Isotropic nonlinear texture effects for letterforms from a scale-space representation

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-09-10 (16 minutes)

I was walking by some of those goofy hipster chalkboard signs in my cheto neighborhood today and noticed that a lot of them are produced from a bunch of relatively simple transformations of letterforms: outlining, drop-shadowing, color gradients, and so on. It occurred to me that it’s probably feasible to mechanically explore restricted but visually interesting sets of such transformations in the form of DAGs of a simple algebra.

In many cases, it would be ideal for the transformation to be shift-invariant (s-i), rotation-invariant (i), resolution-invariant (r-i), and bounded-amplitude (b) — that is, transforming a shifted, rotated, or resampled image should produce the shifted, rotated, or resampled transformation of the original image, and that it should be possible to compute bounds on the brightness of the pixels in the transformed image, at least given bounds on the brightness of the images in the original image. Moreover, if you want to do image approximation for style transfer (see Image approximation) it might be helpful for the transformation to be differentiable with respect to some set of parameters. These restrictions reduce the space of possible transformations in a way that should dramatically accelerate stochastic exploration and mathematical optimization.

Note that it is quite explicitly not a goal to restrict ourselves to linear transformations.

This is quite similar to, and inspired by, the abundance of excellent work in recent years on computer vision using artificial neural networks.

(See also An algebra of textures for interactive composition and Cheap textures.)


In the below, I generally speak of “images” as two-dimensional regularly sampled grids of scalar numbers. This is most apt to grayscale images; the simplest way to incorporate color images is to treat them as three separate images, one each for red, green, and blue.

The basics: isotropic scale-space representation

Given a sampled image, you can convolve it with some linear filter to get a transformed image; this transformation is shift-invariant (s-i) from the definition of convolution. If the filter’s impulse response is isotropic, which is to say rotation-invariant (i), this transformation will be isotropic. If the linear filter fₛ has a scale parameter s such that fₖₛ gives the same linear filter resampled to a new sampling grid k times larger, then you can satisfy the resolution-invariance criterion. You can derive reasonable amplitude bounds on the resulting image from amplitude bounds on the original image and on the filter’s impulse response.

A particularly appealing filter is the Gaussian, the scaled function e-r², both because it’s the only isotropic separable filter and because it can be very inexpensively approximated using CIC or Hogenauer filters, called repeated box blurs in image processing — independent of the radius, a quadratic approximation to the Gaussian (up to a constant scale factor) takes only six subtractions per pixel, given a dimension-indepenent third-order two-dimensional prefix sum (aka summed-area table) of the image, which requires six additions per pixel to compute, and in general about four times as much space as the original image.

(An additional desirable property is that Gaussian convolution is closed under composition: the composition of two Gaussian convolutions is a third Gaussian convolution whose scale parameter is simply the sum of the scale parameters of the two.)

This is the standard scale-space representation used in machine vision since the 1960s, the two-dimensional analogue of the one-dimensional Weierstrass transform used in analysis (and in particular function approximation) since the 1800s.

So you can use Gaussian convolutions with arbitrary constant radii as elementary operations in your algebra of transformations without risk of producing an inefficient, anisotropic (¬i), shift-variant (¬s-i), resolution-dependent (¬r-i), or unbounded (¬b) transformation. Moreover the transformation is differentiable with respect to both the input image and the scale parameter.

Another class of scalable isotropic filters that admit especially efficient implementations of convolution are flat† circles — circular boxcar filters. These are less efficient than Gaussian convolution, especially as kernel sizes grow, but, as discussed in Real-time bokeh algorithms, and other convolution tricks, they still admit much more efficient implementations than are generally known in the literature, on the order of 1–3 additions and subtractions per scan line in the kernel, or less if polygonal approximations are used.

Flat circle convolution is i and r-i except for aliasing artifacts, b, and s-i. It’s differentiable with respect to the input image, but it’s imperfectly differentiable with respect to the scale parameter; the flatness constraint requires the circle to expand by discrete pixels, which create discontinuities in its derivative. I feel like you should be able to make a differentiable version by lerping between circles of adjacent radii; using the above-linked algorithms, such a filter can be implemented at much less than twice the cost of a single flat circle convolution, since the two circles will be equal on most scan lines.

† “Flat” in the sense that all points within the support of the filter have the same “height”.

Nonlinear morphological operators

Another class of shift-invariant, resolution-invariant, and bounded-amplitude transformations on images with efficient interpretations are the nonlinear morphological operations of erosion ⊖ and dilation ⊕; if used with an isotropic “structuring element” or kernel, such as a flat circle, these operations are isotropic. These, too, have been used in machine vision since the 1970s. As described in Some notes on morphology, including improvements on Urbach and Wilkinson’s erosion/dilation algorithm, Urbach and Wilkinson published an algorithm that can evaluate these operators with flat kernels at only slightly higher computational cost than the linear convolution with flat circular kernels described in the previous section, and it’s straightforward to shave off another factor of 2 or 3 from Urbach and Wilkinson’s algorithm in most cases.

So you can use erosion and dilation with flat circles with arbitrary constant radii as additional elementary operations; as with the isotropic convolution cases, this poses no risk of producing an inefficient, anisotropic, shift-variant, scale-variant, or unbounded transformation.

Combining operators

Arithmetic pixelwise combination

Given constant images and the above elementary unary operations on images, we can combine them pixelwise using most of the standard mathematical operators: +, -, ×, ∧ (minimum), ∨ (maximum), and in some cases ÷, if appropriate bounds can be shown to hold for the input images. (But not %.) In particular, note that pixelwise-nonlinear ×, ∧, and ∨ permit the realization of nonlinear image filtering operations even without the use of any nonlinear neighborhood operations such as the morphological operations.

Moreover, you can apply a number of unary operations pixelwise, such as exp, sin, cos, atan, and in some cases ln.

Bounds-preserving operators

However, I think the above set of combining operators is somewhat suboptimal with respect to its boundedness and efficiency. It’s true that you can compute bounds on a + b or a × b given bounds on a and b, but if you’re randomly assembling DAGs in this algebra, a lot of them will randomly have very large or very small bounds. It would be desirable to have a similarly expressive set of operations in which, if both inputs are bounded to some range, the output is too.

In particular, consider the case of a, b, c ∈ [0, 1]. Then these continuous, pixelwise combining operations preserve that bound:

Of these, all but ∧ and ∨ are everywhere differentiable; those may happen to be differentiable in a particular case. It might be possible to use the harmonic mean above or √(ab), the geometric mean, in place of ab, but it’s not a very good substitute.


The algebra of image filtering above can express a wide range of effects, but since all of its operators are isotropic, it can’t express anisotropic effects, which for better or worse include calligraphic stroke emphasis (including goofy hipster ironic Victorian puffery effects) and drop shadows. By adding just a simple shift operator to the algebra, sm,n(p) = (x, y) => p(x - m, y - n), we can gain a wide variety of such anisotropic transformations, while still guaranteeing b, s-i, and r-i—except for aliasing artifacts. Differentiability suffers from the same kind of aliasing artifact as the flat circle convolution, and similarly bilinear interpolation is sufficient to mostly restore differentiability. However, bilinear interpolation suffers from its own artifacts, having to do with the lousy approximation the triangle kernel is to a sinc.

To fully restore differentiability, we need a differentiable interpolation operator, such as quadratic spline interpolation, which additionally is a much better approximation of sinc. It requires nine multiply-accumulates per pixel, though perhaps I can strength-reduce that to three, or one if it is separable or close enough.

To account for both the computational cost and the anisotropy we would like to minimize, it may be a good idea to include a special penalty term for the use of the shift operator in cost functions used for mathematical optimization.

Dynamical systems

Discrete time

In addition to static graphs of image transformations, we can think about evolving an image over time. One simple way to do this is to iterate a transformation some number of times — that is, run it with its previous output as its new input. This can give rise to interesting behavior even with very simple transformations. (This is also one of the motivations for seeking combining operations with output bounds the same as input bounds.)

Continuous time

However, the number of times the transformation runs in that state-machine scheme is necessarily discrete — and such discretized time means that the result cannot be differentiable with respect to time. As a possible alternative, we can use a transformation to define an ordinary differential equation that specifies the temporal evolution of the image: the pixelwise difference between the original image and the transformed image gives the pixelwise time derivative of the evolution. (It can be seen that, except for numerical approximation errors, this will never lead the pixel outside the smallest interval containing both its own range and the range of the transformed pixel; so if both are [0, 1], it will remain within [0, 1].) Then we can use garden-variety Runge–Kutta numerical integration of ordinary differential equations to compute the image’s evolution, time step by time step, with high precision.

This makes the resulting image differentiable with respect to the time parameter — somewhat by fiat, as it were — and allows us to vary that parameter continuously.

Differentiable crossbars

In the above I’ve mostly talked about the DAG of image-processing operators as if it descended from heaven. But there occur to me three major ways to handle this:

  1. Expose image-processing operators directly to a user, whether through an API, a GUI, or some hybrid, and let them play around.

  2. Generate DAGs randomly, possibly using genetic-programming techniques, or exhaustively, possibly using some kind of heuristic breadth-first search.

  3. Use a fixed topology that is nevertheless flexible enough to generate a wide variety of effects.

The third approach is the one taken by most current artificial-neural-network research, usually through “fully connected layers” (complete bipartite graphs) and “max-pooling”. Fully connected layers of n neurons from m inputs involve multiplying a vector of length m through an n × m matrix — for every pixel in your image, if you’re doing something convolutional.

Telephone networks originally worked using fully connected switchboards: any jack could be patched to any other jack by the operator by inserting a wire into both jacks. But this scaled poorly with the size of the network, so they changed to crossbar switching.

A crossbar switch is a small permutation matrix; it might have four inputs and four outputs, although in the Telephone network all these connections were initially bidirectional. Each of the 16 crossing points could be closed (1) or open (0). In this way, any input can be connected to any output, and indeed every input can be connected to some output at once when the matrix is 75% sparse.

The trick is that multiple layers of many of these crossbar switches can produce any permutation of the inputs on the outputs. (A sorting exchange network is the special case of this where the crossbars are 2-input 2-output switches.) Consider a layer of four input 4×4 crossbars, each with one output connected to each of four output 4×4 crossbars. This is sufficient to connect any of the 16 inputs to any of the 16 outputs, but it cannot produce all possible permutations — you cannot have two inputs on the same input switch connected to two outputs on the same output switch. All circuits are busy.

Introducing an intermediate “hidden” layer of four more 4×4 crossbars, with a similar fully-connected arrangement, does, I think, give you all possible permutations. (A simple counting argument shows that it could, while no arrangement of eight 4×4 crossbars can — 4! = 24, and 248 = 110,075,314,176, while 16! = 20,922,789,888,000, but 2412 = 36,520,347,436,056,576; but clearly there are many ways to get the same output permutation by routing circuits through different hidden-layer crossbars.) There is some savings here: a single-stage 16×16 crossbar would contain 256 contact points, while this three-stage network contains only 12×16 = 192 contact points. Adding further crossbar-switch stages to the network increases the economy.

What I have in mind here is using 4×4 matrices as differentiable crossbar switches. Applied pixelwise to four input images, such a crossbar produces four output images as linear pixelwise functions of the inputs, and so a few layers of such stages can substitute more economically for the fully-connected layers in traditional artificial neural networks.

The output of these stages is then fed to some set of fixed-function units attached in a fixed topology to the crossbar outputs: lerp, multiply, average, max, min, Gaussian blur, shift, and so on. In this way, the continuously-differentiable “crossbars” substitute for the discrete connection topologies we might otherwise have to search through.

We can apply an optimization penalty for weights that are far from 0 or 1, perhaps later on in the training, as is conventionally done in topological optimization. In this way we can give the crossbars an incentive to sparsify, and thus we can stop computing functions that aren’t contributing to the results.
