Image approximation

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-05-14 (10 minutes)

I’ve mentioned the problem of image approximation in a few different notes — Ideas to ship in 2014, Simplifying computing systems by having fewer kinds of graphics, and Ideas to pursue. Basically the idea is a specific application of mathematical optimization algorithms: making something look, visually, like some reference image. But it turns out to be an interestingly fertile family of applications.

There’s now a Twitter bot called something like “Minimal Pictures” which illustrates the idea; it applies some single graphical primitive (Bézier curves, translucent rectangles, or translucent triangles, for example) a few hundred times to get an image that looks similar to a reference image, but not so similar that you can’t see how it’s done. And in 2016 I wrote a hill-climbing optimizer to approximate a given image with opaque irregular pentagons, with stunning, but very slow, results.

So here is an attempt to outline the space a bit.

Design spaces

A design space is a set of variables the optimization algorithm can tweak to satisfy its objective of making the right image. This can be pretty much anything. Interesting design spaces include polygons (translucent or opaque); polylines; Bézier curves; points; DCT coefficients in a JPEG; images constrained in some way, such as sparsity, to be convolved with the known, estimated, or optimized OTF of some optical system; widths and/or slight displacements of a given set of lines, as in engraving or font hinting; toolpaths, or more generally robot movement plans; arrangements of a given set of pieces (overlappable or not, scalable or not, but generally rotatable); heightfields, 3-dimensional meshes, or other three-dimensional models such as collections of spheres; parameters controlling a model like a face puppet; or colors of pixels chosen from a small set, as on an inkjet printer.

Similarity metrics

The simplest similarity metric to optimize is probably just the sum of squared pixel differences, but this leaves a lot to be desired. A very simple alternative is blurring the images a bit first, but there are many other possibilities. Transforming the images into Fourier or Gabor space and then weighting the different spatial frequencies according to perceptual salience might be an improvement. A perhaps more interesting possibility is using the first few layers of a neural network trained for image classification or in a GAN; this would presumably put extra weight on things that are important to “real images” in some sense, and might do a reasonable job of simulating the first few layers of human visual perception, too.

In some cases, perhaps something like Canny edge detection would be a useful step in the similarity function, if the visual similarity you’re going for isn’t purely literal.

Other objective function components

The objective function you optimize might not be purely similarity; it might also include some kind of “cost model” for the design space. For example, if you’re planning a toolpath, you might want to prefer faster toolpaths; if you’re trying to approximate an image by deriving a sparse set of stars or other bright points that have somehow gotten convolved with a known or unknown OTF, you might want to prefer sparser sets; you might prefer heightfields that are mostly smooth rather than containing thousands of sharp spikes; for artistic purposes, you might want to minimize the number of graphical primitives used, just to keep the approximation from being too perfect; and so on.


In many of these cases, you won’t know how well you’ve actually approximated the image until you set some kind of physical machinery in motion. A robot wielding a pen, a hot wire, a FDM nozzle, or a milling cutter can produce somewhat unpredictable results. Also, it’s slow. A potentially worse problem is that its results aren’t differentiable — you can evaluate your objective function over them, but you may not be able to determine the gradient of the objective function with respect to your design variables.

So in many cases you’ll want to do some kind of simulation, even if in the end what you’re optimizing is a physical process. A numerical simulation, even of things like robots cutting things, can support automatic differentiation with respect to your design space, which enables the use of non-gradient-free optimization algorithms.

Optimization algorithms

There’s been an enormous amount of work on variations of gradient descent in the last few years, largely with an eye to accelerating learning of parameters for deep neural networks, and there are also a substantial number of older variants. This includes Nesterov accelerated gradient, AdaBoost, AdaGrad, Adam, and so on.

Gradient-based algorithms have an enormous advantage in high-dimensional design spaces; they tend to slow down linearly with dimensionality, while gradient-free optimization algorithms commonly slow down exponentially with dimensionality.

However, other metaheuristics other than gradient descent are applicable; for example, Nelder–Mead optimization, genetic algorithms, and simulated annealing.

In some cases, the most appropriate optimization algorithm may actually be something like a particle filter.


This family of techniques can be applied to many problems.

The minimal-picture bot mentioned above has output that looks cool.

Non-photorealistic rendering is a useful approach for avoiding the plasticky hard look of a lot of 3-D rendering. Image approximation is a general approach to NPR — you ask for an approximation of a conventional near-photorealistic rendering, using a design space that only allows pencil drawing, for example, or pastel chalk painting, and perhaps using a similarity measure that privileges whatever you think is most important to preserve, such as edge orientations.

In the opposite direction, a possible way for someone to specify a 3-D model that can later be used for photorealistic rendering, virtual puppeteering, or 3-D printing is to sketch it in a non-photorealistic way, maybe from a few different points of view, then optimize in an appropriate design space of 3-D models, using photorealistic rendering to generate the image to be compared to the sketch, and some kind of similarity metric that emphasizes the features that are likely to survive.

Autotracing, vectorizing raster images, can be framed as an image approximation problem: you want to approximate the raster image as closely as possible with a polyine with a very limited number of control points. Carrying this further, you could optimize a representation of a printed book that consisted of one or more fonts and a vector of (pageno, x, y, codepoint) tuples, subject to appropriate penalties for wiggly lines of text and fonts with too many glyphs, in order to simultaneously OCR the text and digitize the font used. This is presumably not too far from what current bilevel image compression does.

Star tracking for spacecraft orientation control can be viewed as an effort to approximate a series of images by estimating the camera’s OTF, the attitude of the spacecraft, and the contents of the galaxy (although we already have a pretty good prior on that). Sun glare and Earth glare need to either be taken into account or somehow ignored by the similarity metric.

Grid fitting and hinting of fonts can be viewed as an image approximation problem. The difficulty with just doing nearest-neighbor things is that you can end up with uneven spacing, uneven widths, etc., which are more perceptually salient than what you got right. Optimizing the rasterized glyphs according to a perceptual model, for example in Gabor space, should solve this problem.

Dithering is the problem of approximating an image using only a few colors, and existing dithering algorithms face unappealing tradeoffs between edge sharpness and color precision. By optimizing the similarity between the dithered image (which, note, is not a continuous domain) and the original image as measured by a perceptual model, you should be able to get substantially better results, privileging edges where those are more perceptually salient, and color precision where that is, for example where there are no edges. Dithering algorithms could even take into account LCD subpixels if it's just a matter of tweaking the similarity function.

Lossy compression is, generally, the problem of approximating an image using some kind of sparse representation, and is of immense importance right now. Again, optimizing the similarity between the original and decompressed images according to a perceptual model might give improved results.

Resampling of images to different sizes could also be viewed as a process of image approximation, using a larger image to approximate a smaller one, or vice versa. This requires a similarity metric that penalizes you if sharp edges get blurry when the image is enlarged.

Structure-from-motion (SfM) and structure-from-shading can be formulated as image approximation problems; you want to approximate an image or series of images with a colored point cloud and a camera trajectory, or possibly some other kind of 3-D model like a heightfield. In some cases lighting may be changing. By using a sufficiently fancy renderer, specular reflections and refraction can provide information about 3-D structure.
