How to make Dercuano work on hand computers?

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-05-18 (updated 2019-12-30) (61 minutes)

Foreseeably, most personal computers now are hand computers, commonly called “cell phones” or “mobile phones”, for archaic reasons (with a few exceptions called by names like “e-readers”). Less foreseeably, they mostly run user interfaces that limit the user’s power over them considerably; in particular, although they generally have WWW browsers and most of them can download files and save them locally, they cannot extract a .tar.gz file full of HTML and browse it.

This poses a problem for Dercuano, because right now I am publishing it as a .tar.gz file full of HTML. But its objective is to remain readable even if my server or domain name fails, as they inevitably will someday. It’s really important (to me, anyway) that people be able to continue reading Dercuano in that case. There are a variety of possible alternative formats that could work well on hand computers.

The problem: gratuitous handicaps and tiny screens

Hand computers have an additional problem, aside from being gratuitously crippled in a way that requires compatibility hacks: their screens are tiny. For example, until I broke the screen, I was using a discount hand computer with a 45×63 mm screen; a more modern one I looked at last night has a 64×115 mm screen. Also, the screens used to be low resolution: the PalmPilot was 160×160 (monochrome!), and the original iPhone was 320×480. (At 163 pixels per inch, that was 50×74 mm, bigger than the one I broke.) Modern cellphones have much higher-resolution screens, and e-readers generally have much larger screens, though with fewer pixels.

Making text readable at all on such small screen sizes requires serious compromises in typographic design. For example, the typography I’m using at the moment (see Dercuano stylesheet notes) is “22px”, with max-width of 45em and line-height of 1.5 (em), and 1 em of padding around the body; on my 158 dpi laptop screen, that’s a font size of 3.5 mm or 10 (PostScript) points, with 5.3 mm from one baseline to the next. I use a ragged right margin extra vertical whitespace between paragraphs, as is normal on the WWW, and a somewhat smaller font size for <pre> blocks.

At this font size, on my 45×63 mm screen in portrait mode (my observations on the subway and bus suggest that people strongly prefer using their hand computers in portrait mode, only switching to landscape mode to watch landscape-mode videos, play landscape-mode video games, or occasionally read PDF files whose lines are too long), the 7 mm of padding on the left and right would leave room for almost 13 ems of text, about four or five words’ worth. Using the greedy paragraph-filling algorithm web standards short-sightedly require (at least in the case where there are floats, according to pcwalton), and especially without hyphenation, this would frequently have lines with only one or two words on them. Less than 12 of these tiny lines would fit on the screen, one of which will frequently be consumed by a paragraph break, so you might have 40 words of actual text on the screen.

Worse, Chromium’s Blink HTML engine, like the WebKit and KHTML engines it derives from, doesn’t support hyphenation at all; Firefox’s Gecko engine is the only significant WWW browser engine that does, and on hand computers, almost nobody uses Firefox.

Once you add any extra block indentation, like that in a blockquote or indented list, the situation quickly deteriorates to one or two words per line.

Reducing the text size to a less-comfortable size is a necessary compromise to avoid such uncomfortably short line lengths. (Generally, when I read things on it, I also used portrait mode.) Also, though, using less padding around the text is very helpful (in this example, using 0.5em instead of 1em padding would increase the text column width from 13em to 14em). The line length will still necessarily be shorter, which reduces the need for leading between lines to avoid disorientation when moving from one line to the next.

It’s possible to do far worse than my default style on hand computers, though. The worst reading experiences on hand computers are when you have very long lines in PDFs or ASCII text files with hard line breaks, such that even in landscape mode, you can’t fit an entire line on the screen at a readable font size. This requires you to scroll left and right on every single line to read the text.

Somewhat less annoying are academic papers which preserve the traditional book layout of two columns of text per page, rather than the single-column layout that has become popular recently, since about 1850. The columns are generally narrow enough to be readable on the tiny hand computer screen, which is a great blessing, but once you reach the end of one, you have to spend several seconds panning diagonally across the page to find the top of the next one — and, half the time, that’s the wrong thing to do, because the next column is on the next page.

(I lied, though. The worst reading experiences on hand computers are file formats you don’t have an app for.)

Some kind of adaptation to widely varying screen sizes is necessary, since hand computers in common use range from the kind of tiny 45×63 screen I mentioned up to Amazon Swindles with 600×800 screens at 167 dpi grayscale, which works out to 91×122 mm, almost 4× as big, and 51% bigger than the 64×115 mm “cellphone” I mentioned above. (For comparison, a page of a paperback book is 105×175 mm and about 600 dpi, but without grayscale.)

Possible formats

DHTML with offline reading via cache-manifest or service workers

The first thing that occurred to me was that I could just add a cache-manifest to the HTML generated for Dercuano so that when a browser loads one page, it loads them all into the appcache, and (at least if you bookmark the thing) the whole thing remains accessible even if you’re offline or the server goes down.

This has the advantage that anything that works in the current HTML tarball incarnation of Dercuano would keep working the same way. In fact, more things would work — the difficulties with full-text indexing I mentioned in Dercuano search wouldn’t exist.

This is the lowest-effort approach, but it wouldn’t work very well. Although the cache-manifest mechanism is widely supported, including on pretty much all hand computers, it’s considered obsolescent (the documentation for it has been removed from the current version of the WHATWG standard), to be replaced with the new and shiny service-workers mechanism. Since Firefox 60 and Chrome 69, it’s also unavailable if you aren’t using HTTPS. It enjoys invisible resource limits — the amount a browser is willing to cache is not exposed to the user, but typically it’s 5MB or 10MB, and if the download fails because not enough space is available, no error message is given; it just fails when you’re offline or the server is down.

There’s a sort of polyfill to support the cache-manifest API on top of ServiceWorker, but ServiceWorker also requires HTTPS.

The bigger problem, though, is that both service workers and the appcache are totally dependent on, and vulnerable to, the origin server. This violates my intent with Dercuano in three ways:

  1. If my server is down, one person with a copy of Dercuano would not be able to give it to another person, except by giving them their entire browser state. This means that once my server is gone, copies of Dercuano would gradually diminish one by one until they are all gone, rather than being shared with new people who want them.

  2. If malicious actors gain access to my server or my domain, they could use that access to delete all the copies of Dercuano, if it were using service workers or appcache. Malicious actors have gained access to the vast majority of domains that were on the web 20 years ago, usually to put generic linkspam pages on formerly high-PageRank domains, so it’s a good bet that this will happen sooner or later to

  3. If a patent examiner reads some idea in their copy of Dercuano, and Dercuano uses service workers or appcache, they can’t tell if that idea was inserted into their copy of Dercuano the last time they connected to the internet, or ten years earlier. This means that ideas in Dercuano would not be able to serve as prior art to invalidate patent claims, as “rapid genetic evolution of regular expressions” did.

MobiPocket .mobi format

A more reasonable alternative approach, for which I am indebted to cajg, is to convert Dercuano into some kind of ebook format. Ebook formats in general solve the three problems I mentioned above.

The popular Amazon Swindle hand computer uses a variant of this format. I don’t know much about it, but it’s not fully documented in public. Its text is formatted with (X)HTML and CSS. Mobipocket themselves did a bunch of work on hyphenation, but their work is no longer available (except on the Swindle), and other .mobi readers may not have such good hyphenation support.

Support for .mobi files is not available on most e-readers (except the Swindle), and on cellphones it is available but not installed by default. You can install, for example, Okular or FBReader to be able to read them.

.mobi doesn’t seem to have very good graphics support — in particular, nothing like SVG or EPS, but it does support embedded JS which could, in theory, implement that kind of thing, maybe. It supports embedded GIFs and JPEGs, but with a size limit of 63 KiB.

I’m not sure if one part of a .mobi file can contain a hyperlink to another arbitrary part of it, although it does of course support tables of contents. This is important for Dercuano.

.ePub format, the modern replacement for .mobi

EPUB, as it’s sometimes written, continued to evolve after .mobi forked from it around 2005, and the current version does support SVG images. It’s fully documented, not suffering from the reverse-engineering problem .mobi does. Otherwise (in terms of supported features, preservability, file size, and so on) it seems to be pretty similar.

One giant HTML file

At first I didn’t think of this as an option, since my experience with hand computers is that they typically can’t read HTML offline reliably.

Recent versions of (Chrome on) Android are capable of saving HTML pages for offline reading, including the CSS and JS and whatnot, so combining the entire contents of Dercuano into a single fifteen-megabyte, six-thousand-page HTML file might be a possible alternative. This would probably require fiddling with the CSS and JS a bit to get it to scale and not clash, but perhaps more importantly, I think Blink may choke on such large HTML documents; it’s designed for HTML files two or three orders of magnitude smaller. Even Dillo might balk.

It appears Chrome is saving a multipart/related MIME document with a filename ending in ".mhtml", which is a totally reasonable way to do this, and provides a reasonably readable file adhering to well-known standards, in a single file. It does, however, have a couple of significant drawbacks:

  1. Basically any useful access to it requires reading the whole thing, though that’s really probably the least of your troubles if 90% of it is a 15-megabyte HTML document.
  2. If you open the file in Chrome from a file manager, Chrome renders it as plain text. It’s only when you load it from the “downloads” app that Chrome opens it as expected.

I’m not clear on how easy it is to transfer these from one hand computer to another, which, as I was saying earlier, is a sine qua non. I was hoping it would be a matter of just copying the .mhtml file across, but it doesn’t seem to be.

However, the one-giant-HTML-file approach might be useful as a first step in other workflows, like creating PDFs or ePubs.


That brings us to PDF, which is usually in last place in anyone’s list of candidate document formats, due to decades of painful experiences; PDF doesn’t support text reflow†, so using it for hand computers whose screens vary by a factor of about 4 would seem, at best, perverse. However, for better or worse, PDF is supported by almost all hand computers (Android, iOS, and Swindle all ship with PDF support out of the box), and it always looks the same, within the limits of the screen or printer, while maintaining a file size similar to that of gzipped HTML. It supports hyperlinks, including hyperlinks within the document, and it supports vector graphics, including transparency (though not, as far as I know, SVG-like convolution filters). PDF is designed for random access, so a few thousand pages in a document is not a problem on modern computers, including hand computers.

PDF also has the advantage that there are a lot of people out there who take seriously the problems of archiving PDFs and making them searchable. The ISO has a PDF standard and also a standard for a “PDF/A” subset designed for archival. (Well, several non-backwards-compatible versions of the standard, actually, which likely defeats the purpose, but possibly they’ll pull their heads out of their asses at some point.)

The worst problems with reading PDF on hand computers, as I said above, result from formatting with long lines. Wide margins are a secondary offense, since in many readers they mean you have to zoom to a readable size every time you switch pages, and when panning on touchscreens, you’re always at risk of panning a little bit diagonally and losing the last few letters of the column you’re trying to read.

Typically, though, PDF viewers only let you pan diagonally when you’re zoomed in in two dimensions. If you have the entire page width visible, you can only pan vertically, and if you’re looking at the entire page, you can’t pan at all.

† Recent versions of acroread do claim PDF reflow support, but I haven’t tried it.


Microsoft distributes help files in CHM format, which, like ePub, is an archive (in “.cab” “cabinet” format, IIRC) full of HTML files. This used to be popular as a way to distribute technical books, and maybe it still is, but support on hand computers is limited. Play Store app reviews suggest that nowadays it’s found a niche for distributing medical reference books to doctors.

My proposed solution: PDF with pages of 24 ems × 60 ems with ½ em of margin all around

Maybe PDF’s vices can be turned into virtues.

Consider a page that measures 24 ems by 60 ems, with 1.2-em line spacing and ½ em of margin, so eight to twelve words per line, much like a paperback book, but with much taller pages: 49 lines. On my tiny 45×63 mm hand computer, these numbers give a barely bearable 5.3-point font in portrait mode and a tolerable 7.4-point font in landscape mode, when the page is zoomed to fit the width of the display rather than its height. On the larger 64×115 one I mentioned earlier, these numbers are a tolerable 7.6-point font in portrait mode and an eminently readable 13.6-point font in landscape mode. Indeed, even fitting the height of the page to the display gives a bearable 5.4-point font on that machine.

These four possibilities — landscape zoom-to-width, landscape zoom-to-height, portrait zoom-to-width, and portrait zoom-to-height — provide four roughly evenly spaced magnification levels covering a linear zoom range of about three to four times, or an areal zoom of about 12 to 20 times. None of them suffer the janky diagonal panning problems that plague PDF reading on hand computers, since none of them require zooming in so far that diagonal zooming is possible. The number of words per line is suboptimal but readable.

Some screen real estate to the left and right of the page is left unused. On a 91×122 mm Swindle, zooming to fit the whole 60-em-tall page in portrait mode gives you a 5.8-point font, but only the middle 49 mm of the display is used. Many PDF readers (I don’t remember about the Swindle’s) offer an option to view pairs of facing pages next to each other, rather than single pages; doing this on a Swindle-sized screen would give you a 5.4-point font, which is still bearable, and two pages of text at a time.

If we think of an em as nominally representing 12 PostScript points, the 24×60 em page size is 102 mm (4 inches in archaic units) by 254 mm (10 inches in archaic units). So this column size actually closely approximates the size of a column in a traditional two-column folio page, or a two-column A4 or US letter-sized page.

Given how precious hand-computer screen real estate is, we’d probably want to use indentation, rather than extra vertical space, to demarcate paragraphs, in the way that has been standard for several centuries. The addition of PDF’s unavoidable page breaks with ragged right margins adds an additional rationale for this: if a sentence starts at the beginning of a line at the top of a page, how can we tell if it starts a new paragraph or not? It will have extra whitespace above it simply because of the page break.

A hypothetical PDF reader that supported zooming to fit the page height, with more than two pages next to each other, would allow reading any number of such columns with horizontal scrolling.

To some extent, small font sizes can be compensated by holding the computer closer to your face, wearing reading glasses, and squinting, but a more absolute limit — without resorting to temporal antialiasing, anyway — is the actual number of pixels. I’ve done a 3½×6 pixel font that is marginally readable, and I think you can do better than that with antialiasing and especially subpixel rendering, but usually a minimum for reasonable letterforms is 5×8 pixels, and standard VGA fonts were 8×16. But at these line widths, that’s not going to be a problem. If we divide the original iPhone’s 320-pixel width by 24 ems, we get a line height of 13 pixels, so an average glyph of around 6×13 pixels. And modern hand computers have considerably more pixels than that.

Given that all these point sizes are a little on the small side, and the actual paperback book I was looking at has lines of only about 20 ems wide and is eminently readable, you’d think I could get by with a font size about 10% or 20% larger than what’s implied above (and thus 21% or 44% less areally dense). 45 mm / 21 em would be 2.1 mm per em, which is a 6-point font; in landscape mode, the same tiny screen would have 63 mm / 21 em = 8.5 points, which is easily readable. But the other force pushing for smaller fonts and wider lines is the occasional <pre> block, which needs to be able to accommodate 80 columns, nominally 40 ems. That’s a text size of 0.6 em for the <pre>. Using an even larger font size for the normal body text would cause an even larger disharmony between the two text sizes.

Hyperlinks in PDF

PDF supports tables of contents and hyperlinks, but at least the default PDF viewer on Android 7.0 (which is the Google Drive PDF viewer) doesn’t seem to have any way to see them. It has a fairly effective scrollbar, though, so page numbers may be a reasonable replacement — but they need to count monotonically from 1 at the beginning, since the page numbers displayed in the Android viewer do that; even though PDF supports page numbers that do things like “i, ii, iii, iv, 1, 2”, they are not displayed.

ZUI in PDF for navigating illustrations?

Illustrations (see Dercuano drawings) are a really hard problem in HTML-based formats for small screens: your lines are already too short to flow text around large pictures, and small pictures are unreadable unless they contain only a little bit of information, like sparklines. But if we assume that the reader is using a hand computer with pinch-to-zoom, and our image format is vector, perhaps we can rely on zooming to provide more information about illustrations on demand, and even some degree of hierarchical navigation.

Hyperlink navigation within the illustration is probably not supported, though, and the maximum zoom is probably quite limited; the popular AndroidPdfViewer open-source component defaults to 3× as its default maximum zoom, but the Android 7.0 default PDF viewer defaults to 10×. It also permits zooming out until several pages are on the screen, though, sadly, stacked vertically.

Hyphenation and equations in PDF

The major advantage of PDF over the HTML-based formats is that things will look exactly as I formatted them. This means that I don’t have to rely on hyphenation support on the reader’s computer; I can use a decent hyphenation algorithm, and if necessary I can tweak the text to deal with rotten formatting (although, honestly, I’m trying to import a couple of million words of unfinished notes into this thing; I can’t stop to futz with per-paragraph formatting on more than a tiny part of it).

Also, an enormous advantage accrues to math formatting (see Dercuano formula display). In theory, EPUB supports some part of MathML, but MathML rendering is generally kind of shitty (where it’s not done through MathJax), and writing MathML is worse. With PDF, I can render equations at build time using TEX, subsetting Computer Modern fonts as necessary to include just the glyphs I’m using, and get well-formatted formulas.

Further progress


I've hacked together a janky PDF by parsing the Dercuano output HTML as XML, and now most of the content of Dercuano is readable in this format.

Page sizes and typewriter font woes

Initially I tried the "24 ems × 60 ems with ½ em of margin" configuration described above, but I found it to be uncomfortably narrow. For regular running text it was reasonably okay, and for low-resolution cellphones that probably means "ideal", but for 80-column-wide <pre> blocks, it was terrible --- that's 0.3 ems per character, and Courier really wants more like 0.63 ems per character, which would be over 50 ems, making non-<pre> text of the same size uncomfortably wide and also requiring a high-resolution screen for readability without constant diagonal scrolling.

(I haven't actually implemented <pre> proper yet.)

Another pressure is that 24 ems is too narrow for a large number of URLs. At some point I guess I'll have to implement some kind of line continuation for long strings like that, but having less broken lines like that will always be better.

However, to some extent text dimensions are fungible. Making text taller makes it more legible, as does making it wider. The much harder constraint on <pre> text is its width; scrolling more because it is taller than would be ideal is far preferable. So, a reasonable alternative is to use a compressed font. I found Bogusław Jackowski and Janusz M. Nowacki's font Latin Modern Mono Light Condensed, which comes in regular and oblique versions (but no bold), which is derived originally from Knuth's Computer Modern Teletype, which is in the public domain; but Latin Modern has much broader coverage of some 760 Unicode characters than cmtt does.

lmtlc, as this font is called in the TEX Live distribution, demands only about 0.36 ems of horizontal space per character, and is still quite readable, although visibly compressed. I had to use FontForge to convert it from the OTF on CTAN because Reportlab said, "TTF file "lmmonoltcond10-oblique.otf": postscript outlines are not supported."

So I've widened the page width to some 29 ems (and extended it vertically to 66 ems, purely for reasons of silly nostalgic printer traditions --- US letter paper is, in medieval units, 11 inches long, and a standard 12-point line height thus gives you 66 lines). This reduces the page count from some 4700 to 3700. Even 3700 seems large for a book of only 1.3 million words or less, but 500 of those pages are the topic listings at the end.

As I said before, a key consideration is for the PDF version of Dercuano to be readable on hand computers without diagonal scrolling or reflowing, because reflowing a PDF is pretty hard. This has two aspects: pixel readability and absolute size.

As for pixel readability, reviewing dimensions from above, the PalmPilot was 160x160, and the iPhone 1 was 320x480. At 24 ems wide in landscape mode, 480 pixels is 20 pixels per em, like a 10x20 xterm font; this is quite comfortable. 160 pixels across 24 ems is only 6.7 pixels per em, which is at the very edge of readability. So, by going to 29 ems, I'm sacrificing PalmPilot readability, which would be 5.5 PalmPilot pixels per em, but 16.6 original-iPhone pixels per em --- still quite readable in landscape mode.

In addition to avoiding pixelation to prevent unreadability in an absolute sense, I'd also like to keep the letters reasonably large in millimeters to avoid sacrificing readability-without-a-magnifying-glass. The original iPhone was 50x74 mm; 50 mm across 29 ems is 1.72 pixels per em, which is 4.9 printer's points. That's a pretty small font! That's why I was trying to make do with 24 ems. But in landscape mode on an iPhone-1-sized device that would be a 7.2-point font, suboptimal but not outside the realm of readability. On the discount hand computer I was using earlier this year, the screen was 45x63 mm. 29 ems across 63 mm makes it a 6.1-point font: painful to read, but, again, not infeasible.

If that hadn't worked, maybe /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/cm-unicode/cmuntt.otf would have been another possibility, maybe with some kind of coordinate transformation.

Remaining major bugs

I have a number of showstopper bugs left in the PDF generation; among them:

There are also a lot of other bugs that aren't showstoppers but might be easy to fix:

And other bugs that are serious but maybe aren't in either category:

Font cascade fallback fonts

As a fallback for monospaced text, /usr/share/fonts/truetype/droid/DroidSansMono.ttf might work, although it's going to be much wider than lmtlc and only covers 874 codepoints (though some of those are things I use that aren't in lmtlc!). /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf covers only 663. /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/UbuntuMono-R.ttf has 1225, comparable to the 1259 in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/cour.ttf. /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf has 3197, and /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeMono.ttf has 4126. Moreover, FreeMono has 3511 codepoints that lmtlc doesn't, and DejaVu Sans Mono has 2645, of which 515 are also not in FreeMono.

So, for monospace coverage, if you had to choose a single fallback font with no worries about licensing, it would be FreeMono, expanding lmtlc's 760 codepoints to 4271, but if you could choose a second one, DejaVu Sans Mono would expand that to 4786.

For serif body text, ET Book (a copy of Bembo) covers only 233 codepoints. The corresponding brand-name fallback fonts would be /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf with 6450 codepoints and /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSerif.ttf (my browser's standard fallback) with 3331 codepoints. From the size, it is clear that neither of these covers Chinese; the built-in PDF font that seems to work best for Chinese (in Reportlab, the PDF-generation library I'm using) is reportlab.pdfbase.cidfonts.UnicodeCIDFont('STSong-Light'), which is sadly a gothic monoline (I would say "sans-serif" but of course what's missing isn't really serifs) font. Also, I've figured out how to tell which codepoints a TrueType font covers using Reportlab: reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts.TTFontFile( '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/UbuntuMono-R.ttf').charToGlyph is a dict. I don't know how to do this for STSong-Light, so I don't know how to fall back from it.

Freefont is a GNU project, although it seems to have largely gone idle in 2012. The licensing is GPLv3+, which is somewhat aggressive as fonts go, and it's not clear that there's a legal way to embed it, or a subset of it, into a PDF file and then convey that PDF file to others.

Oh, actually there's a special exception for document embedding in its README, which Debian left out of /usr/share/doc/fonts-freefont-ttf/copyright:

Free UCS scalable fonts is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The fonts are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

As a special exception, if you create a document which uses this font, and embed this font or unaltered portions of this font into the document, this font does not by itself cause the resulting document to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the document might be covered by the GNU General Public License. If you modify this font, you may extend this exception to your version of the font, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.

DejaVu is an extended version of Bitstream Vera, which was distributed under a BSD-like license that requires changing the name of extended versions; the DejaVu changes are in the public domain. They are far from complete Unicode coverage, lacking even some Greek and Cyrillic and most Arabic, as well as all the Indic scripts. Still, I think it might cover most of the characters I actually use.

DejaVu Serif isn't very harmonious with ET Book; it's a slab-serif font with little emphasis and a tall x-height --- roughly as far as it could be from ET Book while still being technically a serif font. It does have ℤ and ² and ³ and ⁶⁴ and μ and × and ∞ and ÷ and Ω and ≈ and ⇒ ∃ ε ∈ ₀₁ †, though many of them copy and paste wrong. Combining arrow above v⃗ is missing (renders as an empty box), but maybe I'm outputting it wrong. And it's missing ℓ. But those are the only things I've seen missing so far.

The elusive 'ℓ' is found in FreeMono, Liberation Mono, (Microsoft's) Courier New, and Droid Sans Mono, and likely their non-monospaced equivalents as well. Liberation is a Red Hat font set licensed under the GPLv2 with a document-embedding exception plus some other weird anti-Tivoization exception.

Liberation Serif covers ≈, †, ∞, ←↓↑→, ² and ³, and Greek, but not ⁻⁶ or ɑ or ₂ or ⁴⁸ or ℤ. It's somewhat more harmonious with ET Book.

Freefont's FreeSerif is considerably more harmonious with ET Book than the others, and it does contain ℓ.

Misparsed data

I've been trying to use ElementTidy to read in the things ElementTree can't handle directly, about 30 of the 997 notes in Dercuano, but this has been failing completely. One reason is that the tag names it gives me are bullshit like '{}html'. Another is that it seems to be parsing things as some incorrect encoding.

elementtidy is apparently dead having just been removed from Debian a few months ago, so it may not have been the best choice...

This seems to work to solve the mojibake problem:

>>> b = TidyHTMLTreeBuilder.TidyHTMLTreeBuilder(encoding='utf-8')
>>> b.feed(open('dercuano-20191226/notes/nova-rdos.html').read())
>>> t = b.close()

Although honestly, looking at the source, I think this does the same thing without TidyHTMLTreeBuilder:

import _elementtidy
t = ET.XML(_elementtidy.fixup(open(
       'dercuano-20191226/notes/nova-rdos.html').read(), 'utf8')[0])

...although that's not without ElementTidy, just without its Python. It still has the namespace problem, though.

But the fixup() function there seems to just give us the stdout and stderr we would get from invoking HTML Tidy. Which, as it turns out, has options -ashtml and -utf8 that would probably do the right thing here without saddling us with an xmlns. I wonder if Python tidylib has a way to get that?

This looks promising:

>>> xs = tidylib.tidy_document(
        {'input-encoding': 'utf8',
         'output-encoding': 'utf8',
         'output-html': True})
>>> print xs[0][:1024].decode('utf-8')

That almost works:

>>> t = ET.XML(xs[0])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 124, in XML
cElementTree.ParseError: undefined entity: line 16, column 43

It's complaining about &nbsp;.

Well, can I use ElementTidy (or for that matter tidylib) in XML mode, but just strip off the namespace tags?

>>> t = ET.fromstring(_elementtidy.fixup(
    open('dercuano-20191226/notes/nova-rdos.html').read(), 'utf8')[0])
>>> def deprefix(tree):
...  for kid in tree:
...   deprefix(kid)
...  tree.tag = re.compile('{.*}').sub('', tree.tag)
>>> deprefix(t)

That seems to have worked! And tweaking the tidylib recipe above (no output-html, yes numeric-entities) allowed me to excise the ElementTidy dependency. So that's one out of six showstopper bugs fixed.


As MDN says about CSS "white-space: pre":

Sequences of white space are preserved. Lines are only broken at newline characters in the source and at <br> elements.

Right now I have a "font stack" which is separate from the element stack and also a "current link" which is restored from the element stack. But now I'd need to have a "white-space" stack so that I restore white-space to its normal value at the proper place.

I think a better alternative is to use the element stack to restore elements of the current style, which can include link destination, font-family, font-size, and white-space. Then I can just pass the current style to render_text.

white-space: pre is simple to implement:

#words = re.split('[ \n\r\t]+', text)
words = re.split('\n', text)

    if True or t[0].getX() + width > max_x:
        newline(c, t, font)

    t[0].textOut(word)# + ' ')

Okay, I have that working. Four showstopper bugs left: newlines after bullets, the ET Book license, vertical positioning, and font cascade fallbacks.

In the process, though, the PDF seems to have grown by about 700K and become slower to display in some PDF viewers. I suspect resetting the font on every word may be causing this, so I'm going to try adding another level of indirection so I can make an apples-to-apples test.

Indeed, without redundant font setting, it takes 4m37s of user time and produces a 12.4 MB PDF, while with redundant font setting, it takes 5m45s and produces a 12.9 MB PDF. So the extra complexity to avoid redundant font setting is worthwhile.


Well, so, I revisited the code that emits textobjects, and I made it emit a new textobject for every line, which can be positioned with some appropriate Y-offset, and now I have the links actually over the text they're supposed to be (except when a link splits across pages, which is still a bug) although at the cost of an extra megabyte. This also enables me to eliminate the fudge-factor margin at page bottoms, which cuts the book down to 3718 pages.

So, that's one more showstopper bug down, and so now it's down to three remaining showstopper bugs: the missing ET Book license, the newlines following bullets, and tofu. I think FreeSerif and FreeMono are reasonable fallback fonts, but I have to figure out how to do the fallbacking in practice.

Font cascades

So, I've added FreeFont FreeSerif as a fallback font and added a bunch of logic for font fallback. I probably should add some kind of regexp-based fast path for when all the characters in a word are in ET Book, because it's noticeably slower, but it does seem to cover nearly all the characters I use. FreeSerif-Italic seems to be missing a bunch of subscript letters I use, though, unless I'm screwing something up.

It takes about 9 minutes instead of about 5 minutes to generate the PDF now.

It turns out that subscript index letters like ₖ or (bold: , bold italic: ) are not in (this version of) FreeFont, but they are in DejaVuSerif and DejaVuSerif-Italic. They're used in Isotropic nonlinear texture effects for letterforms from a scale-space representation and Observable transaction possibilities. So I'm going to go ahead and add the relevant DejaVu fonts, including for typewriter text (, , , ), to the font cascade.

That seems to solve the problem. So maybe I can declare the Dercuano PDF pipeline tofu-free, at the cost of dozens of megabytes of fonts added to the source repository.

So, the remaining showstopper problems are the ET Book license and newlines following bullets. Then I can work on some problems that are annoying but less critical, like subscripts and superscripts, page numbers, blockquote formatting, ligatures, per-note tables of contents, extra spaces, extra newlines in <pre>, header colors, and header padding.

(Although, as it turns out, I spent some time adding caches to the font cascade code to see if I could make it a little less slow. This cut the PDF build time from 9.5 minutes to 8 minutes.)

Newlines following bullets

This happens with the construct <li><p>fulano</p></li>. Entering the <li> causes one newline (followed by a bullet), and entering the <p> causes another. The correct solution is to make the <p> a box vertically nested inside the <li> box without any extra padding, so that, unless there's something above it to push it down, their tops are at the same position. But the janky PDF generation script doesn't have a box model; it just has newlines. How could we avoid generating a newline?

Well, the problem is specifically when a block element is the first thing inside another block element. So maybe I can just have a boolean about whether we're at the top of a block.

Okay, I was able to hack that in, and as a bonus I can use it to eliminate paragraph indents when paragraphs are the first thing inside a block element. That avoids list items having an indent on the first line next to the bullet. It will probably also help with blockquotes. Gah, blockquotes.

That just leaves the ET Book license as a showstopper.


No, wait, another one just popped up: in between the two 6's in "m0oTzNujJpx 66\n" in the middle of powerful-primitives.html, the font switches to italic, which it doesn't in the browser, and stays that way for the rest of the note. The culprit seems to be m0oTzNujJpx 6<I=EInw>6\n. I tweaked this to use `` in the Markdown, which hopefully will make the problem go away, but even if it interpreted that as an <i> tag, it should have at some point found an end to it --- maybe Tidy worked too hard here...

Oh also I implemented bold as typewriter due to what looks like a copy-and-paste error. Fixed!

I've fixed another couple of problems mentioned earlier in a drive-by fashion: <script> and <style> contents and no-break spaces.

So, the biggest remaining problems with the PDF, in more or less priority order (a sort of mix of estimated effort with estimated benefit):

This is a lot to fix in the next 22 hours and I'm definitely not going to finish all of it, but I ought to be able to make a significant dent.

Okay, adding the ET Book license was a little harder than expected, but done.

I sort of have the padding thing working. It's not working for the "Topics" section at the end because that's the first thing in a <div> and my check for paragraphs in list items means that they don't get a newline. I guess I could make that specific to list items.

Now I have the page numbers thing sort of working, although as with LaTeX, page number references will only work the second time you generate a document, which in some sense doubles the generation time from 8 minutes to 16. This is sort of alarming given that I have 20.5 hours left, which is 82 times 16 minutes. I can only do 82 more full rebuilds at that pace. This code will only ever be run 82 more times, ever.

How about overlong lines? I could use a regular "\" to indicate the wrapping of the line, although I think an outdented "-" would be nice. But then I need to chop the overlong word up into lines somehow. If I were just positioning it at an (x, y), I feel like I could easily enough position it a full column width to the left, but the textobject seems to be taking care of positioning for me, unfortunately. So maybe a better option is to binary search on word widths.

Damn it, I just scalded my hand with this teakettle. Not sure being awake at 4 AM is such a good idea. But I still have almost 20 hours left.

All right, I have overlong lines chopped and marked with little circles, sort of like flowchart connector circles. And it's almost sunrise, and damn is it hot, despite the air conditioner going full blast.

Adding tables of contents with ElementTree shouldn't be rocket science, but those tables of contents will be sort of lame without bookmarks to jump to. So I'd need to add a bookmark for each header, which I might as well try to add to the document's outline as well; actually with some PDF viewers that would be a sufficient navigational interface.

However, the 1300 or so outline items are already a bit of a problem for many PDF viewers; I'm not sure how well they'll handle another order of magnitude. I may put this off for a few hours and work on other problems.

Superscript and subscript are supposedly implemented by reportlab.pdfgen.textobject.setRise. That can be made to work... although line breaking between a base and the exponent is possible and pretty undesirable. Also it seems like the line spacing below increases for a superscript and decreases for a subscript, which is pretty bogus; this very note has some trouble with that with the word "TEX". This is maybe enough of an implementation for the moment --- now it's a formatting problem instead of a semantic problem --- but it sucks pretty bad.

Sunrise is well underway, though the streetlights have not yet gone out.

The character-level markup problem is because the way words get separated in the document is that every word gets a space appended to it, regardless of whether what followed it was a space, the element end, or an element beginning. Originally I was using words = text.split() but now that I'm using re.split this problem should actually be easy to fix:

>>> re.split(r'[ \t]+', 'a b')
['a', 'b']
>>> re.split(r'[ \t]+', 'a b ')
['a', 'b', '']
>>> re.split(r'[ \t]+', ' a b ')
['', 'a', 'b', '']

So, I only want to append a space if the word is not the last word in the string.

This small change yields an enormous improvement in formatting. I was whispering, "Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck," as I looked at the results. Exponents are better (in, e.g., Robust local search in vector spaces using adaptive step sizes, and thoughts on extending quasi-Newton methods); formulas with italic letters are better (for example, Robust local search in vector spaces using adaptive step sizes, and thoughts on extending quasi-Newton methods's presentation of the law of cosines); inline typewriter text is better (in, e.g., Eur-Scheme: a simplified Ur-Scheme, though it still has major problems with <pre>); italic words in paragraphs are better; links are better.

A similar but somewhat larger change fixed the <pre> problem in Eur-Scheme: a simplified Ur-Scheme, although now I am getting to the point where I am surprised when some code works, which is probably a danger sign that I'm introducing bugs. It's now light enough outside that the streetlights have gone out, though there is still no direct sunlight. Maybe I should sleep for a while if I can manage it; I have almost 18 hours left in the day.

I also just tweaked the link boxes to go 0.1 ems to the right as well as 0.1 ems to the left of the link text, and tried URL-decoding URLs to fix the problems with links to Improving Lua #L with incremental prefix sum in the ∧ monoid and $1 recognizer diagrams, which seems to have worked.

So, now that I've solved the above eight problems, that leaves the following problems:

I'm pretty pleased with how the result looks now, actually, although there are still clearly places where it does the wrong thing.

After sleeping

I slept 6 hours and now have 10 hours left.

I tried an optimization that turned out to slow things down by 10%, that of handling word spaces separately from the words. I hacked in a reasonable approximation of English spacing, in the sense of larger spaces after sentences: colons, periods, exclamation marks, and question marks get a double-sized space after them, except when it's a period at the end of an abbreviation. (In particular, an extra space is added after ordinals in sequences like "1. Ready. 2. Set. 3. Go!")

This is a small change, but I think it improves nearly every paragraph, even though there are still much worse problems than the use of French equal sentence spacing throughout the book.

It would probably work better to use the indication of double spaces (or newlines) after periods in the original Markdown, since I'm pretty consistent about doing that, but, bleh.

So, what next? I think I should see if any of the next three items turn out to be relatively yielding: individual-note tables of contents, ordering of notes, and blockquote formatting.

I was thinking as I went to sleep that hanging indents (as are conventional for bulleted lists) should be relatively easy to handle: add a property to the style that has a string to place before each new line, and set it to a few spaces. This is a crude approximation of proper indentation for bulleted lists, but it might be adequate, and in particular for blockquotes. This does not exist as a CSS stylesheet property, except in the sense that margin-left, or padding-left can be used to indent the contents of a block with whitespace, and text-indent can be used to give the first line of each paragraph an extra indent.

An absolute minimum thing to do for blockquote formatting is to reduce the font size, and that's easy, so I'll do that.

Hmm, not quite so easy, because I haven't implemented font inheritance for block elements, so paragraphs inside a blockquote don't inherit the font. So I implemented font inheritance for block elements.

Also I added <ol> and <ul> back as block elements, causing them to have space at the top, so that the quoted lists in Flexures don't collide with the headers right above them.

Oh! I think I know how to fix the subscript/superscript problem. I just need to do the opposite setRise before setRise(0), because the implementation of setRise in Reportlab adds an increment to self._y:

def setRise(self, rise):
    "Move text baseline up or down to allow superscrip/subscripts"
    self._rise = rise
    self._y = self._y - rise    # + ?  _textLineMatrix?
    self._code.append('%s Ts' % fp_str(rise))

So, when we restore the rise back to zero, we need to also restore _y. So if we previously did setRise(6) we should do setRise(-6) before setRise(0). Well, that will work for the simple case of 0; what if the rise was previously 2? We don't want setRise(2) to result in an additional 2 points of displacement for _y. So we should do setRise(-8) before setRise(2). So, I got that fixed, although sometimes the fix does the wrong thing when it restores the rise on a different line.

Hmm, "Pₒᵤₜ" looks like shit maybe because of inconsistent font fallbacks; it's the same problem as the superscript digits.

Okay, so with those fixes, I have 6 hours left. But my network on this netbook has failed, so I'm going to reboot.

Now I've pushed out that update and am asking for other people to look at it.

Sean B. Palmer suggested tweaking the link box locations so they don't cut through character descenders, so I've done that.

So, back to the list of known problems:

The simplest thing for the chronological order would be to get the note links themselves from the table of contents. That might not be too hard.

That doesn't seem to be too hard, but I think I need to discriminate local, relative links from absolute links. A quick and dirty approach there is just urlparse(relative_url).path.startswith('/'), although there's probably like an is_relative property or something somewhere, I dunno. And now the PDF is in the proper order.

Although it seems like I have an URL-encoding problem still; my links to the topic "español" are broken, but I'd never noticed until the PDF generation croaked on it. Gotta regenerate the HTML!

Okay, adding colors to headers wasn't that hard either, although there's some kind of problem with the color's alpha --- it's not applied to the first line of the header, just the second and subsequent lines.

While I was at it, I spent five minutes hacking in a font-size hack for Things in Dercuano that would be big if true, and then added a little top margin to paragraphs and made <th> elements bold. And I started writing a postscriptum for Dercuano.

All right, I have two hours left, so I guess I need to accept most of the above problems now, and only fix things if I find something egregious.

I see Iterative string formatting has some Devanagari tofu in it. Apparently my font cascades lack Devanagari in the typewriter-font cascade. That's too bad. (Maybe it's actually mojibake, because the Devanagari is showing up as Chinese!) Steampunk spintronics: magnetoresistive relay logic? has an extra space in "F.B. Morse". Too bad. It also has an extra space in "(i.e. 250ps", which I think I'll fix; even though the "i.e." should be followed by a comma, I've made that error in many notes. APL in APL with typed indices produces tofu, but only in the serif font (I guess it's missing from the cascade); too bad.

The title of Byte-stream GUI applications was wrong; fixed.

In Nova RDOS there is tofu; I think this is because it's mostly encoded with CRLFs but occasionally has a lone LF. I'm not sure how this ends up producing tofu in the PDF but it does. Oh, yes I do. My <pre> pattern didn't handle blank lines correctly; fixed. Linking it in the intro text is making it appear out of sequence, which is too bad I guess.

Cheap frequency detection has some array indices that are incorrectly formatted as links; fixed, I hope.

I've switched to just using the normal line-wrapping code for formatting text files (in particular, the font licenses).

I guess that's about it!
