Ideas to pursue
Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2018-05-05 (updated 2018-08-16)
(6 minutes)
As usual, I’m full of a lot of different ideas I’d like to investigate
more deeply and develop into useful things. Among these are:
- Manufacturing robot: I want some kind of precise positioning system
that I can use to deposit or remove material. The shortest path to
this is likely inkjet printer carriages, but I need to figure out
how to physically hook electronics up to their linear encoders, and
then I probably need to rig up some kind of PID control to drive
them with.
- The bed platform: I need to build a thing in my bedroom to turn it
into more of a bedroom and be able to move in. This involves buying
or salvaging more steel studs, hooking them together, and putting
some shit on top, and then at least some kind of cloth around the
- Extending the calculator: I have a somewhat awesome interactive
calculator, but it still needs a lot of work. It would benefit a
lot from localStorage, decimal points, and fixing editing so that I
can add new numbers next to existing ones, and also from a
multitouch UI.
- Multitouch UI: I have a promising prototype that isn’t yet good
enough to do anything useful.
- Ice vest: something to enable me to comfortably weather the summer
in Buenos Aires.
- Dependency-driven recalculation: crossing
with Apache Spark.
- Graph notation: a general way to represent digraphs as relatively
short sequences of symbols.
- Magic Kazoo: a synthesizer you can hold in your mouth and play like
a kazoo
- Constraint-based quantitative modeling: a system for building
quantitative models that can include things like three-dimensional
- Ghettobotics: bootstrapping a bitchin electronics lab from garbage.
- Quasicard: a generative form of hypertext that supports exploratory
data analysis
- Stuff with optimization: a whole list of things that I should be
able to attack with mathematical optimization, including:
- Dithering.
- Image approximation under other constraints, such as mosaic
tiles or gradient swatches, using a psychovisual model.
- Or, for example, with an XY robot, an ink model, and a
psychovisual model.
- Melody transcription.
- Magic Sinewave synthesis (with a given reactive filter and
switching losses, say).
- Sparse approximation of convolution kernels (generalizations of
the Hogenauer filter).
- Kinematic control.
- Topological optimization for panel cutting.
- FEM in general.
- Text layout, as TeX’s badness-minimization approach. But
e.g. for JSON.
- Toolpath optimization?
- Analog filter design.
- Relatedly, IIR filter design.
- Structure from motion, photogrammetry, and structure from shading.
- Tool choice from mesh model and tolerances — using more precise
tools where tighter tolerances are needed.
- Circuit design from available components (measured e.g. with an
- Execution planning in e.g. a query planner, where there are
multiple possible ways to compute the same result.
- Index design for a database, which is the same thing taken up a
level of abstraction — which indices would minimize query cost?
- Weld placement on weldments to optimize their strength
- Automated bricolage from gluing together found objects
- Mesh complexity reduction with bounded error
- Curve approximation with minimal numbers of control points
- List decoding of noisy signals
- Signal approximation (of e.g. audio signals) from given
primitive signals and combining operators and a closeness metric
(e.g. a psychoacoustic model). One aspect of this is
audiomontage, where you combine prerecorded sounds to produce a
desired sound, as in notjustmoreidlechatter.
- Speech recognition, given a speech synthesis program and a
psychoacoustic model.
- Generating knitting patterns from triangle-mesh 3-D models
- Generating laser-cutting patterns from mesh models
- Cost optimization of laser cutting under various constraints,
e.g. bounded error to a mesh model, or visual similarity using a
psychovisual model.
- Cache allocation optimization
- Planning a travel path through a city to minimize cost,
discomfort, worst-case or average-case travel time, or some
- Image coregistration
- Tensegrity design given constraints (e.g. maximum rigidity for
comfort, minimum rigidity, minimum strength, impact energy,
strength under given loads, support points)
- Graded-index optical systems with no surface scattering
- Materials property estimation from experimental results
- Circuit or electronic component estimation from experimental
- Design of linkages or composite materials to produce a given
force-displacement curve or force-displacement-time curve
- Inverse filtering to compensate precisely for known output
transducer imperfections, including nonlinearities
- Also, of course, for input transducer imperfections
- Optimizing a predictor of the next sample used for compression
(including lossless compression) for a given image or sound.
- Estimating a convolution kernel from two simultaneous signals,
such as a stereo recording of someone talking in a church.
Basically this is just inverse convolution.
- Beamforming
- Toolpath planning not just from a 3-D model but also, for
example, to approximate a given grayscale image by, for example,
carving plaster.
- Attributing motivations to human choices, e.g. social network
analysis from Facebook “like” data
- IQlight design from mesh
- Robot path planning
- Robot attitude and position information from sensor
data — actually SLAM as a whole
- Most-probable-fault diagnosis from a fault tree and observations
- Inferring a fault tree from observations
- Experiment design for fault diagnosis given a fault tree and
partial information
- Learning a model of a controllable system (e.g. a robot arm) in
order to control it and know where the controllable zones are
- Designing a procedure for a controllable system to optimize the
important tolerances instead of the less important ones; this
broadly includes things like planning to cast surfaces that
don’t need precision followed by grinding surfaces that do, but
also planning to position workpieces such that the things that
need precision are in the zones where your actuator and feedback
are most precise
- Constraint satisfaction for 3-D modeling
- qyap
- a small, safe IRC client
- a daisy-chaining bus for simple programmable electronics