Notes concerning “Politics”
Free software debugging
2007 to 2009 (2 minutes)
Copyright status of the Oxford English Dictionary: relevant data
2007 to 2009 (3 minutes)
Rich programmers
2007 to 2009 (4 minutes)
Critical defense mass
2013-05-17 (14 minutes)
Dollar auctions and tournaments in human society
2013-05-17 (7 minutes)
Who is inventing the future in 2013?
2013-05-17 (1 minute)
Review notes for Chris Anderson’s “Makers”
2013-05-17 (5 minutes)
Some personal notes from February 2014
2014-02-13 (8 minutes)
What would a basic income guarantee for Argentina cost?
2014-04-24 (7 minutes)
2025 manufacturing and economics scenario
2014-04-24 (24 minutes)
2014-04-24 (4 minutes)
What might Diamond-Age-like phyles look like in the real 21st century?
2014-04-24 (9 minutes)
Plato was not particularly democratic; ἄρχειν is not “participating in politics”
2014-04-24 (5 minutes)
In a world with ubiquitous surveillance, what does politics look like?
2014-04-24 (11 minutes)
Ideas to ship in 2014
2014-04-24 (updated 2019-05-05) (35 minutes)
More thoughts on powerful primitives for simplified computer systems architecture
2015-08-18 (updated 2015-11-02) (165 minutes)
State of the world 2016
2016-09-05 (10 minutes)
Solving the incentive problem for censorship-resistant DHTs
2016-09-07 (updated 2019-05-21) (3 minutes)
High academic achievement almost certainly depends more on tutoring than group averages by race or sex
2016-09-08 (3 minutes)
Statement from the Confederation of Teachers
2016-10-11 (updated 2016-10-12) (4 minutes)
World War III is starting (?)
2016-10-17 (2 minutes)
Selfish conformity
2016-11-15 (5 minutes)
The problem is not that people are not turning to real journalism anymore
2016-11-15 (8 minutes)
Self replication changes
2017-01-16 (5 minutes)
The continuous-web press and the continuous press of the World-Wide Web
2017-03-20 (6 minutes)
Studies support authority
2017-04-10 (2 minutes)
Replicating education
2017-07-19 (7 minutes)
2017 [Provisional English translation of intercepted transmission]
2018-04-27 (updated 2018-07-14) (13 minutes)
Why is there so much anti-plastic sentiment? Visibility, Arcadian primitivism, conspicuous consumption, and profit.
2018-06-21 (7 minutes)
Ultralight tunnel personal rapid transit
2019-03-11 (15 minutes)
What are Bitcoin’s uses other than sidestepping the law?
2019-03-11 (updated 2019-07-05) (6 minutes)
2019-03-24 (3 minutes)
Notch scorn
2019-04-20 (5 minutes)
On influencers
2019-05-16 (3 minutes)
How to make Dercuano work on hand computers?
2019-05-18 (updated 2019-12-30) (61 minutes)
Categorical zero sum prohibition
2019-05-27 (updated 2019-06-01) (23 minutes)
Replacing fractional-reserve banking with a bond market disintermediated with a blockchain
2019-07-03 (6 minutes)
The fable of the specialized fox
2019-08-17 (1 minute)
Everything is money?
2019-08-31 (4 minutes)