as adding markup to the text. In fact, we can actually implement it that way, if we like. So, given the text 13 + 4 * 5 + 4 ** 3 * 1, it will convert it to the following, with some liberty given to spacing:

  <term><num>4</num> <op>*</op> <num>5</num></term>
    <exp><base><num>4</num></base> ** <pow><num>3</num></pow></exp>

This may not be the easiest way to read it, but it makes it super easy to apply stylesheets to it, and each span of text is tagged for the necessary processing.

If we weren’t trying to look like XML, a terser and perhaps clearer syntax would be the following:

_: (' ' | '\n' | '\t')*.
digit: '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'.
atom: <num digit+ ('.' digit* | ) | '.' digit+> _ | '(' _ a ')' _.
e: <exp <base atom> '**' _ <pow atom>> | atom.
m: <term e (<op '/' | '*' | '%'> _ e)+> | e.
a: <sum m (<op '+' | '-'> _ m)+> | m.

Or maybe with more C-like syntax:

_: (' ' | '\n' | '\t')*;
digit: '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9';
atom: num { digit+ ('.' digit* | ) | '.' digit+ } _ | '(' _ a ')' _;
e: exp { base { atom } '**' _ pow { atom } } | atom;
m: term { e (op { '/' | '*' | '%' } _ e)+ } | e;
a: sum { m (op { '+' | '-' } _ m)+ } | m;

Or syntax chosen to be less noisy and more compact, using ; for alternation, {} for grouping, foo() for tagging, and . for termination:

_: {' '; '\n'; '\t'}*.
digit: '0'; '1'; '2'; '3'; '4'; '5'; '6'; '7'; '8'; '9'.
atom: num(digit+ {'.' digit*; }; '.' digit+) _; '(' _ a ')' _.
e: exp(base(atom) '**' _ pow(atom)); atom.
m: term(e { op('/'; '*'; '%') _ e }+); e.
a: sum(m { op('+'; '-') _ m }+); m.


At the API level, aside from just generating some kind of S-expressions or XML, you could imagine either DOM-style or SAX-style interfaces. SAX-style interfaces offer the possibility of rejecting a candidate parse from the host language; for example, when parsing C, you need to distinguish between type identifiers and other identifiers, which is beyond the powers of PEGs, but straightforward if the parser can call out to a host-language symbol table. But this is somewhat more complicated than in real SAX, since it means we need to invoke host-language actions for tentative parses that may fail.


Nowadays, of course, JSON — arbitrarily nested dicts and lists, in Python parlance — is a much more popular data model than XML. What would this expression grammar look like if it were to produce a JSON structure instead? Maybe like this:

_ = (' ' | '\n' | '\t')*.
digit = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'.
atom = #(digit+ ('.' digit* | ) | '.' digit+) _ | '(' _ a ')' _.
e = { type: `exp` base: atom '**' _ exp: atom } | atom.
m = { type: `term` head: e factors: {rator: ('/' | '*' | '%') _ rand: e}+ } | e.
a = { type: `sum` head: m terms: {rator: ('+' | '-') _ rand: m}+ } | m.

Here {} constructs a finite map (an “object”), + or * makes a list of each of the things it matched if they yielded some value (rather than just matching text), # converts the matched text into a number (perhaps overly specific to this purpose), `backquotes` enclose a literal string to be inserted into the JSON (rather than matched against the input), and foo: bar assigns the value produced by bar to the key foo in the object at hand. Every element of the grammar parses to some value (usually a string) but in the absence of some capturing key, the value is discarded. So the example 13 + 4 * 5 + 4 ** 3 * 1 from before becomes the following:

{ "type": "sum"
, "head": 13
, "terms": [ { "rator": "+"
             , "rand": { "type": "term"
                       , "head": 4
                       , "factors": [{"rator": "*", "rand": 5}]
           , { "rator": "+"
             , "rand": { "type": "term"
                       , "head": {"type": "exp" , "base": 4 , "exp": 3}
                       , "factors": [{"rator": "*", "rand": 1}]


OMeta has the following syntax:

meta E {
  dig ::= '0' | ... | '9';
  num ::= <dig>+;
  fac ::= <fac> '*' <num>
        | <fac> '/' <num>
        | <num>;
  exp ::= <exp> '+' <fac>
        | <exp> '-' <fac>
        | <fac>;

It also supports ~negation and kleene* closure. Note that it’s using left-recursion, which is generally fatal to PEGs, but they found a hack to Packrat parsing that allows it to work in cases like this one (though they never characterized cleanly which cases it worked for). This allows them to easily get the right associativity in this case.

They used inline semantic actions like peg-bootstrap, with postposition identifiers:

exp ::= <exp>:x '+' <fac>:y => `(+ ,x ,y)
      | <exp>:x '-' <fac>:y => `(- ,x ,y)
      | <fac>;

They also had inline semantic predicates:

largeNumber ::= <number>:n ?(> n 100) => n;

And they took advantage of the angle brackets to provide parameters to parameterized productions:

cRange x y ::= <char>:c ?(>= c x) ?(<= c y) => c;
... <cRange 'a' 'z'> ...

and they take advantage of this to hack a tokenizer into some of their grammars.

Perl6 regexes

Perl 6 regexes permit things like this:

my regex header { \s* '[' (\w+) ']' \h* \n+ }
my regex identifier  { \w+ }
my regex kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
my regex section {

Here <header> is invoking the regex named header, and <key=identifier> invokes the regex named identifier and binds its results to the variable key, which would default to identifier if it weren't specified (so <header> saves the result under the name header.)

Inside-out quotes and inline definition (nested rather than flat)

The above suffers a bit from excessive quoting, especially in lines like this:

digit = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'.

Wouldn’t it be nicer to be able to write 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 as we can in regular expressions? (In this case, of course, [0-9] or \d might be nicer still.)

We could use a Perl-regexp-like notation in which alphanumeric text matches itself by default, without needing quotes, and uses non-alphanumeric characters to escape to metacharacter land. Furthermore we can embed our nonterminals within an expression. (Perhaps this is similar to Perl 6 patterns?) This requires two different ways of tagging segments of the pattern; for example, we could use <> and [].

[e <exp <base atom> '**' _ <pow atom>>; atom]

Or we could use capital and small letters.

AST rewriting

In addition to the DSL for defining PEGs, it might be useful to have a DSL for describing structural rewritings of ASTs in terms of pattern-replacement pairs. It could use a pure tree-rewriting paradigm, but still support iterative computation.
