More thoughts on powerful primitives for simplified computer systems architecture

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2015-08-18 (updated 2015-11-02) (165 minutes)

XXX transactions are useful for reactive programming because they prevent ordering problems?

In 2012 I wrote about “choosing powerful primitives for a simplified computing system”, including as examples gzip and other things, and speculating about automated cache management. Well, since then, automated cache management has kind of gone mainstream in the form of "reactive programming" frameworks. What other things could drastically simplify our software systems?

My focus here is on what kinds of mechanism could support a wide variety of applications, eliminating complexity from the application code, without having to write and maintain separate, specialized versions of that mechanism in different parts of your computing system; and by so doing, make the system less complex, more approachable, and more adaptable to new situations. I’m looking for candidate components with a high "strength-to-weight ratio", in the sense that their internal complexity is low compared to the functionality they provide, and also a low "surface-to-volume ratio", in the sense that they impose very little extra complexity on applications that use them, compared to their own internal complexity, so the application is simplified greatly by not containing its own reimplementation of their functionality.

In particular, such mechanisms need to be acceptably efficient across their wide range of uses, rather than performance-optimized for one particular use. If this isn’t the case, experience has shown that people will write customized versions of them for their particular application, rather than investing effort in further optimizing the general-purpose mechanism. The result is that specialized mechanisms proliferate, overall system complexity explodes without a corresponding increase in power, composability suffers, and none of the specialized mechanisms receives enough attention to make it efficient. This should sound familiar, since this is the tarpit we’re in today.

I believe this matters for a few different reasons.

One is that, as Dan Ingalls says, to be a medium for personal expression, a system needs to be comprehensible by a single person. And this is the vision that has motivated Smalltalk, the VPRI STEPS project, and Chuck Moore’s FORTH work. It unfortunately suffers a bit from mostly appealing to very independent-minded people.

A second reason is that this poor architecture results in decreasing returns to software work, which matters economically at a societal level. People’s day-to-day lives are largely driven by what we might call economic factors: do you have to spend your time washing clothes by hand and sewing them up, or can you use machinery to make that easy? Is your house warm? Do you have running hot water and safe drinking water? What do you have to do to make a living — does it compromise your health or moral integrity? XXX

A third reason is that software freedom is fundamental to individual human rights, to collective economic justice, and to individual economic justice in the 21st century, but the freedom to study and modify software you can’t understand is only theoretical, and the power of that freedom is multiplied by the modifications and enhancements you actually can manage to make in your limited time.

Software freedom is fundamental to individual human rights because whoever controls the software controlling your cellphone, your pacemaker, your hearing aid. They can see photos of your genitals, if you ever take them, and from Snowden’s revelations we know that some of them pass them around the office for laughs. They can trick you into thinking your friends hate you, that your husband is cheating on you, that the Jews faked the Holocaust. They can judge you based on what you read or who you’re friends with, and secretly tell other people about those judgements, and those other people may be the police. Once you have the pacemaker, they can kill you, and nobody will ever know it wasn’t natural.

Software freedom is fundamental to collective economic justice because it allows every country or group of people to prosper independently of the rest. Over time, we can expect the strong standardizing tendency of software to standardize on a small number of operating systems, a small number of web browsers, and so on. Without software freedom, that will result in enormous economic returns accruing to the vendors of the dominant software, which can then extend their monopoly power into new areas of software: perhaps Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon, but just as likely, a few new companies that you haven't heard of yet, probably in China.

Software freedom allows everyone to participate in production, while proprietary software moves us toward a world where, if you don’t live in Seattle, Shenzhen, or California, you can only consume, or at best source “user-generated content”, not produce or participate as an equal.

Many governments have responded to this harsh reality by trying to pretend that software is just one industry among many, and they can import software just as they import oil, while focusing their domestic industry on shipbuilding or steel production or something. But the truth is that your shipyards, your ships, and your steel mills will get most of their value from software — if not in 2015, then surely by 2035.

Software freedom is fundamental to individual economic justice because unless you were born to wealth, your other choices are joining the startup lottery, where almost all the participants end up worse off than if they hadn’t played, and being employed, where almost all of the value you produce will be skimmed off by your employer. By contrast, when you write free software, nobody can ever take it away from you. In fact, even when other people write free software, nobody can ever take it away from you. (By contrast, when other people write free-in-theory-but-not-in-practice software, it can totally be taken away from you. Like if the maintainer decides to stop supporting your platform, or bundle some kind of adware you hate.)

Any economically productive activity that you can do with software becomes more productive when there is more free software out there for you to draw on.

The World-Wide Web, for apps

The Web actually provides us with some tremendously powerful primitives that simplify a lot of applications, even as they make others more complicated. Out of the box, a webapp gets:

I'm not sure that these primitives have a great "strength-to-weight ratio", in the sense of providing a lot of power for low implementation complexity, or for that matter even low interface complexity, but the difference between a JS webapp and, say, a Tk program to do the same thing is pretty big.

Consider this "microblogging" program in ksh, like a non-networked version of Twitter:

while read line; do
    ENTRY="$(date +'%d-%m %H:%M:%S'): $line" echo "$ENTRY" >> microb.log
    clear; cat microb.log; echo -n "sup-> "

Here's an equivalent in DHTML, with has better text layout, scrolling, search, navigation, and editing, and automatically live-upgrades itself to the latest version of the code after each post, although it's a bit more code and I think it runs slower:

<script>var ls = localStorage, d = document;
function add(name, html) { ls[name] = (ls[name] || '') + html }
function esc(text) {return text.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;');}
d.write(ls['microblog'] || '');</script>
<form onsubmit="add('microblog',new Date+': '+esc(this.line.value)+'<br>')">
<input name=line autofocus>

If you take out the HTML-escaping code, the DHTML version also has rich text.

Going back to how we would do things in 1995, a Tcl/Tk version of the same thing would have to take care of a lot of these things by hand. I started writing it, in the same ridiculously compressed style as above:

#!/usr/bin/wish -f
text .blog; label .sup -text sup; entry .e -textvariable e
pack .blog -side top -fill both -expand true
pack .sup -side left -fill x; pack .e -side left -fill x -expand true
bind .e <Return> blog; proc blog {} {
    global e; .blog insert end "$e\n"; set f [open microb.log w]
    puts $f [.blog get 1.0 end]; close $f; set e ""

XXX include full version

This is still lacking a bunch of things, even compared to the shell version, including reading the microblog file at startup, not losing data in machine crashes, making the textarea itself non-editable (?), adding the dates, focusing the text entry, not being an ugly gray, and so on. And this isn't even hitting any of the web's strong points, like compound documents, networking, garbage collection, or SVG.

If you wanted to replace the web as an application platform --- which is certainly what both Apple and Google are trying to do with their respective smartphone operating systems, but also the intent of platforms like VPRI's STEPS --- you need to understand the strengths of the platform as well as its excessive complexity. Some of those strengths are in fact powerful primitives, like those mentioned above. Others are more subtle and in fact work against the VPRI vision of an overall system that is as simple as possible, such as the Principle of Least Power, the gentle learning path, and View Source.

Other candidates

What other powerful primitives might have a high "strength-to-weight ratio" in a computing system, in the sense of enabling us to build much more powerful systems with very small amounts of code?

Content-addressable blob stores for persistent, self-certifying trees

Traditional Unix-like and MS-DOS-like filesystems provide expandable virtual disks: "files," which are mutable sequences of bytes, supporting random-access read and write, plus appending data at the end. Instead, a variety of more recent filesystems and related systems either do not permit modification of existing "files" at all, or only allow appending to them, and identify stored blobs by using a one-way hash of their contents; name-to-blob-hash mappings are typically stored in another blob. Systems using one or another variant of this design include the Xanadu Ent, WAFL, Venti, GoogleFS, FreeNet, Wax, IPFS, Tahoe-LAFS, Bup, Jumprope, Nix/Guix, git-annex, and most importantly, Git and BitTorrent.

This permits very efficient comparison of filesystem trees and storage of slightly-modified versions of existing trees, since deep equality can be performed by an inexpensive shallow equality test, just as with hash-consed in-memory persistent data structures.

IPFS's author calls this the "Merkle DAG" model: parent nodes link to their child nodes with secure hashes, just as in a Merkle tree, without the linearity requirement of the tree.

The one-way-hash "names" are "self-certifying" in the sense that the mapping from the name to the blob contents can be checked by the reader, so they do not need to rely on the storage provider. Another kind of "self-certifying name" consists of a public key or a one-way hash of one, although there are tricky issues related to this.

Avery Pennarun (the author of Bup) wrote a very compelling advocacy of the position that content-hash-addressable blob stores are such a powerful technology that they invert much of our conventional wisdom about data storage. XXX link it!

Could you replace most or all of these blob stores with a single blob store? Could you provide a single blob-store interface to write your application software on top of, allowing you to run it against any of these blob stores? (Git-annex already kind of contains such a thing internally.)

Distributed hash tables

These are worldwide key-value stores with some degree of resiliency against malicious participants, and much of the yearly [what is that thing where Boon Thau Loo published so many papers called? IPTPS?] workshops focused on versions of these. In concert with self-certifying names, they allow distributed blob stores to have new blobs added to them, and they allow participants with a common interest to exchange rendezvous information without depending on a central server.

The earliest DHT work was "consistent hashing" at Akamai, but later systems include Chord and Kademlia. BitTorrent uses a DHT to bootstrap "trackerless" torrents.

DHTs are mostly only used for decentralized systems (that is, systems to which it is infeasible for any party to deny access to any other party), but their failure properties in the face of malicious participants are not well understood.

Is it possible to use a single DHT implementation for many different applications?

Persistent data structures

Unfortunately, "persistent" has acquired two confusingly similar and conflicting meanings, both of which have "ephemeral" as their antonym, because most people are illiterate troglodytes who never venture outside their cave to see what's happening in the larger world, so they invent confusingly conflicting terminology. In this case, I'm not talking about your program's data surviving restarting it or restarting your computer (because the data is on disk or something), but rather data structures which might be in volatile RAM, but which you don't modify. Instead, you make new, modified versions of them. If you use efficient persistent data structures, most of the structure will be shared. This is the kind of "persistence" that pertains to most of the standard data structures in, say, Clojure.

This pretty much requires a garbage collector or its moral equivalent, like reference counting or a linear type system. RAII is not going to help you out here. This also means you have no idea why your program is using so much RAM.

There are a few different advantages to persistent data structures over their "ephemeral" cousins, the kind where you modify them in place. One is that they're less bug-prone: no more aliasing bugs where you passed a dict to some function and then to another function and then the first function modified it. Another is that you get "undo" without any extra complexity in your code. This is pretty important if you’re, say, trying to do software transactional memory (see below) or backtracking. A third is that if you actually are using a bunch of different versions of a data structure (like in the backtracking case) they'll probably use less memory. A fourth is that you can access them without locking, and replicate them without fear (whether across the CPU caches of your different cores or halfway around the world) so they can give you better efficiency. (They're a crucial enabling technology for CRDTs; see below.) A fifth somewhat subtle performance point is that, if you are using a garbage collector, they prevent you from wasting CPU time on its write barrier, while mutable data structures have you beating on the write barrier all the time.

I mentioned above that an immutable blob store is in a sense a store for persistent data structures. Hopefully that is clearer now.

"Hash consing" is a technique applicable only to persistent data structures: when asked to create a given data structure, you hash it to see if it already exists, and if so, return a pointer to the existing instance rather than making a new copy. This allows you to perform deep-equality testing in constant (and small) time. Content-hash-addressed blob stores provide this feature, but only if you are careful not to include any extraneous data.

Clojure's standard library already includes a wide variety of persistent in-RAM data structures that are simple to use and useful to many applications. Could these be abstracted so that the same code also supports distributed and blob-store cases?


Publish-and-subscribe systems, also known as event-based integration systems or event buses, allow you to connect together very-loosely-coupled subsystems with real-time notification. These are universal in financial institutions, but are also used in systems at a variety of scales to reduce coupling between modules.

Typically, when a publisher publishes an event on a topic, all the subscribers to that topic receive a copy of the event, shortly afterward or possibly not at all. The publisher is not informed of the success or failure, and does not know how many subscribers exist.

The use of this technique in user interface programming goes back at least to MVC in the 1970s, where the model would notify all of its views that it had changed and they might need to redraw.

As a current and local example, when I save this text file in my editor, the kernel sends an inotify notification to any processes that have registered to receive notifications for this file; this can trigger reindexing it in a full-text-search engine, updating a filesystem browser window, or output of extra lines from tail -F. And of course group chat systems like IRC, Slack, and WhatsApp are a very direct application of pub-sub; and D-BUS is the center of a modern Linux desktop, for better or worse, mostly worse.

Usually, these systems are capable of losing messages, because the desirable decoupling they provide between subscriber and publisher prevents them from applying backpressure to slow down a publisher who is publishing messages faster than some subscriber can process them. (It would, after all, degrade service to all the other subscribers as well.) Lampson's Hint that a system must shed load to keep functioning in the case of overload constrains the overall system to lose messages in this case; typically this is done by discarding extra messages at an event-bus-providing server and possibly notifying the subscriber that messages have been lost. In cases where the messages are being used for cache invalidation, recovery typically involves an expensive re-replication of state.

(Content-addressable blob stores can make re-replication much less expensive! So can rolling hashes, mentioned next.)

One particularly simple way to solve that particular problem is to make each subscription one-shot: to receive another message, you must renew your subscription.

Windowing systems almost universally support some kind of pub-sub notification, though sometimes synchronous and even with a reply capability built in.

Could we replace the wide variety of pub-sub mechanisms in use, often intertwined with a horrific amount of application-specific policy, with one or a few pub-sub mechanisms?

Rolling hashes, or “the rsync algorithm”

Rsync efficiently discovers duplicate file chunks between two replicas of a file, even in the face of insertions and deletions, by hashing one replica of the file by aligned blocks, then computing a "sliding" or "rolling" hash over all possible blocksize-sized blocks in the other replica, whatever their alignment or overlap with one another. This allows it, like magic, to transmit only the missing data over a (presumably slow) connection, despite not being able to directly compare the two versions of the file.

This same approach is used by rdiff-backup to efficiently find a small delta to apply to a potentially large file, as well as by bup (for a similar purpose), zsync (a replacement for rsync that precomputes the block hashes on the server side and therefore requires no run-time computation on the server side, permitting efficient synchronization from a dumb blob store), Zbackup (an alternative to bup), ssdeep for computing and recognizing malware signatures, Jigdo, and Jumprope.

Could we support all of these rolling-hash-based applications with a single distributed data structure?

Backtracking or nondeterminism

From the depths of the 1970s, Prolog and SNOBOL come at thee! Nondeterministic programming is a lot like normal programming, except that parts of your program can "fail", and then if you've provided an alternative path, they will take it. The most everyday version of this is the regular expression:

decode_pattern = re.compile("(.{11}) (\\d+)<([^>]*)>(\\d+)\n")

This example, taken from a project I'm working on called Gab, matches lines like m0oTzNujJpx 6<I=EInw>6\n.

If you're not familiar with regular expressions, the "\d+" means "look for as many digits as possible without making the pattern fail". If the pattern fails afterwards, the "\d+" will try matching fewer and fewer digits, until it can't match any, at which point it will itself fail.

In one sense, this particular regexp is not a particularly great example because it's carefully written to be deterministic: it can never backtrack and then succeed. If we were to replace the "[^>]" with ".", so that it could match any string at all and not just a string that doesn't contain the ">" symbol, then it would start by matching to the end of the line, then fail since it didn't find a ">" there, and backtrack until it did find one. In another sense, this is a fantastic example of how, in practice, we work very hard to keep the poor performance of constant backtracking under control when we use nondeterministic constructs.

Nondeterminism implemented by backtracking is fantastic for parsing: you write down a program that could generate the language you're trying to parse, and use nondeterminism to "execute it backwards": try all the possible paths of execution until you find one, or the one, that generated the string you're parsing. PEGs, which are the most interesting advance in parsing algorithms in a decade or two, have a very simple semantics in terms of backtracking. The "packrat" PEG-parsing algorithm guarantees linear-time parsing by memoizing partial parsing results.

Database queries are easily conceptualized as nondeterministic programs. SELECT FOO.A, BAR.B FROM FOO, BAR WHERE FOO.C = BAR.C AND BAR.D > 10 has a very simple interpretation as a nondeterministic program.

The everyday "diff" is also easily conceptualized as a nondeterministic program, but in this case it isn't sufficient to find some possible set of edits to get from the old version to the new version; we want the smallest or nearly the smallest set of edits. And the standard quadratic dynamic-programming LCS algorithm to solve it can be understood as a way to tame the exponential blowup of choices with memoization (see below).

There are a large number of different ways to rein in the exponential complexity blowup that seems inherent to nondeterministic programming, mostly specific to one or another domain. Packrat parsing uses memoization, limited context, and implicit limits on backtracking; practical Prolog programs use cut; Datalog uses stratified resolution, which is a lot like memoization; truth-maintenance systems note the proximate causes of failures; SQL systems use indices and hash and sort-merge joins; parsing systems in general use lookahead; regular-expression engines sometimes use DFA compilation, Boyer-Moore search for constant strings, and tables of the locations of improbable bytes in the string, and can also use suffix-table indices (see below); and so on. It would be very useful to have a unified framework that avoids all this duplication of mechanism, and moreover can be applied to make nondeterministic execution in new domains reasonably efficient without needing to invent another special-case hack.

Might such a general efficient nondeterministic-computing algorithm exist?


Several of the wild exponential nondeterministic domains are tamed by memoization; in the Packrat case, all the way down to linear time. (You could also view the lazily-constructed DFA approach to regexps as being memoization to get linear time.) Memoization is storing the arguments and return value to a function in a "memo table" so that they can be returned next time without recomputing the function. At the best of times, it magically makes your program go faster, sometimes astronomically faster in the presence of recursion. It is a kind of computation caching, and it's also central to the Self-Adjusting Computation paradigm of incremental computation that I'll mention later.

Memoization in practice can be tricky to win at, due to both false misses and false hits in the memo table, and also for efficiency reasons.

False misses occur because the function is being invoked with data that it does not care about, which is not always obvious; perhaps it depends not on the exact value of some numeric argument, for example, but only on the number of digits in it. This can be fixed by dividing the function into two functions, one of which reduces the input data to the necessary, but this modification seems artificial without the context of memoization.

False hits occur because some data not considered for the memo-table lookup affects the return value of the function, or because the function has some other effect. If the function has arguments that refer to some mutable data structure, mutating that data structure between calls to it may affect its results such that you wouldn't want to reuse the memoized result.

Efficiency is tricky for a variety of reasons. If the function is a thin wrapper around some other function, memoizing one or the other of them will probably give you the benefit of memoizing both of them, at half the cost. Looking up the arguments in the memo table can be expensive if the arguments are large data structures and you aren't using hash consing. If the arguments are mutable, you may have to copy them. The memo table can use up a lot of memory. If the function is rarely or never called twice with the same arguments, memoizing it will only make it slower.

Under some circumstances it may make sense to share a memo table across runs of a program or even across a whole distributed system. Indeed, this is a major function of build systems like make and ccache, but it could potentially be useful for smaller computations as well. I read a paper about using a precomputed distributed memo table of optimizations to enable absurdly aggressive compiler optimizations, for example.

Could we provide generally useful memoization with one or a few memoization mechanisms, orthogonal to rather than mixed into the code being memoized?

Memoization is closely related to deterministic rebuilding (see below).


There are already too many tutorials on what monads are, so I would not try to explain, even if I knew. I just want to point out that sometimes you can write a function with one monad in mind (lists, say) and then run it in another one (for example, backtracking, although in a lazy language there may not be so much difference).

How often do we write code that is unnecessarily coupled to a single monad when it could instead be reusable across different monads?

Constraint solvers and logic programming (like SQL, but more so)

I think I mentioned this in my original post (XXX did I?): SAT and SMT solvers are now powerful enough to replace a fairly wide variety of custom code in things like compiler optimization. Maybe they could be the unifying approach to nondeterminism that I was saying was needed! I don't know enough about them, though.

They are also a crucial enabling technology for formal methods: you can use them to find test cases that will break your program, or prove that there are no such test cases.

Unfortunately, I have no experience with SAT or SMT solvers, so this is very speculative!

How widely can we apply SMT solvers to simplify our software? What’s the simplest SMT solver that’s efficient enough to be useful in common cases?

Truth maintenance systems, due to Stallman and Sussman as refined by Doyle, are a kind of nondeterministic constraint solver that notes what sets of assumptions have led to inevitable constraint violations (through a kind of relevancy logic), improving the performance of the search by large exponential factors by cutting off nonviable search branches early.

This is a key aspect of modern SAT and SMT solvers.

Prolog was the first logic programming language, introducing nondeterministic programming, and can be viewed as a kind of constraint solver. It led to a lot of excitement in the 1970s and early 1980s as a general declarative system, but practical Prolog programs have to intersperse evaluation-strategy information rather intimately with declarative information in order to achieve usable levels of efficiency. Consequently, Prolog and similar systems such as KL1 failed to fulfill the high hopes many had had for it, and in particular caused the failure of the Japanese Fifth Generation Computing Systems project, resulting in part in Japan’s continued failure of development in the software field.

Will Byrd and his colleagues have been working on a new family of logic programming languages named Kanren, whose smallest member, μKanren, from 2013, is 39 lines of Scheme, but even miniKanren is only 265 lines. A version of miniKanren has been incorporated into Clojure’s standard library under the name “core.logic”. miniKanren’s constraint solving is powerful enough to automatically enumerate, for example, quines or programs that produce a particular output, and there is a theorem prover written in a variant called αKanren which can not only search for a proof for a given theorem, but also the theorems that can be proved from a given set of postulates, including theorems matching a particular pattern.

As the old miniKanren page explains:

KANREN is a declarative logic programming system with first-class relations, embedded in a pure functional subset of Scheme. The system has a set-theoretical semantics, true unions, fair scheduling, first-class relations, lexically-scoped logical variables, depth-first and iterative deepening strategies. The system achieves high performance and expressivity without cuts.

PrecoSAT, Armin Biere’s SAT solver, apparently was a competitive-performance SAT solver in 2010; it is only about 5300 lines of C++.

Array languages like APL

In APL, I can write the following:

D ← A + B × C

and it can correspond to any of the following in C:

D = A + B * C;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) D[i] = A + B * C[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) D[i] = A + B[i] * C[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) D[i] = A + B[i] * C;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) D[i] = A[i] + B[i] * C;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) D[i] = A[i] + B[i] * C[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) D[i] = A[i] + B * C[i];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) D[i] = A[i] + B * C;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < m; j++) D[i][j] = A + B * C[i][j];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < m; j++) D[i][j] = A + B[i] * C[i][j];

and so on. That is, not only does the APL code avoid writing the loop out explicitly; it abstracts over whether there's a loop at all, as well as how many levels of loop there are, allowing you to use the same code in the loop case and in the loopless case.

In many cases in C, we would actually write something like this instead:

int D(int A, int C) {
    return A + B * C;

perhaps using a global constant B, in which case the APL has saved us the overhead of a function definition --- not only syntactic, but also mental. Note that if B stops being a constant, we need to modify the argument list.

Given how often we find that something we thought was a constant is in fact a variable, this seems like a potentially very useful decoupling.

Of course, vector languages like APL, Octave, and R are in some sense very much stuck in the 1960s: you have integer array indices all over the place, with no safeguard to keep you from accidentally indexing a nonsensical array with them; no useful garbage collection of indices is possible; and accidental performance bugs are ubiquitous.

Note also that APL is not capable of interpreting D ← A + B × C as the following:

for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < m; j++) D[i][j] = A + B[i] * C[j];

--- a limitation which is, to me, a direct consequence of the unprincipled and undisciplined hot integer-index action ubiquitous in array languages. If the earlier-mentioned varying interpretations are in fact valuable, this one seems certain to be valuable as well. But APL requires us to explicitly call it out as D ← A + B °.× C, since otherwise it has no way of knowing that the indices of B and C are semantically orthogonal, unless they happen to be of different cardinalities, in which case it barfs.

Despite this, it is common for a function written with Python scalars in mind to work correctly elementwise on parallel Numpy vectors, or one written for vectors to work correctly on matrices.

I feel that there is a very close connection between these vector-valued variables and the table-valued variables of SQL, or the variables in backtracking languages like Prolog which may have some arbitrary collection of values during a single repeatedly-backtracking invocation of a predicate (or function, if you’re not in Prolog). Each of these unusual semantics allows a single statement to be polysemically interpreted as an operation over an arbitrary-sized manifold, or just a single point on that manifold, according to context.

Array languages explicitly expose parallelism that is implicit in other languages, and they directly provide operations such as reduction and scan which have nonobviously parallel algorithms available. This has driven efforts to distribute array-language expression evaluation across clusters and to vectorize it on GPUs and using SIMD instructions.

Despite all this, array languages have serious obstacles in their way: their effective lack of type-safety makes it difficult for them to provide useful error messages, or often any error message rather than a numerically incorrect answer; their unprincipled nature often converts programming in them into puzzle-solving, and limits the dimensional decoupling that is achieved in practice; and their potential for brevity is a seductive but fatal temptation. To use them effectively, you more or less have to represent your data with parallel arrays, and those are unfashionable nowadays in part because of the lack of type-safety mentioned above, but also due to ever-present consistency bugs under update and clumsy support for dynamic and local allocation.

(I have an unfinished essay coming up where I compare and contrast the dominant memory models of programming languages, which conveniently all can be identified with one or another programming language from the 1950s: FORTRAN’s parallel arrays, COBOL’s nested records, and Lisp’s object graphs. Array languages are firmly in the FORTRAN camp, although Numpy has been adding record types.)

Is there a formulation of array languages that would be broadly useful to many different applications, including exposing hardware parallelism in an easy-to-use form, without compromising the comprehensibility of the application code?

Probabilistic programming systems

We can treat parsing by nondeterministic backtracking as attempting to simulate the execution of a program that could have generated the string we are trying to parse, conditional on the actual contents of the string --- we backtrack when the output conflicts with an observation. Probabilistic programming systems are a generalization of this paradigm, or from the other side, a generalization of hidden Markov models: we begin with a prior probability distribution in the variables that we are trying to estimate, and we update it according to observations of the actual facts.

A recent paper in the area by Kulkarni improves the state of the art in certain difficult computer vision problems, and matches it in others, by estimating the probability distribution in a simple probabilistic image-generation program:

There are a number of probabilistic programming languages now available, but I've never tried any of them. Could you use some kind of probabilistic computing system to replace backtracking nondeterminism in general? Does it have a hope of being efficient? (This seems to be what Oleg Kiselyov and Yukiyoshi Kameyama did by implementing a logic-programming system using Oleg’s probabilistic-programming system Hansei, in their paper “Rethinking Prolog”.)

Could you avoid coding the Viterbi algorithm for HMMs?

miniKanren (see above, also written by Oleg, among others) has been extended to probabilistic logic programming as probKanren, using Markov Chain Monte Carlo evaluation.

Incremental or self-adjusting computation

Umut Acar's self-adjusting computation algorithm is a mechanical transformation you can apply to a batch algorithm to get an incremental algorithm (one which, given a set of changes in its inputs, propagates them to changes in its outputs) that is in many cases optimally asymptotically efficient. He uses ubiquitous memoization of a CPS-transformed version of the program, I think with hash consing, to do this, and uses a "virtual clock" to ensure that side effects do not invalidate the memoization when re-executing functions whose inputs have changed. (I think. I haven't managed to finish his dissertation yet.)

That is, the idea is that you run the transformed algorithm once to get its output, and then to update the output for a changed input, you re-execute only the parts of the program that are affected by the changed input. He's demonstrated speedups over the raw batch algorithm of several orders of magnitude, in exchange for a slowdown of a factor of 5 or so while running the trace of the initial execution.

Hammer has been extending this work, and Jane Street recently published their implementation of SAC for OCaml:

This is a very interesting kind of decoupling: your code is decoupled from whether it is being used to compute the entire output or only a change to it. This is potentially very useful not only for efficiency but also for debugging ("What parts of the program would change their results if this input changed?", leading to "What part of the input affected this part of the output?") and for dynamic program dataflow analysis in general. You could imagine using such an execution trace to replace a scalar input with a vector, as in the array-languages item above, and to rapidly provide feedback to optimization algorithms which want to know which input changes will improve their utility function.

Can we apply this kind of incrementalization to programs that were written without it in mind, as a compiler for nonstandard semantics? (I think that's been done!) Does it subsume backtracking, if the decisions taken at nondeterministic backtrack points are treated as input? Can we do all of this efficiently without using tens of gigabytes of RAM, perhaps by making more judicious choices of what to memoize?

Fully homomorphic encryption

A lot of effort has gone into developing very clever cryptographic protocols to protect parties from one another in ways that would not be needed if they were willing to rely on the integrity of a common “trusted entity”, traditionally called “Trent”, because any person or machine you nominate as Trent is in fact corruptible. As Szabo explains [XXX], FHE allows you to collectively create a “virtual Trent” that carries out any agreed-upon computation whose correctness and confidentiality all participating parties can verify.

That is, if you have a practical FHE protocol, that protocol would subsume essentially all cryptographic protocols, in theory.

The problem now is how to make FHE sufficiently efficient to be practical for anything.

Convergent replicated data types

Also known as “CRDTs”.

Eventually-consistent databases have been a topic of some interest ever since some PARC work in the 1990s argued that ACID was wrong for many applications, although of course Lotus Notes was an eventually-consistent database since its inception in the early 1980s. Interest in them exploded after Eric Brewer's CAP conjecture (later theorem), which showed precisely how high the price of ACID was, and about half of the NoSQL fad, including the influential Amazon Dynamo paper, which I STILL haven't read, was an exploration of the eventually-consistent design space.

The problem is that with Notes, or Riak, or the git plumbing, the database doesn't reach consistency on its own. It just tells you that you have a conflict and you need to resolve it. It's up to your application code (in the case of git, the porcelain) to resolve the conflict, and probably in some cases to throw itself upon the user's mercy so they can resolve the conflict. Even if the application contains ad-hoc application-specific code to resolve the conflict, that code usually gets tested pretty rarely, and it's not at all unusual to have subtle bugs in it that will sometimes resolve a given conflict incorrectly.

CRDTs are a way of resolving update conflicts between different replicas that come with proofs of convergence: if your application (or database!) uses a CRDT algorithm to update a particular replicated data store, the merging process is guaranteed to always converge, always to the same state regardless of the order of merge operations, and generally without losing any data (although that depends on which CRDT!) That is to say, “eventually consistent” becomes an automatic guarantee, not a statement of hope.

CRDTs offer an automatic way of replicating data to keep it available in the face of node or network failure while compromising consistency guarantees to a lesser degree.

A very simple CRDT which is foundational to most of the others is a set or bag to which things can only be added, not removed. Conflicting updates are simply resolved by taking the union.

AI optimization algorithms

SAT is, in a sense, the problem of inverting a Boolean function. You have a big propositional expression, which you know evaluates to true; you want to know what the values of the variables in it are, or at least whether there is any possible set of values for those variables. Similarly, nondeterministic and probabilistic computation can be viewed as other function-inverting problems.

Optimization algorithms solve a related problem: they are trying, more or less, to approximately invert a black-box function, a function whose behavior we hope is in some sense orderly. This is harder than SAT because we don't get to look at the code for the function, but also easier because the algorithm gets some indication of how close it is.

(Actually they're usually trying to maximize or minimize the function.)

There's a whole huge family of numerical optimization algorithms from AI: random sampling is the simplest, of course, but then you have hill-climbing (gradient descent), the simplex method for linear parts of the problem, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, and so on. If you relax the black-box constraint and make your function differentiable (see automatic differentiation below), gradient descent becomes enormously easier, and the possibility of using something like Newton's Method to try to find zeroes opens up. And, since optimization typically involves re-executing the same code repeatedly with slightly different inputs, self-adjusting computation may be able to speed it up by orders of magnitude.

It is very common for it to be easy to evaluate the goodness of a solution to a problem, but algorithmically tricky to efficiently find a good solution. Consider the particle-system text layout algorithm Alan Kay was so excited about in VPRI STEPS --- wouldn't it be better to just specify what a good paragraph layout looks like, then search for one, as TeX does? Photogrammetry, structure-from-motion, point cloud coregistration, G-code planning for a 3-D printer, image dithering, lossy image or audio compression, lossless compression, edit-sequence computation (text diffing), place and route --- all of these are problems that can be easily cast into the numerical optimization mold.

Michał Zalewski’s afl-fuzz combines genetic algorithms with compile-time instrumentation (see below) of object code programs to search through their execution paths, with the primary objective of finding bugs that lead to crashes, but has demonstrated the capability to generate valid SQL statements and JPEG files by probing SQLite and libjpeg.

How much can we abstract out these optimization algorithms to decouple them from the details of particular problems we are solving with them? How much code could we avoid writing if we can simply provide a computable utility function to optimize and apply a generic optimization algorithm to it? Can we make that more efficient by automatically incrementalizing or differentiating it? What's the relationship between SMT solvers and optimization algorithms?

Graph search algorithms

A* search is a provably-optimal graph-shortest-path algorithm, which takes an “admissible” heuristic to possibly improve its choices, usually allowing it to beat the heck out of Dijkstra's algorithm in performance. If the heuristic is admissible but not useful (for example, always returning 0), it decays to Dijkstra's algorithm in the worst case. It's commonly used for pathfinding in video games, and commonly with an inadmissible heuristic, which can cause it to find suboptimal paths. Amit Patel has a fantastic presentation of it.

Many search problems can be conceptualized as graph search (or tree search, since a tree is just a graph that is sparsely connected in a certain way). It’s necessary that the choices be discrete, or discretizable.

What’s the relationship between A and the optimization algorithms discussed in the previous section? Can you use A search efficiently for problems like dithering an image or superoptimizing a basic block?

Particle filters

Particle filters attempt to approximate an evolving continuous probability distribution by sampling it with hypotheses or “particles” that concentrate in the more probable parts of the space under the information you have so far, allowing multimodal probability distributions. Probably one of the various demos of this dynamical process on the web is better than some text at explaining it.

Particle filters are currently being successfully applied to a variety of hard perceptual or inference problems, including beat-tracking in music, motion-tracking in video, robot localization from noisy sensor data in confusing environments, 3-D object tracking, and automatic electrical fault diagnosis.

The same “importance sampling” mechanism used by particle filters also underlies some probabilistic programming systems (see above); for random variables drawn from a continuous distribution, even the random continuous drift that allows particle filters to explore points nearby in a continuous space might be useful.

XXX I should probably see if I can find people relating these two things to each other and make sure my understanding of the terms is right.

What else can we use particle filters for? Software-defined radio filtering, clearly: the frequency, phase, and direction both of the desired signal and of the loudest sources of nearby-frequency interference should be quite amenable to particle-filter estimation.

Transparent persistence, or single-level store

This is the other kind of persistence: storing your data on disk. If you’ve programmed an AS/400 or Squeak or run things inside VirtualBox (see virtual machines, below), you already know what this is like: you need to explicitly separate your long-term persistent data from your ephemeral data in order to support code upgrade, but you don’t need to make that separation just in order to not lose data when you turn the machine off.

Transparent persistence allows you to build a computing system without building a filesystem, and it supports fault recovery and process migration, and in particular it simplifies reasoning about capability systems, but it puts some extra demands on other parts of your system. Random number generators (like /dev/urandom) are not secure after restoring the system state from a snapshot (see below about snapshots). Your garbage collector needs to be comfortable with the idea that you have terabytes of data.

Without snapshots (see below), transparent persistence on spinning-rust disks poses certain problems of consistency: disk operations just before a power outage may have been reordered and some arbitrary subset of them may be lost. There’s no guarantee that, when the machine reboots, the on-disk state will be consistent.

This particular powerful primitive is in no way new, forming as it does the bedrock of Lisp, Smalltalk, and AS/400 systems since the 1970s. In those systems, it does simplify some aspects of software, but it may be that it is a feature that doesn’t pay its own complexity cost, except when used to implement features you can get no other way. Part of the problem is that most of the difficulty of persistence is not, in fact, the need to write serialization and deserialization code, but rather the need to distinguish irreplaceable data from dispensable data and to carry forward the irreplaceable data to new versions of the software. Rails migrations and Spark RDDs (see “deterministic rebuilding”, below) may turn out to be bigger advances in persistence than single-level stores were.


Lots of programs manipulate lots of strings, some spend most of their time manipulating strings, and network packets and the current states of disk files, memory regions, entire disks, and all of memory are also strings. With the usual terminated or counted array string representations, every string operation implicitly takes a potentially unbounded amount of CPU time, and many common operations, like replacing characters in the middle of a large string and appending large strings, do in practice take significant amounts of CPU time. And the standard string representation is not persistent (in the functional-programming sense; see above).

There’s a heavier-weight representation of strings called “ropes” which is persistent, and in which most common operations are logarithmic-time or constant-time; in particular, concatenation is usually constant-time, although this varies a bit. A rope is either an immutable array of bytes (or characters), a concatenation of two or more ropes, implemented with pointers to them, or sometimes a pure function that can be invoked to retrieve characters within that range. You need to memoize (see above) subtree lengths to ensure that indexing is logarithmic-time. With hash consing, ropes enable string comparison to be done in constant time, too, which is particularly beneficial for memoization (see above). (I think rolling hashes are necessary and sufficient to make hash consing of ropes efficient.)

This is useful for two reasons: first, because string manipulation is so expensive that we add a lot of complexity to our program designs in order to avoid it, and ropes may offer the opportunity to avoid that; and, second, because memoization is a very-broadly-applicable optimization.

Jumprope and bup are two rope-based storage systems that store their nodes in content-addressable block stores (see above) using rolling hashes (see above). Rope-based disk storage is particularly helpful for machine state snapshots (see below) which are often large, with a great deal in common with previous versions of the snapshot.

Erlang uses a very minimal kind of rope for I/O, called “IO lists”: the various byte output routines accept "IO lists", defined as either a "binary" (Erlang blob), a byte, a Unicode binary, a Unicode character, or a cons of IO lists. This gives it constant-time concatenation among strings destined for output, which is enough to make it very fast at generating network packets.

I’ve started working on a non-persistent (in the functional sense: not immutable) variant of rope I call “cuerda”, which I think has the potential to replace not just native string types but also filesystems, editor buffers, and most parse trees, including things like the accursed DOM. (I would prefer it to be persistent, but I haven’t found a reasonably efficient way to provide certain other functionality I deem essential on persistent ropes.)

In a sense, WAFL and other modern filesystems like it are ropes-for-storage, although they usually embody tree structures, not simple linear strings.

XXX mention stratified B-trees?

What if some kind of rope were the normal kind of string, and also your filesystem? Could that simplify the whole system? (With a single-level store (see above), they could be the very same tree structure, although that might be undesirable for performance reasons on spinning rust, due to how it demands much more locality.)

Snapshots of state, ephemeral and durable

Unix creates new processes with the fork() system call, which results in two processes that are identical in nearly every way, each with its own private virtual memory space. This used to be a fairly slow operation, especially before 3BSD, when it involved physically copying the process’s entire memory space. However, modern Linux machines can carry it out thousands or even tens of thousands of times per second, because the virtual memory mappings are merely marked copy-on-write.

afl-fuzz takes advantage of this efficiency to test thousands of random test inputs per second. OCaml’s debugger uses the same facility in its debugger to “freeze” process execution at various points in the past, allowing you to step time backwards as well as forwards.

Similarly, QEMU, VirtualBox, and Xen support freezing the entire state of a virtual machine (see below), including its display, memory, and virtual devices, allowing you to back up to that checkpoint and resume execution from it later. Emacs does the same thing to speed up startup; Squeak and other image-based Smalltalk systems do the same, as mentioned above under “transparent persistence”. Xen’s “Remus” feature maintains a continuously-updated snapshot of the entire virtual-machine state on a remote machine, so that in the case of a hardware failure, you can continue executing on the remote machine without rebooting.

WAFL avoided (avoids?) filesystem corruption on power loss by only committing internally-consistent snapshots of the filesystem to spinning rust, once per second; as a bonus, the snapshots share storage, and so old snapshots are accessible. This permits safely backing up a consistent snapshot of an active RDBMS transactional store. The same functionality is provided by ZFS, ext3fs jbd, and various LVM systems, which can be used as layers underneath other filesystems and transactional stores to ensure that recovery to a consistent state is possible, both after a power failure and after a failed system upgrade.

Git, of course, snapshots the source files it controls in your repository as a commit, storing them in its Merkle DAG in its content-addressed blob store (see above), which in turn is a CRDT (see above). Nix is a package manager and Linux distribution (with a GNU/Linux variant called Guix) that uses the same approach for configurations of installed software.

Some caution is needed: although snapshotting automatically converts ephemeral data structures (in the functional-programming sense) to persistent ones, they may not be efficient persistent ones, either in time or in space. If you’re appending to an amortized-constant- time growable buffer, for example, and you snapshot its state just before it reallocates to twice the size and then repeatedly replay forward from that snapshot, it will rapidly become inefficient. And if you’re snapshotting an object that references mutable objects, you need some way to convert them to immutable objects (and back to mutable objects when you revivify them), which generally involves copying, spending both space and time.

What if you could efficiently snapshot any part of your running system, ephemeral or persistent, at any time, and freeze it and possibly duplicate it for later? Could you implement this efficiently for mutable object graphs with help from the garbage collector’s write barrier? How broadly could you apply this principle? (Maybe you could use this feature to implement the clone() operation for a prototype-based object system.) If you apply it to real-time mutable data structures, do you get guaranteed-efficient persistent data structures? What if you had Git for in-memory objects? What if all your software and data could be frozen and easily migrated between low-power handheld devices and more powerful laptops, or incrementally between data centers?

Virtual machines

Unix processes are virtual machines, although their I/O architecture is not borrowed from any physical machines. Unfortunately, they have access to so much system-wide state that it is often inconvenient to do what you want to do inside the confines of a single process; and there are programs you may want to run that are written using some other I/O architecture.

Whole-machine or near-whole-machine emulation, as with QEMU, VirtualBox, or Xen, is now a common system administration technique again, as it was in the 1960s; it allows you to snapshot the machine state (see above), to pause the machine’s execution, to migrate it to a different host, to restart it from a snapshot, and to indirect its I/O through some virtual device. It’s still very computationally expensive. In the other direction, chroot and similar process- isolation mechanisms in Linux and FreeBSD are being beefed up, with things like Docker and the Nix/Guix isolated build environment (see below about deterministic rebuilding) to allow them to do more of what whole-machine emulation does.

Perhaps more interestingly, MirageOS is a set of libraries for building “operating systems” that are really just application processes, running bare on top of a Xen or similar hypervisor, thus reducing the security attack surface of your system by eliminating the operating system’s TCP/IP stack, and allowing a transition to an overall simpler operating environment to proceed incrementally rather than all at once. You could imagine running a self-contained simple system like Squeak or Oberon under a hypervisor like Xen, communicating with a Linux guest to run legacy applications such as Chrome. Qubes is an OS project using an approach like this one to improve Linux security. (Unfortunately, Xen still relies on Linux drivers to handle the hardware.)

Virtual-machine emulation also provides crucial debugging capabilities that dramatically accelerate the first steps in the development of new operating system kernels, and potentially the debugging or analysis of existing ones. Back in the 1990s, the “spa” SPARC Performance Analyzer was a very slow virtual-machine emulator that was used to deeply examine the execution of processes on a simulated SPARC, in some cases using techniques similar to compile-time instrumentation.

(Virtual machines also have potential uses in information archival: a well-defined virtual-machine specification with emulators written in it capable of running other software could enable the recovery of lost software and the file formats implemented by that software. Such a fictional scenario, centered around the “UM-32 Universal Machine”, was the premise for the ICFP 2006 Programming Contest.)

Historically, we have often introduced virtual machine instruction sets not modeled on any physical CPU for a variety of reasons, including improving debuggability, allowing compilers to run their code on new machines without retargeting (the original excuse for the JVM, ridiculous now that HotSpot is much larger than javac), efficiently supporting operations not supported by the underlying machine (in the case of the WAM, for example), and stuffing more program code into limited memory (the reason for the Excel bytecode interpreter, the BASIC Stamp bytecode, the Microsoft BASIC-80, and to a significant extent, Smalltalk-80). You could imagine in particular that a snapshot of a system could be more useful if it were portable between CPU architectures, allowing you to migrate running applications between your cellphone and your server, but I’m not aware of anyone having done this.

Probably introducing new virtual CPU architectures will not simplify a computing system. At this point, instead of emitting bytecode, you should probably emit machine code for a common CPU, like i386, x86-64, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, or maybe MMIX or RISC-V, and run it under an emulator for that CPU if necessary. You can emit really dumb machine code, and it will still run faster and be simpler than emitting and interpreting bytecode. This also has the advantage that someone else has probably already written an efficient implementation of your “bytecode machine” for most popular architectures out there, and you can use object-code instrumentation and analysis to add new features either to code built with your own system or existing code.

But maybe I’m wrong and there is some possible system simplification, even today, from designing an abstract virtual machine.

Automatic dependency tracking and deterministic rebuilding

make is the standard Unix utility for avoiding unnecessary recompilation by memoization (see above), but it requires you to explicitly and statically specify the dependencies of each build target, and it almost invariably omits dependencies like the compiler executable itself and the Makefile rule.

Meteor is a JavaScript framework in which you run your presumably deterministic “computations” in a sort of transaction (see below about transactions) that tracks what they read and write, intermediating their access to a remote database. Then, if there is a change in any of the things they read (probably because some other computation wrote to it), they can re-execute your computation. This automatically detects the things that could have changed the result of your computation, using exactly the same mechanism as Composable Memory Transactions. In this way, you can construct a reactive dataflow computation with dynamic topology without ever explicitly specifying dependencies, and as long as your computation accesses no data that Meteor cannot audit access to.

Debian, Nix, Guix, and the Tor Project are using a similar approach to get reproducible compilation products from possibly unreliable compilation machines: by knowing all of the inputs to the compilation process, including the compiler executable, they can detect and recover from a compilation process on one machine producing incorrect executables, either due to bugs or due to attackers attempting to inject malicious code. Generally these reproducible-build systems identify the compilation inputs with a secure hash and store them in a content-addressed blob store.

This reproducibility also makes it possible to memoize the compilation process (see above about memoization), avoiding actual runs of the compiler that are not motivated either to verify reproducibility or because the inputs have changed. Vesta and ccache are two systems that work this way.

(Acar’s Self-Adjusting Computation also, in some sense, works the same way, at a much finer granularity.)

ccache even automatically tracks compiler inputs the way Meteor does, as does Bill McCloskey’s memoize (now on GitHub), which uses strace and is therefore slow. redo, implemented by Avery Pennarun, tracks inputs comprehensively and dynamically (like Meteor) but not automatically.

Apache Spark is a system for scalable cluster computation which deterministically computes “RDDs” either from stored input files or other RDDs, and which records the “lineage” of each RDD, which is to say, all the inputs that went into creating it; this enables RDDs, or parts of RDDs, to be recomputed in the case of machine failure.

RDBMSes do automatic dependency tracking to automatically update indexes and, if supported, materialized views. However, I think RDBMSes typically use a different technique, which I’m calling algebraic incremental updates (see below), rather than rebuilding parts of an index or view from scratch when they have been invalidated. If simple rebuilding could be made adequately efficient, which is kind of what Acar's self-adjusting computation claims, maybe RDBMSes wouldn’t need to support algebraic incremental updates.

This kind of automatic dependency tracking could dramatically improve the efficiency of snapshots (see above): anything that could be automatically rebuilt does not need to be included in the snapshot, and indeed that is how we manage our source code repositories.

If previous build outputs are stored in a distributed cache, they typically are stored in their entirety, perhaps compressed. However, they are often very similar to one another. Using a rolling-hash-based system like bup or Jumprope could conceivably allow the storage of orders of magnitude more cached build outputs, which could be a useful alternative to finer-grained dependency tracking like SAC.

A common performance problem in C and especially C++ compilation is header-file parsing; due to recursive #include lines, it is common for a single source file to include tens or hundreds of megabytes of header files, which must all be tokenized. A common approach to this problem in the past has been to add “precompiled header” support to the compiler, which serializes the state of the compiler to the filesystem at some predetermined point, and then attempts to use the serialized state only when it is safe to do so. This tends to be bug-prone. A possible alternative would be to snapshot the compiler’s runtime state several times per second during the compilation, annotating the snapshot with the set of inputs so far consumed; then, when a rebuild is called for, the old inputs can be compared to the new inputs, and the previous compiler run can be resumed from the last snapshot which had not yet read any changed data. This will not speed up the compilation of one C source file using data from the compilation of another (except perhaps in the sense that the snapshots could share space due to after-the-fact substring deduplication in storage), since the compiler receives the differing command lines immediately on startup, but it will speed up the recompilation of modified files, potentially by a much larger factor than mere precompiled headers.

A totally different alternative way to avoid precompiled headers would be to parallelize the tokenization process using a parallel prefix-sum algorithm; a third approach would be to make the token stream itself memoizable, so that you only need to retokenize any given header file when the header file itself or something it #includes changes.

Prefix sum, cumsum, or scan

The prefix-sum problem is to compute, say, 1 3 6 10 15 21 from 1 2 3 4 5 6, or 32 5 1 32 1 from 32 -27 -4 31 -31, or using max instead of addition, 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 8 from 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 8; each output item depends on all the input items at its position or earlier, but the associativity of the operation used to combine them allows the use of a variety of efficient parallel algorithms to compute it in logarithmic time. This means that if you can cast your problem into the format of a prefix-sum with some associative operation, you can more than likely get reasonable parallelism out of it.

Now, note that function composition is associative! It might seem that this would allow you to simulate any sequential process in logarithmic time on a parallel machine, but in fact that is only the case if you have a bounded-space representation of the transition function over an arbitrarily long period. For example, if you're concatenating millions of 3x3 matrices or simulating a 20-state Levenshtein automaton (or a lexer) over a gigabyte of text, this approach does indeed work! But for, say, parallelizing the execution of a virtual machine, it probably won't.

Prefix sums are included in APL and some other array languages as a fundamental operation, called "scan", "\", or "cumsum", but in some of these languages, it is not applicable to arbitrary associative binary operations.

One of the standard parallel prefix-sum algorithms recursively builds a segment tree over the input array; if memoized, this provides an efficient logarithmic-time lazy incremental algorithm, even when the operation in question does not admit inverses (the common examples being max, min, or associative bitwise operations.) The same segment tree can then be used for the range-minimum-query problem and its variants, even though RMQ is more general than the problem of returning an item from min-scan problem (since the range being queried need not start at the beginning of the vector).

(If the operation does admit inverses, you can instead incrementalize it using algebraic incremental updates; see below.)

This is a generally applicable strategy for incrementalizing algorithms expressible as prefix sums. For example, if you use a finite state machine to syntax-highlight an editor buffer or conservatively approximate a CFG parse, you can build a segment tree of state mappings over substrings of the input, which allows you to update the entire output in logarithmic time after localized changes to the input, such as edits to an editor buffer.

One of the standard applications for the plain-vanilla addition version of prefix sum is to rapidly compute box filters, also known as simple moving averages, sometimes as an alternative to mipmapping of images and in other DSP applications. They can also be used to calculate arbitrary linear IIR filters.

PID control

PID control is a fairly general linear control algorithm to push a system in the direction of the state you want. You exert a push that is a weighted sum of three components: the difference between the desired and actual state (the Proportional component), one that is the Integral of the difference in order to correct offset errors, and one that is the Derivative (or differential) of the current state in order to damp oscillations which would otherwise result from the other two components in the presence of hysteresis or phase delay in the system.

PID control is very widely used in the control of physical machinery in industry by microcontrollers or PLCs and even pneumatic controllers and analog circuits.

(Hmm. Maybe this is not actually that powerful?)

String similarity

useful for compression, virus scanning

Suffix arrays

A suffix array of a string is a permutation of the indices into that string, sorted so that the suffixes of the string starting at those indices are lexicographically sorted. Any particular chunk of a suffix array lists the places in the string that a given substring occurs, lexicograhically sorted by what’s after it. (Well, maybe a range of substrings.) It's a lot like a KWIC index, except that it is fully comprehensive.

Suffix arrays are a simplification of suffix tries, such as Patricia trees (I've never been entirely clear on whether Patricia trees are a particular kind of suffix trie, or just another name for suffix tries). Once you have computed a suffix array for a corpus of text, there are a variety of queries you can execute efficiently on it: all occurrences of a given substring, the probability distribution of characters that follow a given substring, all matches of a particular regular expression, all approximate matches of a given string (using a Levenshtein automaton), and so on. As you can imagine, this is useful for data compression, and, indeed, the Burrows-Wheeler Transform used in bzip2 is suffix-array-based. Suffix arrays themselves are large compared to the text they describe (N log N bits for an N-character text, so commonly 5 or 6 bytes per byte of text) but there are suffix-array-based things I don't understand called “compressed indexes”, such as the FM-index, which represent a text in a compressed form and support both decompression and efficient search operations on it efficiently.

Historically, suffix-array construction was very computationally expensive, which is one of he main reasons bzip2 is slow. But now there are new suffix-array construction algorithms (SA-IS, the skew algorithm, and a third one which I think is called SA-IR) that are linear in time and use a reasonably small amount of memory, like, less than twice the space of the final result.

This linear-time (“O(N)”) bound is particularly intriguing since comparison-based sorts have a proven (?) complexity bound of O(N log N) time. It turns out that there is no contradiction: to have N distinct keys, each key needs to occupy at least log₂ N bits, so O(N log N) comparison sorting can actually be O(N) in the total size of the database.

Often, though, it isn’t! So suffix-array construction could conceivably be an absolute performance win as well as a simplifying tool.

Most database sorting, indexing, and search problems are in some sense a subset of the substring-search problem.

Field search with suffix arrays: If a record has the string “CA2777697A1” in the field “patentnumber”, most representations of it will also contain “CA2777697A1” as a substring, and probably not very many other records will. Indeed, with appropriate choices of encoding, you can ensure that, for example, the string “&patentnumber=CA2777697A1&” will occur exactly and only in the representation of records with that string as the value of that field. This extends in an obvious way to prefix (patentnumber like 'CA27%') queries and range (year between '1972' and '1977') queries, although multi-column indices can only be emulated in this way if the column sequence is a substring of a column sequence strictly observed in the representation of every record. On the other hand, this gives you N(N-1)/2 multi-column indices on N columns out of the box for free, if your table is in 1NF and you observe this ordering constraint, as well as suffix searches: patentnumber like '%7A1'.

It’s also possible to do full-text fielded search in this way by using regular expression search (/&body=[^&]*Argentina/) but I don’t expect that to be very efficient. It’s probably better to do full-text fielded search in some other way, such as by doing a full-text unfielded search and then examining each result to see if it’s in the right field, or if that’s inefficient, by concatenating the desired field into a separate corpus.

(This approach, without the suffix arrays, was the basis of the cult PC database program askSam in the 1980s, 1990s, and into the 2000s: its “records” were free-form text; a “field” was just a field name followed by square brackets with text within, like patentnumber[CA2777697A1 ]; and it used a full-text index to support fielded search. askSam is still around, though somewhat less popular than before.)

askSam was more like what we call a “document database” nowadays, like MongoDB; its records were not in 1NF.

Record sorting with suffix arrays: clearly if you want to sort the “patentnumber”-containing records in the above table by patentnumber, you can simply look at the chunk of the suffix array for strings beginning with “&patentnumber=”, and find the beginning of the record each such substring falls within. If you insist on ordering strings like “X”, “X%”, and “Xa” in that order, you can change the delimiter from “&” to ASCII NUL. I suspect that using magical “out-of-band” “bytes” as delimiters is the easiest way to get this kind of thing to work correctly, although it’s no doubt possible to devise an escaping scheme that preserves collating order and allows this sort of reliable substring testing to find field boundaries. (All three of the practical linear-time suffix-array algorithms cope well with odd-sized alphabets, and in fact use them internally. Probably the best way to represent the out-of-band values in memory is by storing a list of their indices.)

In the Canon Cat, Jef Raskin suggested that perhaps instead of seeing our data as a plurality of different files addressed by name, we should see it as one document, perhaps a very long one, divided into sections, which can be addressed by content, simply by doing substring searches. (I’m not sure if his later work on The Humane Environment continued to attempt this.) Suffix arrays make it possible to scale instant substring search up to at least hundreds of gigabytes of text, if not more.

Aside from full-text indexing, sorting, and compression using suffix-array-based schemes like the BWT, suffix arrays have also been used for LZ77 and LZSS data compression, and compact infinite-order Markov-chain models of text.

What else could you simplify in a computing system by using suffix arrays?

Levenshtein automata

Levenshtein automata are finite-state machines that recognize strings with up to a given Levenshtein distance from a desired search string; in particular, you can simulate a Levenshtein automaton in parallel on a sorted or trie index (including suffix-array indices) to find all the fuzzy matches to a desired search string in a body of text. The automata grow in complexity as the maximum Levenshtein distance grows, but for distances of 1, 2, and even 3, the nondeterministic Levenshtein automaton has relatively reasonable size.

This is useful not only for words that someone might have misspelled, but also ssdeep forensic hashes of malicious code, nucleotide or peptide sequences,


Formal methods

“Formal methods” here means theorem-proving, specifically machine-checked proofs of the correctness of programs. Although this line of research goes back to the 1960s, it has started producing major results in the last few years, as people have finally started getting it to scale to real-world programs, including the seL4 secure kernel, the CompCert C compiler, a security kernel for an experimental browser called Quark, and forthcoming work that reports having verified the crash recovery of a filesystem. Essentially all of this has been done in a system called Coq so far, although other systems like Isabelle/HOL are intended as possible alternatives.

Of course, proving your source code correct doesn’t help you much if the compiler introduces bugs in the process of compiling, which is why CompCert has been so central to this work. But much of the machinery of languages like C, and especially C++, is intended to do the same kind of thing that things like Coq are good at — statically find bugs, and automatically select possibly-correct behavior (such as applying a floating-point multiplication operation to two floating-point numbers) instead of clearly-incorrect behavior (such as applying an integer multiplication operation to them).

A recent paper from Kennedy, Benton, Jensen, and Dagand, “Coq: The World's Best Macro Assembler?”, investigates the consequence —  obvious in retrospect — that maybe we should just use write Coq code to generate the assembly or machine code, along with a proof of correctness.

This approach also offers the possible promise of being able to verify properties that aren’t verifiable at C level, like a worst-case bound on the number of bytes needed for the stack, or execution timing for a timing loop; and it avoids the whole issue of proving the correctness of an inherently complex program like a C compiler.

Myreen and Curello have also formally verified a bignum implementation in AMD64 machine code using the HOL4 theorem prover.

Coq proof tactics are not Turing-complete — they are guaranteed to terminate — but they are capable of proving substantially more interesting safety properties of programs than the type systems of languages like C, Java, and even OCaml. (I suspect that C++’s template system is Turing-complete, just very clumsy, in the same league as languages like BF.)

This suggests a possible way to rehabilitate Forth, which is little more than an assembly language with expressions, compile-time metaprogramming, and reflection. The problem with Forth, in my limited experience and in hearsay, is that it’s too bug-prone, and so you development starts to get slow pretty soon due to the bugs. But it invariably takes less total code to do anything in Forth than in any other language, if you count the code implementing the primitives. Perhaps a Forth could constitute a useful penultimate level of intermediate representation, or even a better target language than assembly, for such a program of formal verification at the machine-code level.

Could you extend this macro-assembler approach into a full convenient programming language embeded in Coq or a similar proof assistant? What else could you simplify with a good proof assistant?

Hash tables, expandable arrays, and sorting

This, more than anything else, is the basis of languages like Python, Perl, Lua, Tcl, JavaScript, and arguably the Unix shell: two generic container types (or, in Lua’s case, just one) allow you to represent things conveniently, and make the language easy to learn. Typically these use the Lisp object-graph memory model, in which all values and storage location are a single machine word in size, usually populated by a pointer.

Original Lisp in itself can be seen as the first such language: even McCarthy’s 1959 paper had association lists in it, implemented FORTRANishly using parallel lists of keys and values, rather than in the now-standard alist representation of a list of pairs. But Lisp lists are optimized for structure-sharing ("persistence") and recursion at the expense of rapid indexing, mutability, and memory-efficiency, and Lisp’s traditional representation of finite maps makes similar tradeoffs. This disfavored imperative code.

So Perl’s 1987 minimal combination of arrays, associative arrays, and a convenient imperative scripting language turned out to be an extremely useful combination, particularly combined with regexps for input processing and string interpolation for output. Perl didn’t have pointers before Perl 5, more or less obligating you to use parallel arrays or parallel associative arrays, but it was still eminently practical for a huge collection of tasks.

(REXX has “compound variables” which were associative arrays, which, like Perl4 associative arrays, couldn’t be passed as arguments. REXX dates from 1979. But it doesn’t have lists, and unlike Lua, there’s no way to find out how many items are in a numerically-indexed compound variable.)

This kind of decomposition works best if the underlying implementations of the data structures are acceptably efficient across a broad range of uses; Lisp lists’ O(N) append-item

Add sorting to arrays and associative arrays, as Perl did, and a whole host of traditional algorithms become simple. Parnas’s famous 1972 paper is about how a group of programmers could coordinate through formal specifications to implement a KWIC index, essentially the following Perl program, which he says “could be produced by a good programmer within a week or two”. It took me about 20 minutes, although it wasn’t my first time. It needs about ten or twenty times as much RAM as the size of its input.

while (<>) {
    @w = split;
    push @lines, "@w[$_+1..$#w] | @w[0..$_] $.\n" for (0..$#w-1);
print sort @lines;

(I think this program works in Perl 4, but I don’t have a copy handy to test.)

I took another hour or so to write a much more efficient, if nearly as obfuscated, version in Python, which can produce a KWIC index of the Bible in a few minutes on my netbook:

import sys

pos, aw, a = {}, [], []         # Each word is represented by index in aw
for r in sys.stdin:             # Build list of lists of word ids in a
    b = r.split()
    for w in b:
        if w not in pos:        # Assign an id to the new word
            pos[w] = len(aw)
    a.append([pos[w] for w in b]) # Encode the line with word ids

g = sorted(range(len(aw)), key=aw.__getitem__) # Compute word sort permutation
v = [None] * len(aw)                           # Invert the permutation...
for i, j in enumerate(g): v[j] = i             # Now v[g[i]] == i.
a = [[v[w] for w in b] for b in a]             # Rewrite lines with permuted ids
cs = [(ln, wn) for ln, b in enumerate(a) for wn, _ in enumerate(b)]
cs.sort(lambda (lnx, wnx), (lny, wny): cmp(a[lnx][wnx:] + a[lnx][:wnx],
                                           a[lny][wny:] + a[lny][:wny]))
p = lambda ws: ' '.join(aw[g[w]] for w in ws) # map back to original words
sys.stdout.writelines("%5d: %s | %s\n" % (ln, p(a[ln][wn:]), p(a[ln][:wn]))
                      for ln, wn in cs)

(This task, of course, is trivial and perhaps even unnecessary if you have a suffix array already computed (see above). But it’s an excellent example of how powerful primitives reduce the complexity of previously complex tasks.)

Smalltalk, perhaps the original exponent of “powerful primitives for a simplified computing system”, has OrderedCollection and Mapping (XXX?) types, but culturally it doesn’t emphasize them; instead, it has a wide variety of specialized collection types available, and it emphasizes defining new application-specific means of aggregating and finding things, perhaps wrapping an OrderedCollection or something.

Python has in some sense decayed a bit from this ideal: added to its basic tuple, list, and dict generic containers, we now have sets, generators, an entire collections module with containers like defaultdict and deque, some of which are dangerously bug-prone. While it’s very useful to be able to define application-specific collection types and use them via ad-hoc polymorphism, and often these specialized collections are significantly faster in particular uses, I worry this makes Python harder to learn than it used to be, and perhaps also reduces the power available by combining components — although at least these new collection types all support common sequence and iterable protocols.

And of course bencode and JSON, and the systems based on them like BitTorrent and MongoDB, are entirely based on these two container types, plus primitive numbers, strings, and null. Bencode goes an additional step and ensures that the mapping between data structures and serializations is one-to-one, like ASN.1 DER, allowing cryptographic signatures and the use of content-hash-addressable storage.

Could we simplify our systems and improve their composability by designing them to handle more data in JSON-restricted forms?

Finite binary relations

One alternative that has occurred to me to the hash/array/sort combination described in the previous item — or Lua/JS/REXX’s version where you use a hash of int keys instead of an array, or PHP’s version where the key-value pairs are ordered — is finite binary relations, as opposed to the finite binary maps provided by hashes. Relations allow potentially more than one value for the same key; you can implement them as, for example, hashes of sets.

I’ve written about a database query language based on binary relations at, but I’m still not sure if it’s a good idea. But this is not about writing databases with query optimizers and queries and whatnot; this is about using binary relations as the standard container type in a very-high-level programming language.

At the level of objects in a programming language, relations have some possible advantages over maps. Relations are closed under inverse, composition, and transitive closure, as well as the set-theoretic operations union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference, which operate on the set of their key-value pairs; furthermore, the inverse of the inverse of a relation is the original relation, relational composition is associative, the set-theoretic operations are commutative and associative, and there are various distributive theorems you can prove. You can try to define analogous operations on maps, but I can’t think of definitions that support these properties.

If your relations are implemented with some kind of search tree over the keys, rather than a hash table, then the keys can be efficiently traversed in sorted order at any time, even when keys are being added and deleted dynamically. This obviates not only explicit sorting by keys but also explicit heaps; a search tree has the same asymptotic complexity for the usual heap operations.

Considering the KWIC program again, let’s see what it would look like if Python had implicitly-ordered relations instead of dicts and “lists”.

import sys

Now we don’t need two separate collections for the words, but we still do need to be able to rapidly map from a word to its id as we are building up the word-id-sequence representation of the input text. So let’s store the words as the keys of a relation, their ids as the values, and use a counter. (Actually, maybe I should have done this before.)

n, aw, a = 0, {}, {}

for r in sys.stdin:

Do we want iteration in this Relational Python to be, in some sense, iteration over a relation? That is, do we want sys.stdin to somehow present its lines as a relation, or do we keep the same iteration protocol, which iterates over a sequence of things? I think we should keep the same protocol, because the nature of iteration isn’t changing, just the containers. Iteration is still the execution of a block of code a sequence of times.

    b = r.split()

Now what does split() return? Presumably a relation, but where do the words go — keys, values, or both? And, if not both, what’s the other side? I think the answer is that, since the field sequence in split is usually important, and we usually want to be able to do field lookups by number, it should be a relation from field numbers to words. Here, we do care about the sequence of words eventually, since we need to do cyclic shifts of them eventually.

But now we need to iterate over the words that don’t have ids, and we don’t really care what order that happens in. This sounds like set subtraction, which we’ve already said is a fundamental operation on relations, but the set we’re subtracting isn’t exactly aw, the relation from words to their ids; it’s just aw’s keys. But that’s potentially a very large set, and we wouldn’t want to do anything proportional to its size after every word.

So we’re declaring that getting the set of keys of a relation is a constant-time operation, which seems plausible, since it doesn’t require building a new key tree; it just requires interpreting the traversal results slightly differently. We’re also declaring that a set is represented as a relation that stores the single value True for each key.

    for w in b.valueset - aw.keyset:

(Since the keyset and valueset operations are so fundamental, it might be a good idea to provide syntactic sugar for them, like @b or aw@ or something.)

We probably don’t want to have an x[y] = z operation for relations, since x[y] is an unordered set of things, and the fundamental operation is not replacing that set with a single item, but rather adding an item to that set. (Although, in this case, we’ve just verified that that set is empty.) So for now I’m going to use a method, although some kind of syntactic sugar might be better.

        aw.add(w, n)
        n += 1

Now we are faced with the need to translate the line (a mapping from field indexes to strings) through the id table aw (a mapping from strings to ids) before adding it to a (a mapping from line numbers to sequences of word ids). This is just relational composition, which I will represent with the infix operator @:

    a.append(aw @ b)

The order of the arguments to @ is the traditional one for relational or functional composition: the range values of b are the domain values (keys) of aw, the range values of aw are the range values of the result, and the domain values (keys) of b are the keys of the result. You could read this as "Values from aw at the keys from b. It's kind of like aw[b] except that b has a whole sequence of indices for aw (in its values), not just one.

One potential problem here is that relational composition is well-defined when the value on either side of the composition is missing: {4: 5, 6: 7} @ {1: 2, 3: 4} is just {3: 5}, silently ignoring the absence of any key 2 in the left relation and any value 6 in the rightmost relation, while the Python expression [pos[w] for w in b] will instead raise an exception if w is not in fact found in pos, which is probably a programming bug and the kind of thing you would want it to catch. We could define @ to do that, but I’m not sure we should.

This .append operation generates a new index by adding 1 to the previous greatest index in the relation, which is a thing that can be fetched in either constant time or logarithmic time.

Next, we need to permute the word ids according to the words, in order to derive new word ids that will induce the correct lexicographical ordering of cyclically-shifted lines. But, since relations are implicitly traversed in the order of their keys, this sorting is achieved by simple relational inversion, after which we get the new word ids by counting — using the list() function borrowed from Python, which in Relational Python turns an iterable into a relation with counting numbers as its keys:

g = list(aw.inverse())

Then, we need to calculate the inverse mapping, from our original word ids to our new word ids, and use it to rewrite our representation of the text.

v = g.inverse()
a = list(v @ b for b in a)

So far the program is slightly simpler than before. Now, though, it gets slightly more complicated, because the original code used a comparator function instead of a key generation function to specify the sort order of the cyclic shifts, specifically in order to avoid the materialization of the entire universe of cyclic shifts in memory at once. Using a key function instead of the comparator makes it run about three times faster on small datasets, but also use about 70% more memory on my example dataset. (My Python code uses about 12 bytes of RAM per input byte with the comparator optimization, and about 30 bytes of RAM per input byte using the key function.)

However, it’s fairly simple to create a key class that lazily generates the key it wants to be sorted by, if we declare that relations use this key method to compare and sort their keys, but don’t store their return values or leave an arbitrarily large number of them out there hanging in space unfinished.

class K(namedtuple('K', ['ln', 'wn'])): # line number, word number
    def __key__(self):
        return list(a[self.ln][self.wn:]) ++ a[self.ln][:self.wn]

cs = {K(ln, wn) for ln, b in a.items for wn in b.keys}

Here I’m declaring that ++ is the list concatenation operator, which returns a new relation that is a superset of the first relation, with the values from the second relation assigned to new indices as per .append. The list() call is needed because slicing a relation returns you the key-value pairs from that slice unchanged.

The {} comprehension there is a set-comprehension, implicitly mapping each key to True; if it had a : after K(ln, wn), it would be a relation comprehension.

There’s a problem here, though, which is that a[self.ln] is actually an entire set of lines that happens to be, presumably, just one line. I need to figure out how to handle that. XXX

The remainder of the code is simplified slightly from the Python version, although it omits the |. It’s assuming a key() top-level function that invokes the __key__ magic method.

sys.stdout.writelines("%5d: %s\n" % (k.ln, ' '.join(aw @ g @ key(k)))
                      for k in cs.keys)

I’m not sure exactly what kind of thing the tuple there in the string-formatting operation should be; is it a relation? Should it not exist? Should I be writing it with {} or []? XXX

Transactions and transactional stores for concurrency

Transactions are an architectural style for building systems, whether distributed or otherwise, that contains the effects of each computation inside a “transaction”, whose reads and writes are monitored, and whose writes are not visible to other transactions until it “commits”. If it fails (according to arbitrary logic inside the transaction), it doesn’t commit, and therefore has no effect. The system prevents transactions that had read data that was been written before they committed, either by preventing it from being written (perhaps by delaying or aborting the transactions that try to write it) or by automatically aborting and retrying the transaction that depended on the outdated data. In this way, the transaction system achieves an illusion of pure serial execution, while in fact permitting great concurrency and even parallelism.

Ideally, in fact, the transaction should never be able to read any data that were written after it started, in order to ensure that no implicit consistency constraints among different data that it might read are violated. For example, a transaction calculating the average packet size on a network interface might read the number of packets transmitted and the number of bytes transmitted, then divide them. If this result is to be correct, the number of bytes it is dividing must correspond to the number of packets it is dividing by.

(This is obviously easier to achieve if you have persistent data structures, in the functional-programming sense.)

This kind of transaction is known as ACID: it's “atomic”, in that either it has all of its effects or none of them; “consistent”, in that only transactions whose internal failure logic does not abort them will be committed; “isolated”, in the sense that concurrently executing transactions can have no effect other than perhaps aborting them; and, kind of unrelated to all of the above, “durable”, in the sense that none of these properties are lost if your computer loses power in the middle of the operation, and in particular no committed transaction will be lost.

Practical transactional systems often relax some of these properties to some extent. For example, it’s very common for database systems that can provide fully-ACID transactions to support lower “isolation levels”, perhaps permitting a transaction to see an inconsistent state of the database as it reads a sequence of different things.

The “Composable Memory Transactions” paper from 2005 or so proposes using transactional memory, implemented in software, as a general concurrency control mechanism for threads. The CMT transactions support nesting, and an outer transaction can react to the failure of an inner transaction by trying an alternate code path; this permits a more modular equivalent of the Unix select() call or the Win32 WaitForMultipleEvents, simply by trying such an alternation of nested transactions that each fail when the event they await has not yet happened. If any one of them succeeds, then the overall transaction continues; otherwise, it fails, and is later automatically retried when any of the data it read before failing have been modified. This permits the automatic interconversion of blocking and non-blocking APIs, something not possible by any traditional means other than first-class continuations.

There’s an interesting correspondence between this kind of transaction failure and failure in nondeterminism implemented by backtracking. When you hit a failure in a backtracking system, you undo all the effects that led to that failure, back to the latest backtracking point, and then try the next alternative from that point. This is exactly the same thing that happens in CMT when an inner transaction fails: all of its effects are undone, and the outer transaction can either fail in response, or try a different alternative. In both systems, only when the outermost transaction succeeds do you get to see the set of assignments that it made. One interesting difference is that, in backtracking systems, the outer transaction can fail the inner transaction after it has already “committed”, possibly causing it to succeed with a different set of effects.

This kind of transactional-memory discipline probably isn’t reasonably efficient and effective without either hardware transactional memory support, or a sufficiently smart compiler or prover, to ensure that no effects escape a transaction before it is committed.

Obviously you can implement this kind of transactional-memory interface with a networked server instead of stuff in the same process as the transactions; although you can’t prove that the stuff on the other end of the socket is respecting the requirement to have no effect if it gets aborted, having it in a separate process makes other kinds of isolation more plausible to implement, and the possible high concurrency may be more valuable when you can spread it across a whole network.

Also, there’s a clear connection to automatic dependency tracking and deterministic rebuilding, as well as to reactive programming: the read and write tracking the transactional memory does is the same read and write tracking a reactive programming system like Meteor does, and indeed the re-execute-when-an-input-changes logic used by the CTM paper for transactions that haven’t committed is the same thing Meteor does for “computations” that are still live. You could even imagine a nondeterministic search algorithm like a truth maintenance system implemented in these terms: if transaction A makes a write that results in a failure in a later transaction B, then transaction A is rolled back retroactively, along with all the things resulting from it, and re-executed with that write rigged to blow up — at which point A can either fail, or handle the error by trying a different write.

All of this could be implemented at a number of different levels. One interesting level, for interacting with current systems, would be running a shell script inside an isolated environment monitored by a transaction system; it can read files and directories, write files, and spawn subtransactions, and if it completes successfully, then its writes are committed and become visible to other scripts. By itself, this would suffice to simplify certain kinds of system management tasks: you could abort long-running scripts halfway through without fear that they would leave things in an inconsistent state, and the transactional discipline would ensure that concurrent execution didn’t cause subtle bugs. (And no more tempfile race holes!) But the prospect that you could, later on, automatically re-execute the script if any of its inputs changed, perhaps with a frequency limit or extra wait time, and perhaps automatically deleting its previous outputs in the interim — that seems like it could simplify a lot of things.

All of this shell-script stuff seems like it would work best with a blob store, in order to make it practical to distribute this work across machines, and also so that the operation of “committing” and making visible the output files can be done quickly.

We normally think of ACID transactions as being incompatible with eventually-consistent and partition-tolerant databases, because of Brewer’s CAP conjecture (later somebody’s XXX theorem), which is that you can’t be consistent (in the sense of serialization), available (in the sense of always handling all requests), and partition-tolerant (maintaining these in the face of network partitions). But the above suggests a way to achieve at least ACI transactions in an eventually- consistent partition-tolerant system: if you remember the entire transition history and dependency graph, then you can commit a transaction and, when you find that it was in conflict, later roll it back, along with everything that transitively depended on it, then re-execute them in a proper order. This sounds pretty wild, but it is more or less the way that the US credit card and banking system work: any transaction can be disputed and rolled back for a month or three, which may result in rolling back other dependent transactions. It kind of means that your system can never make any promises to the outside world, though, which is becoming a friction point for interactions between US financial institutions and things like Bitcoin and physical goods delivery, which do not support rollback.

Re-executing the whole dependent sub-DAG of transactions at the timestamp when you discovered the conflict should be safe, at least if only one node is doing it. Re-executing them at their original timestamps with the new data could result not only in them writing different contents to the same locations, which is harmless since that only affects other transactions in the dependent sub-DAG that you were going to re-execute anyway, but also writing things to locations they didn’t write to before. This could result in the need to re-execute other transactions that weren’t originally part of the dependent sub-DAG. I don’t know what the best choice is here. (However, I’m deeply struck by the correspondence with Umut Acar’s self-adjusting computation algorithms, in which function calls are required to pass values around only by reading and writing memory, to read values from memory only at the beginning of a function, and you re-execute function calls if their inputs changed — and each function invocation is timestamped with a virtual clock in order, if I understand correctly, to allow safely memoizing functions that access memory.)

This whole re-executing thing requires that the code that was executed in the transaction be preserved so that it can be re-executed later if the transaction needs to be rolled back and redone due to a conflict. In a distributed database context, you probably want to reference that code with a hash stored in a content-hash-addressable storage system rather than by saving a copy of your entire source base in every replicated transaction record.

(Also note that if you’re saving and replicating the entire past history of transaction inputs, timestamps, and code, plus an initial database state, you have in effect turned your database into a CRDT; you replicate this history, perhaps using gossip (see below), and can then deterministically replay all the transactions to deterministically rebuild the current state of the database, and any node doing this will get the same results. This may be simpler to do if you in fact execute the transactions serially, eliminating the need to track inputs and outputs at fine granularity, though the more usual transaction approaches may give you better performance.)

This may be a foundation that simplifies operational-transform-based collaborative editing systems like Etherpad and Gobby.

Automatic differentiation

Automatic differentiation ... computes ... any derivative or gradient, of any function you can program, or of any program that computes a function, with machine accuracy and ideal asymptotic efficiency.

It’s an abstract-execution technique that executes programs on data that is annotated with its partial derivatives with regard to input data values, which is to say, the numerical Jacobian matrix of the program (and the Hessian, ad infinitum), evaluated at a point. Alexey Radul wrote a comprehensive introduction. It’s easy to implement; Conal Elliott wrote a 2009 paper on this, where the first example shows how to do it for first derivatives of scalar functions only in 30 lines of Haskell.

The idea is that when you call a function and it produces some data structure full of values, you get not only the values, but also a lazy list of which inputs each of those values (locally) depends on, and what the coefficient of variation is between them at that point, and similarly for what that variation depends on, with minimal overhead.

This could be particularly useful with AI optimization algorithms that are trying to find input values for a piece of code that will produce a given output value, such as zero, or a given image. Gradient descent needs to know the gradient, after all. The alternative is hill-climbing by groping around in various directions looking for a local improvement, like a caterpillar at the end of a twig, which can be very slow in a high-dimensional space.

A lot of these are only feasible with what’s called “reverse-mode” automatic differentiation.

There’s clearly also a relationship here with incremental computation, which exactly computes the new value of a function after an incremental change to the input by tracking which parts of the computation depend on that input; truth-maintenance-system constraint solvers, which trace back constraint violations they find to the minimal combination of nondeterministic guesses they made that will cause that constraint violation, in order to avoid wasting time with that in the future; probabilistic programming, which in some sense traces back observations of outputs to probability distributions over nondeterministic variables that would be needed to produce those outputs; neural networks (see below), whose “training” works by adjusting edge weights to reduce the difference between the output and the desired output, and indeed AD applied to neural-network evaluator does produce the backpropagation outputs; and interval arithmetic, which can produce conservative approximations that are much less conservative if it knows which uncertain input variables or intermediate computations an uncertainty bound depends on (consider b · b · b · b vs. b⁴).

In particular, both incremental computation and automatic differentiation have to deal with the problem of preserving overwritten state when applied to imperative programs that use mutation internally; the body of knowledge that has developed around automatic differentiation is likely to be useful for implementing incremental computation.

Automatic differentiation only determines the derivatives in the local neighborhood of the computation that was actually carried out, and so in particular conditionals are not reflected; automatic differentiation will compute that x ? -y-z : w/2 has a nonzero derivative relative to either y and z or to w, but not relative to all three, and not relative to x. For this reason, I expect it to be complementary to logical/symbolic search and deduction systems like miniKanren or SAT solvers or other constraint solvers, thus saving those systems from having to consider individual bits of a numeric result. (An SMT solver, if I understand correctly, is just a SAT solver extended with such an external “theory checker”.)

(Similarly, the original truth maintenance system in Stallman and Sussman 1977 was a nonlinear circuit simulation package, kind of like an early SPICE; it was used to search among combinations of cases for piecewise-linear circuit component models, each case considered then being solved by a linear constraint solver.)

In the mathematically-oriented programming language Julia, there are several automatic differentiation libraries, and one named ReverseDiffSource is used by the Markov Chain Monte Carlo engine Lora to compute gradients of statistical models for, as far as I can tell, probabilistic programming systems (see above).

Interestingly, it turns out that the Tapenade automatic differentiation system uses program-state snapshotting (see above) and deterministic rebuilding (see above) to allow its reverse-mode automatic differentiation to work on imperative programs that overwrite part of their state during execution.

“The largest application to date [to have been automatically differentiated] is a 1.6 million line FEM code written in Fortran 77.”

How widely can automatic differentiation be applied? Does it indeed synergize with efficient constraint solvers like miniKanren or CVC4, as I speculate above?

(I don’t really understand automatic differentiation, so I hope none of the above contains any grievous errors.)


Some years ago, after a conversation with Aaron Swartz, Zooko wrote a paper with an unmemorable title, now generally known as the “Zooko’s Triangle paper”. He proposed that although we would like globally-unique names in computer systems to be human-readable, securely dereference to the correct referent, and not be vulnerable to a centralized authority, in practice we can only achieve any two of these three properties.

Specifically, secure hashes, as used in content-hash-addressable blob stores, are not human-readable (the best we’ve been able to do is reduce them to about 80 bits and use representations like “able merit floor gower jerry jews sd”, “ADD RAKE BABY LUCK MADE GOLD FEET SEEN”, or “企琖鑣毐昕传”), and other kinds of global names are not "self-certifying", in Mazières’s sense, so it would seems that we have to trust some external authority to certify them. Of course, fully homomorphic encryption (see above) could in theory enable this problem to be solved, but it's still not feasible, and when Zooko wrote his paper, it wasn’t even on the radar.

Bitcoin, a variation on Nick Szabo’s property title clubs, came out some years later. As Aaron pointed out, it demonstrated an alternative: a replicated global data store subject to nearly arbitrary consistency constraints that was not vulnerable to any particular participant, without having to figure out how to do FHE.

Bitcoin and pseudonymous cryptocurrency systems like it may be the most powerful primitive in this list, to the point that I suspect they may be a bad idea — the reason I haven’t participated so far. Frictionless cross-border capital flows like those enabled by Bitcoin were expected to result from Chaum’s centralized anonymous "digital cash" systems, which instead failed in the market. As Intel physicist Timothy C. May famously observed at the Hackers conference (perhaps Hackers 1989?), such flows seem likely to make taxation essentially voluntary, resulting in the collapse of governments. As pointed out later on the cypherpunks list, they could also enable pseudonymous betting to be used to crowdfund political assassinations, something that John Poindexter tried in 2003 in the Total Information Awareness program, resulting in a Congressional inquiry; this also seems likely to result in the collapse of governments.

I expect this to be a traumatic event, possibly resulting in the destruction of civilization.

However, Bitcoin also can be applied to solve a variety of difficult distributed-systems problems, and civilization might survive it and therefore be able to apply it to them. Naming is one; remitting money to your family overseas is another; email postage to stop spam is another; secure P2P rendezvous advertisement is another;


Deep neural networks

Conservative approximation

of what? parsing, say, or interval arithmetic.

Closures and Continuations

This is the Scheme 1975 vision of powerful primitives: closures give you one single way to do ad-hoc polymorphism, by giving you in a sense first-class templated functions which you can press into service both as objects, as lazily evaluated values, and as basic blocks for control-flow constructs; and call-with-current-continuation gives you one single control-flow construct that subsumes threads, exceptions, Common-Lisp-style resumable errors, and backtracking, and allows you to invert control flow and turn blocking functions into nonblocking ones, and vice versa, which is kind of like the transactional memory concurrency constructs I mentioned above. Raph Levien’s Io language provides a clean syntax that uses closure invocation even for statement sequencing.

Unfortunately, in a sense these constructs are too powerful.

If a continuation can be saved from anywhere, it’s unsafe to irreversibly clean up resources on exit from the block where they are used; a continuation invocation could transfer control back inside, for example to implement thread context switching. At last I think dynamic-wind has been added to the Scheme standard, but it is substantially harder to use than unwind-protect or try/finally. Unrestricted multi-use first-class continuations can be implemented simply by allocating all your activation records on the heap, but implementing them efficiently more or less requires implementing segmented stacks, which makes every function call more expensive, although stack segmentation also makes threads a heck of a lot cheaper.

And even very clever compilers are unlikely to match the zero-cost exception handling that’s standard in modern C++.

In a sense, using one single construct for all of these things requires both the human reader and either the compiler or the runtime to reconstruct a conservative approximation of some knowledge that was in the head of the original author (is this a thrown exception, a backtrack, or a thread context switch?), but who didn’t write it down.

The same problem attends the use of closures and tail-calls for all control flow. The set of variables captured by a closure is purely implicit, so both the human reader and the compiler must reconstruct them; consequently, the lifetime of variables in a language with closures is purely implicit. But the compiler needs this lifetime information to produce efficient code, the author needs it to write code that works, and a human reader needs it to understand the code.

So I feel that, while continuations and closures are extremely powerful semantic primitives, and they have brilliantly elucidated many crucial aspects of compilation, their strength-to-weight ratio as system-building primitives is in doubt. They do result in shorter source code, but they often don’t succeed in decoupling the code built on top of them from the aspects of the implementation they elide.

You could make many of the same accusations about dynamic typing, of course. I think the major difference is that while dynamic typing makes debugging easier (because the program mostly runs, and then when it crashes with a type error, you see an example of why), closures and first-class continuations make debugging harder.

You could make a similar accusation about implicit imperative control-flow sequencing: your program implicitly specifies a total ordering of computational steps to perform, and then the compiler works hard to recover the partial order you actually had in mind, in order to be able to execute your code efficiently. Nowadays, so does your out-of-order-executing CPU.

Collaboration facilities

Succinct data structures

“Succinct data structures” are an extension of the compressed indexing work I mentioned under “suffix arrays”. Unfortunately, I don’t understand them. XXX

Interval arithmetic

Interval arithmetic is a particular form of conservative approximation (through abstract interpretation), with two principal uses: preventing numerical errors and avoiding computation.

Numerical errors are ubiquitous where we use floating-point math, because floating-point has finite precision, so its results are commonly approximate. The IEEE-754 floating-point standard offers control of the rounding mode — you can request that calculation results be rounded, for example, up or down. This allows you to, for example, calculate the sum of a list of numbers twice, once rounding up and once rounding down, and be sure that the true result was bounded by the two calculated results.

In interval arithmetic, instead of calculating with individual numbers, we calculate with (min, max) pairs of numbers known to bound the true quantity. Calculating (a, b) + (c, d) is quite simple: it’s just (a + c (rounded down), b + d (rounded up)). Some other operations, like multiplication, are more complicated: (a, b) × (c, d) might be (a × c, b × d), but, for example, if a and b are positive and c and d are negative, it will be (b × c, a × d), with the appropriate rounding. Division is a bit more complicated still: (a, b) ÷ (c, d) might be a neighborhood of infinity, if c and d have opposite signs.

Interval-arithmetic libraries are available for bulletproofing your numerical computations by, as above, doing each operation two or more times, using different rounding modes. This can save you a lot of numerical analysis. These libraries are powerful and well-developed, but they are not really what interests me at the moment.

The more interesting case, to me, is avoiding computation.

SICP gives the example of approximating the zero of an arbitrary continuous, not necessarily differentiable, function, by recursively subdividing an interval in which it is seen to cross zero. You can extend this to find the zero locus of an arbitrary continuous multidimensional function by using interval arithmetic to rule out intervals where the function cannot be zero. But the technique has fairly broad applicability.

Consider backface removal. In rendering a solid bounded by polygons viewed from the outside, you can avoid half the occlusion computation if you eliminate the polygons that face away from the camera, since they will always be occluded by polygons on the near side of the object. So you can compute the normal for each polygon and consider whether it’s facing toward or away from the camera.

This still involves computing something for each polygon on each frame, though. Interval arithmetic can save us. Suppose that the surface mesh is recursively divided into regions, and we store intervals for the x, y, and z components of the normals of the polygons in each region. Now, we can traverse this tree recursively and not even descend into parts of the surface all of whose polygons face away from the camera, or for that matter all of whose polygons face toward the camera. It’s only the mixed regions that require examination.

This saves us nearly all the computation for the backfaces, but we are still traversing the tree on each frame. We can do better still. Suppose we are rotating the object at a fixed, slow speed. Then, the rotation matrix for a given span of time can also be represented with interval coefficients, and we can multiply the normal intervals for mesh regions through this rotation matrix, discovering which parts of the surface don’t face the camera at all during entire time intervals.

Somewhat similarly, when you’re rendering, if you can compute the color at a point on the screen, and then bounds on the gradient of the color in pixel coordinates for a region around that point, you can determine whether that area contains any detail that needs to be rendered. If it’s just a smooth gradient (the d[color]/dx and d[color]/dy are tightly bounded), you can render just a smooth gradient. And if you’re computing an animation, you can also compute bounds over time.

(This is in some sense related to memoization and incremental computation: it allows you to change an input to a function slightly and retain its previous value, as long as you don’t move outside an interval for which you’ve computed the result.)

I’m trying to remember the name of the guy who did his dissertation on precise interval-arithmetic rendering of implicit surfaces.

This is a kind of wild generalization of the widely-known bounding-box culling technique in computer graphics, and it allows us to achieve enormous economies of computation by computing that entire regions of a space of possibilities are of no interest. It’s common to get three, four, or five orders of magnitude speedup with this approach, which you can then apply to focusing in more detail on the areas where more detail is called for.

It seems clear that this kind of possibility-bounding can work hand-in-hand with AI search algorithms (or simple nondeterministic search) and optimization algorithms, although I’ve never seen it applied in that way. If your SMT solver is looking for a contradiction in a region, you may be able to rule out the entire region at once. If you can place bounds on the “goodness” of points in an entire region of the parameter space, you may be able to quickly focus in on parts of the parameter space that are possibly of interest.

This only works usefully for operations that are in some useful sense mostly continuous, where reducing the size of the domain you’re considering for an input will provoke a usefully reduced size of the range over which the operation’s outputs are to be found. The bit-reversal function, for example, will tend to wreak havoc on interval-arithmetic approaches; you can only put useful (min, max) bounds on its output once its input is inside a very small range indeed. An interesting question is whether you can extend the kind of tractability that interval arithmetic provides to other kinds of functions, perhaps by using different representations than simply (min, max) pairs.

For example, earlier today I was optimizing a proportional-font word-wrap algorithm, which is one of the more expensive parts of a text-rendering system, simply because it has to examine every character of the text it’s wrapping to discover its glyph width. You could imagine a precomputed general-purpose interval tree covering the text, consisting of statements like “characters from 1032 to 1040 are all in the alphabetical interval ‘a’ to ‘l’”. From such an interval and a similar tree built over the font metrics, you could calculate a glyph-width interval: all the characters in that range then have a glyph width between 2 and 4, perhaps. And that would allow you to bound the sum of those glyph widths to be in the range (8×2, 8×4), which means that it’s much less than the line width.

You could imagine a word-wrap algorithm expressed in a higher-level form, seeking the last candidate linebreak character before the prefix sum of the glyph widths of the characters exceeded the column width, being executed efficiently by progressively approximating the width-exceeding crossover and the last candidate linebreak, avoiding examining most of the characters.

But it seems obvious that such an algorithm, if it were useful (most likely it would only be faster than visiting every character once the lines became unreasonably long) would work much better if the interval tree over the text bounded the text’s glyph widths, not its codepoint values, because the mapping from codepoint to glyph width is so irregular. As soon as your interval includes both ‘l’ and ‘m’, it spans the full range of possible glyph widths — even if the text itself is “the”!

Lempel-Ziv compression: an update


IPv4 provides you with a universal address space and a low-latency unreliable datagram sending facility. Put the seven bytes of a destination IP address, protocol number, and port number into the head of an IP datagram, calculate the checksum, and hand it to your nearest router, and it’ll likely get delivered to its destination. This is a seriously powerful primitive, enabling you to knit together all kinds of disparate unreliable transport networks into a single giant network: the inter-net.

Unfortunately, the only application that this directly provides is voice-over-IP, or maybe unreliable instant messaging. TCP is a little higher-level in some sense: it gives you a virtual serial-port connection or bidirectional pipe. This is still very low-level for many applications.

A gossip protocol is a way to share data among a group of participants despite unreliable and intermittent connectivity among them; whenever two succeed in rendezvousing, they interchange information. Typically gossip is used to converge on a gradually-growing set, but you can substitute any CRDT (see above) for the graduallly-growing set.

Gossip is no higher-level than TCP, and indeed many routing protocols are gossip-based. You can run it on top of other protocols, of course, and Bitcoin (see above) distributes both transactions and mined blocks using gossip.

Generally gossip protocols are resilient against information loss, but not against information flooding, and flooding can be the effective equivalent of loss. This typically means that either you must be able to identify and disconnect flooders, for example in a gossip-net including only your laptop, your phone, and your server; or you must be able to drop messages when a flood is in progress, resulting in information loss. Bitcoin ameliorates this problem using hashcash (the proof of work being the hash of the newly mined block) but this approach doesn’t ensure that legitimate messages will be propagated; it can raise the price of propagating them too high.

Algebraic incremental updates

Several of the earlier items in this document talk about incrementally updating the result of a computation by means of memoizing small pieces of it and only re-executing the parts affected by an input change. However, in some cases, a more efficient approach is available; Manuel Simoni wrote about it a few years back in the case of incremental MapReduce.

Doing a MapReduce incrementally with the memoizing approach is possible, of course.

The map function runs on an input chunk and produces a sorted mapped-input chunk in the filesystem; this file is in a sense a memoized result of the map function, or rather a whole pile of memoized results, and a small change to the input file generally should produce a small change to this output file, and it can do so efficiently if you can figure out what part of the output file corresponds to unchanged input.

The reduce function is a bit trickier, since it’s running on an arbitrarily large set of mapped-input chunks with the same key. We can take some advantage of the fact that those chunks are in an arbitrary order, so the reduction is more or less required to be associative and commutative, so we can apply the reduction operator in a tree topology, which is an optimal configuration for memoization to be able to minimize the work for an input change, to O(log N).

However, in many cases, the reduce function is not merely commutative and associative; it also admits an inverse. (Min, max, and other quantile functions are the usual exceptions.) In these cases, a much more efficient approach is available, which processes input changes in O(1): when a mapped-input record goes away, you update the reduction function’s output with its inverse; when a new mapped-input record is added (“inserted” into reduce’s input), you simply update the reduction function’s output with it; and mutations can be handled as a removal composed with an insertion.

This is also the way that relational databases normally handle index updates. They do not recompute the index for a table when a value in an indexed column changes, not even reusing memoized mergeable index blocks built from unchanged blocks of records; they delete the old value from the index and insert the new one. In this case, the “reduction” operation could be considered the updating of a sorted master file with a sorted update file containing insertions and deletions, and sometimes it is actually implemented this way, accumulating updates in a “side file” until they are large enough to be efficiently applied.

I’m calling this approach to incremental updates “algebraic” because it depends on algebraic properties of the reduction function: that it is commutative, associative, and admits an inverse, making it an Abelian group operation, I think. XXX

The old trick of compositing on-screen objects using XOR is another example of this: to move a sprite, you would first quickly XOR it with the pixels at its old position, and then at its new position, rather than calculating a bounding box for the update that needed to be slowly redrawn from some kind of scenegraph. METAFONT’s representation of filledness (each pixel contains a count of how many times it’s been painted; 0 is white, anything else is black) would also be amenable to such an approach to animation, perhaps without the overlap artifacts that attended the XOR approach.

Are there other cases where such an algebraic property of a reduction or combination function could be exploited to get rapid incremental updates of cached computation results? Is there an automatic way to discover them, perhaps through abstract interpretation, thus avoiding the need to explicitly program the algebraic incremental update in each case?

Compile-time instrumentation and object-code instrumentation

A lot of the techniques discussed here involve augmenting some kind of program with extra new functionality: maybe running it forwards and backwards, or changing its regular number arithmetic into arithmetic on intervals or Jacobians. In an interpreted object-oriented language, that’s fairly easy: instead of passing in a Number object, you pass in an Interval object or whatever. But what if you’re dealing with code that isn’t interpreted, maybe because you want it to run fast?

You can abstractly interpret machine code, of course, amounting to a sort of augmented emulator. Valgrind and AFL show two approaches to this problem: AFL inserts extra tracking code into the program at compile-time, and Valgrind inserts it into the program’s machine code. A framework for this kind of instrumentation allows you to perform such analyses on arbitrary programs, without having to build the programs around the particular kind of abstract execution that you want.

I am not yet sure how useful this is, but I suspect that the answer is “very useful indeed”. With this kind of technique, you can in theory build programs or subroutines with any existing toolchain that produces machine code, then treat them as any of a variety of abstract models.

This might seem like a very difficult thing to do, and indeed Valgrind is a monument to great software engineering, but I think you can probably get a significant fraction of the way there with relatively little effort. The /bin/ls installed on this netbook is about nineteen thousand instructions; half of those are mov, movl, or jmp, and getting to 18000 involves also call, lea, je, cmp, test, add, nop, jne, pop, sub, push, xor, ret, cmpb, movzbl, movb, sete, and or. If you handled common instructions like those and the other control-flow instructions, and you were running on a 386-family CPU, you could probably have a slow general-purpose path for the instructions you didn’t write special handling for, simply by snapshotting the registers, jumping to a piece of code that has the instruction, and then snapshotting the registers again to see what changed.

This is a fair bit of code, but a lot less than a decent C compiler.

Partial evaluation

A lot of software optimization techniques have to do with specializing a generic algorithm for a particular set of circumstances. A polymorphic multiplication is slow; a 32-bit by 32-bit integer multiply is faster; a 32-bit integer multiply by the number 10 is potentially faster still. Automatically deriving these simpler versions, given the general case and an argument to hold constant, is “partial evaluation” or sometimes “specialization”. A lot of the C++ STL could be thought of as partial evaluation of ad-hoc polymorphic operations: you take, say, a generic sorting algorithm and you specialize it for a particular container type, which itself is a generic container type specialized for a particular element type. In a language like Smalltalk, all of these algorithms and containers might be equally polymorphic, but with the type decisions made at run-time rather than compile-time.

An interesting aspect of this class of optimizations is that they are often applicable at the source-language level, rather than requiring a separate lower-level language to express them in, as register allocation often does.

The three Futamura projections are a particularly recursive application of this concept.

In the first Futamura projection, an interpreter specialized for a particular input program becomes an executable version of that program, an approach which may be useful even in its crudest form if your objective is merely simplifying installation; but given the mythical Sufficiently Intelligent Optimizer, is a rigorous way to automatically derive an executable from a source program and an interpreter.

Of course, automatically deriving an executable from a source program is compiling it. So if you partially evaluate the partial evaluator (!) with respect to the interpreter argument, you have generated a compiler from the interpreter, again automatically. This is the second Futamura projection.

Thus, if you partially evaluate the partial evaluator, whose two arguments are a program and an input to hold constant, with respect to its program argument, you have generated a compiler-compiler, which will convert an interpreter for any language into a compiler for that same language.

In a sense, this is cheating a little bit: your “compiler” can only run on the same platform the interpreter ran on (and which the partial evaluator was equipped to understand and optimize code for), so this doesn’t work for cross-compilers, and somebody had to write the executable code to perform each of the operations in the interpreted language — either using another compiler, or in machine code, or the code for whatever platform the interpreter was written for. Typically people write partial evaluators for “nice” platforms like Scheme or C instead of hairy platforms like AMD64 or Forth, so this doesn’t really help you with compiler bootstrapping, by itself.

It could help enormously with compiler optimizations, though, and compiler optimizations expand the scope of high-level constructs that you can write without an unacceptable loss of performance.

Implementing partial evaluation in a useful way involves program slicing — tracing the flow of values through the program from the fixed argument — and also abstract interpretation, since often the useful statements that we can deduce about intermediate results in the program are not their exact values but merely particular predicates that are true of them at particular points in the program.

From another point of view, mechanical partial evaluation allows us to move computation freely between compile-time and run-time, letting us metaprogram in exactly the same language our run-time program is written in, and indeed mixing code at the two times freely. (Under some circumstances such an intimate commingling might be undesirable — for example, if you want to be able to predict the run time or memory usage of the output program. But perhaps you could make queries or assertions about the compiler output to fill this gap.)

A very similar kind of partial-evaluation-at-run-time is what’s behind Acar’s algorithms for self-adjusting computation: you have a hoard of precomputed results flowing from the input arguments that didn’t change, and you need only compute the results that flow from the arguments that did. This suggests that cross-fertilization between the approaches may be fruitful: any techniques that can accelerate or simplify one of them are likely to be applicable to the other. Self-adjusting computation is in some sense more powerful, in that its hoard of memoized results allows an efficient response to a change in any subset of the inputs, rather than just one particular subset; but partial-evaluation systems can use specialized machine operations for the interactions between the fixed and variable subsets of values.

In particular, you may be able to generate a partially evaluated program by taking an execution trace of a self-adjusting program with respect to a particular set of changed input values. You may have to use either abstract execution (changing the input values to "unknown 1", "unknown 2", etc.) or systematically explore the space of possible sequences of taken branches (like American Fuzzy Lop, perhaps, or perhaps using a more systematic approach of backtracking to before each branch and taking it the other direction, with some kind of conservative trace merging in order to keep trace proliferation finite. You can either reason backwards from a branch condition to find inputs that will lead to it, or you can conservatively assume that if conditional X was computed transitively from input Y, then it’s possible for input Y to make it go either way, and force it to go the wrong way, thus generating a conservative approximation of the possible Y-driven control flows.)

How wide a spectrum of optimizations can partial evaluation take over? What kind of language would be best suited for use with it?

Linear algebra

Matrix multiplication, that kind of thing. Maybe this is too obvious to mention, since it’s fundamental to 3-D rendering, to statistical computing, to scientific computing in general, and so on. Still, it’s not applied to as many things as it could be, in part because it’s often considered purely numerical in nature.

As one example, the table of defined symbols in an executable or library could be thought of as a vector along a dimension of symbols, with the signal’s definition (usually a memory address) at each point. The table of undefined symbols (unresolved relocations) in an object file (including an executable or library) is a (sparse) matrix whose rows are symbols and whose columns are memory addresses that refer to those symbols. Multiplying the symbol table through the relocations matrix gives you a (sparse) vector of values to be added to the object file. In this way, a general-purpose parallel, distributed, or incremental sparse-matrix-multiplication algorithm provides you with a parallel, distributed, or incremental linker.

(In practice, you might have different relocation types, and on the 386, the addresses might not be aligned, but you nevertheless need to compute carries, so it’s not quite as simple as regarding the object file as a large dense vector of words some of which contain memory addresses.)


Convolution is a well-established powerful primitive for digital signal processing and the mathematics of linear time-invariant systems, in particular because of two very useful properties for improving computational efficiency:

  1. Closure under composition. Any linear time-invariant transform of a signal can be represented by convolution with some kernel, and convolution with any kernel is a linear time-invariant transform. This means that convolutions are closed under composition. In particular, linear time-invariant transforms of discrete signals can be represented by convolution with discrete kernels, and the kernel representing the composition of some discrete kernels has a length that is the sum of their lengths. This means you can compose together an arbitrary sequence of convolutions into a single convolution, then apply that convolution in a single operation. This is analogous to the closure properties of matrix multiplication, which is so useful to 3-D rendering; of arithmetic operations on the generator representation of continued fractions, as explained in HAKMEM, which is useful for exact arithmetic on all computable real numbers; and of interval arithmetic.

  2. Pointwise product implementation. Convolution is homomorphic to pointwise product under the Fourier transform, which is to say that the convolution of two functions is the inverse Fourier transform of the pointwise products of their Fourier transforms, which means that convolution can perform frequency-selective filtering. (This is the “convolution theorem”.). Also, the Fourier transform of the pointwise product of two functions is the convolution of their Fourier transforms, which you can intuitively derive from the angle-sum trigonometric identities, and which gives rise to useful properties like superheterodyning and the limited bandwidth of the sidebands of amplitude modulation.

  3. Commutativity. When the underlying pointwise multiplication operation is commutative, convolution is commutative.

Because of the product-multiplication property, the convolution f*g of kernels f and g will not contain any frequencies that are not present in both f and g. (This may be useful for optimizing the implementation of the convolution operation by computing with downsampled versions of the kernel.)

Entirely in the domain of time-domain signal processing, you could imagine an evaluator for a complex expression DAG of convolution operations, discrete samples, repetition operations, weighted sums, delay operations, and domain restriction that used strategies similar to those of a SQL query optimizer to find an efficient evaluation strategy for the expression within specified precision and performance constraints, using any number of the AI search techniques mentioned above. I don’t think anyone has done this yet; typically the evaluation strategy is programmed manually by some dude in Matlab.

Convolution is used in particular for signal filtering (including image blurring and sharpening) and for simulating the effect of some physical system, whether optical, electrical, or audio, in particular including audio reverberation.

But there are domains a bit outside of what we usually think of as signal processing that could also benefit from convolution.

You can synthesize a xylophone tune by convolving the score, a time and frequency representation composed of impulses whose dependent variable is note volume, with a instrument patch, and extracting the frequency=0 slice. If frequency is represented using equal-temperament semitones, other parallel slices are transpositions.

The scores for some simple kinds of canons are the convolution of the score for the dux with a repetition and transposition function.

If, instead of using impulses, you use white noise all along the duration of a note, you can synthesize some kinds of sustained instruments, like violin and pipe organ, from windowed samples.

Instead of compositing the “glyphs” of a “sound font” into a temporal representation, you can composite the glyphs of a font into a window by convolving the font with a signal whose (x, y, glyph-id) impulses place and color individual glyphs. If you composite them into a 3-D opacity field instead, then you can get font resizing, drop shadows, pen width and shape, crude bolding, and glyph composition from features such as serifs, stems, and stroke thicknesses into the bargain, if you add an additional dimension of feature type or stroke thickness.

Similarly, an animation could convolve cels with (x, y, z, t) paths, perhaps followed by the same kind of 3-D or 2½D projection to provide opacity. It might be desirable to do the convolution in a space with five to seven dimensions, perhaps including rotation or even stretching, in order to express more of the desirable operations of animation.

A potential great advantage of this kind of unified convolutional architecture is that it is relatively practical to allow the user to ask “Why?” about a thing they see and get a reasonably comprehensible answer, without incorporating a lot of special-purpose mechanisms for answering “Why?” in each case.

Much of the above might not be practical with existing convolution code optimized for discrete samples, high density, and low dimensionality, but techniques based on interval arithmetic, query optimizers, and/or automatic differentiation (see above) could make them practical.

Discrete convolution is an operation built from two fundamental operations, multiplication of corresponding elements and summing the products. The associativity property that give rise to its closure under composition would seem to require some kind of algebraic ring to operate over, although I don’t know that it depends on all of the ring postulates. Schönhage–Strassen multiplication is one application of convolution over a finite ring ℤ/nℤ (i.e. the Galois field GF(pⁿ)), but we could also imagine, for example, computing a convolution over quaternions or 4×4 matrices representing three-dimensional transformations. (Such a convolution is not commutative. Can you compute it with the Fourier-transform trick anyway?)

But what about other data structures commonly used in programming? Can convolution be applied productively to things like polynomials, bits, strings, lists, binary relations, and finite maps (dicts), with some other operations standing in for multiplication and addition?

The most common example is Elias and Viterbi’s convolutional coding for error correction, which XORs together certain plaintext bits from a sliding window to produce coded bits. A 1:1 convolutional code is exactly a convolution of a bitvector kernel with the plaintext, using AND and XOR (which are multiplication and addition in ℤ/2ℤ), but by itself is useless; the normal procedure is to interleave several such 1:1 codes, so that one bit from each code forms a “codeword”. (And then, typically, you throw away some of the bits.)

You could, again, consider the different kernels to be displaced along an axis perpendicular to the text, and then two-dimensional convolution in the bit ring produces the bits of the convolutional code spread out on a two-dimensional plane. is about “polynomial division by convolution” XXX XXX points out that you can convolve bitvectors in O(N log N) time by using the number-theoretical transform (FFT in ℤ/nℤ) for a ring size larger than the shorter vector, and then saturate the results a the end. says, “it is a major open question in discrete algorithms as to which algebraic structures admit fast convolution algorithms and which do not.” ... “A substantially subquadratic algorithm for (min,+) convolution would (to my knowledge) imply a subcubic algorithm all-pairs shortest paths in general graphs, a longstanding open problem.” Also mentions infimal convolution.

Optimizing compilers to machine code

Optimizing compilers are of course a standard tool in the programmer’s toolkit since FORTRAN I, but usually we use them, but our programs don’t. But there are a lot of cases where our programs could use them.

This is all mostly about constant-factor performance improvements, so you might want to skip it if you don’t believe in those.

Suppose you’ve parsed a SQL query and derived the best query plan you can for it, but you estimate that it’s still going to have to examine 5 million rows. What should you do?

Well, one possibility is to compile your query plan into C, then compile it into machine code with a C compiler, then run it. TCC can compile hundreds of lines of code per millisecond, and even GCC can compile a few lines of code per millisecond. The result typically is only faster than interpreted code executed by an optimized interpreter by constant factors, but the constant factors can be substantial, like 5 to 30. It can make the difference between executing the SQL query in 15 seconds and executing it in 500 milliseconds.

There are a couple of obstacles to using this technique ubiquitously. One is that the result is potentially harder to debug, because of the extra level of indirection. Another is that if you have to write the compiler yourself, it’s considerably harder than writing the interpreter, especially when you have to port to a new architecture. A third is that typically there are some fiddly bits relating to mprotect() and runtime dependency on the compiler and getting memory that’s both writable and executable.

The main one, though, is the compilation speed. If an ad-hoc SQL query takes 100ms to run interpreted, you can’t justify spending 200ms in a C compiler to get it to run in some shorter time.

A simple technique that improves compilation speed substantially, especially at low optimization levels, is to emit an abstract syntax tree rather than a sequence of bytes. This is the approach taken by Lisp environments that provide eval; its argument is an S-expression, which is essentially an AST. Unfortunately, compiled Lisps are usually kind of slow. Racket and Clojure may be shaping up to be exceptions.

There are several different practical ways to do this today in different programming environments:

Of course, compilers are related to nearly everything else I’ve been talking about.

Memoization is such a helpful technique for compilers that we’ve been caching compiler output for decades (using automatic dependency tracking and deterministic rebuilding), and ccache is a content-addressable blob store for memoizing C compiler output. A lot of the tradeoffs with compilation speed become less of a problem if you can memoize the compilation result, like a cached SQL query plan.

There has been experimental work on building distributed compilers that save the optimizations they’ve discovered in a common optimization store so that they can be reused later without having to search for them. (I forget who wrote that paper.) Users sometimes switch browsers because of the performance of their JS compilers. Compilers tend to be heavy users of pointers, and they tend to not have to run under strict deadlines or tight resource constraints, so FP-persistent data structures are a good fit for them. Incremental compilers, which would only recompile the part of your code that you’d edited, used to be popular; of course, it can be difficult to efficiently identify which part that was, and perhaps rolling hashes can help. (Incremental linkers are still popular, and the boundary between compilers and linkers is somewhat fluid.) Compilers frequently use backtracking search and constraint solving to find applicable optimizations, and memoized backtracking gives us PEG parsing. Nondeterministic search over compiler executions (or, rather, interpreter optimizations) is what miniKanren uses to automatically generate programs with certain properties. Not only can you use partial evaluation to implement a compiler; you can also use a compiler to implement partial evaluation. Indeed, there is a very fine line between compilers from a language into itself and partial evaluators. Some virtual machines, like QEMU (by the author of TCC), are implemented largely as compilers from the machine code of the guest machine into the machine code of the host machine.
