Some notes on morphology, including improvements on Urbach and Wilkinson’s erosion/dilation algorithm

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-01-04 (updated 2019-11-12) (26 minutes)

I was thinking about how to implement the grayscale morphological “erosion” and “dilation” operations efficiently with a large irregular structuring element, and I think I’ve found some interesting algorithms; they may be novel.

In the contex of sampled grayscale images, erosion I ⊖ k maps each pixel in the image I to the minimum of some neighborhood k around that pixel, the neighborhood being the “structuring element”, which I will call a “kernel” for brevity. (Dilation ⊕ is a similar operation with some differences that I won’t mention.)

The naïve approach

The naïve approach to computing this gets slower with large kernels. Consider computing, in one dimension, a kernel that consists of the hotspot pixel and n-1 pixels to the right:

for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    out[x] = in[x];
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) out[x] = min(in[(x+i) % w], out[x]);

This takes time per pixel proportional to n.

Sliding-window minimum in linear time

In one dimension, there’s a well-known linear-time algorithm for this “sliding-window minimum” or “sliding range minimum query” problem, using a deque d containing a nondecreasing subsequence of the window such that the leftmost element in the deque is always the minimum of the window. Incrementing the left edge of the window may leave the deque unchanged, or it may involve dropping the oldest value, if that value falls out of the window; then the next value must be the minimum of the remaining pixels in the window. Achieving this merely requires that, when we increment the right edge of the window, we remove any elements in the deque that are larger than the new pixel, and then append that new pixel. This results in the pixels in the deque being in nondecreasing order, which means that any possible larger pixels will be in a block at the end of the deque, so we can remove them by popping from its end.

This sounds trickier than it is. In pseudocode:

d = deque()
for x in range(len(inpix)):
    while d and inpix[d[-1]] > inpix[x]:
    if x - d[0] == n:
    yield inpix[d[0]]

Each pixel is pushed onto the deque exactly once and removed from it exactly once, at either the left or right, and each pixel comparison either results in pushing a pixel or popping one, so there can’t be more than two comparisons per pixel overall. So the algorithm is linear-time despite its nested-loop appearance.

This depends on the assumption that the deque operations are constant-time operations, which is easy to guarantee even in the worst case if we have a bound on the deque size, which we do; it can’t be larger than n. So we can render this into C with variable-length arrays as follows (see

unsigned d[n], di = 0, dj = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
  while (di != dj && in[d[(dj-1) % n]] > in[x]) dj--;
  d[dj++ % n] = x;
  if (x - d[di % n] == n) di++;
  out[x] = in[d[di % n]];

Despite the divisions in the inner loop, for one-byte pixels, this takes 45–65 nanoseconds per pixel on my laptop with window widths ranging from 1 to 10000, although it is a bit quicker with one-pixel windows. (You could probably run it a lot faster without the divisions.)

This algorithm clearly has worse constant factors than the naïve algorithm, so the naïve algorithm is probably faster for sufficiently small kernels, but I haven’t optimized and measured to see exactly how big the kernel needs to be for this algorithm to be faster. I’m pretty sure the naïve algorithm is going to be faster for 3-pixel-wide kernels.

I think this algorithm may be due to Richard Harter in 2001, who called it “the ascending minima algorithm”, but I’m not sure.

As an interesting side note, a slight variation of this algorithm computes the convex hull of a series of points in 2-D in linear time. It consists of a basic pass which computes the upper convex hull, which is applied a second time under a suitable transformation to compute the lower convex hull, which together (perhaps with vertical lines to join them) form the overall convex hull. Each pass iterates over the points in increasing order of X coordinate, just as the sliding-window algorithm does; the upper convex hull is accumulated on a stack (rather than a deque) and points are popped off the stack if, considering the new point being added, they would make the hull non-convex, rather than if they are greater than the new point being added. This maintains the invariant that the sequence is convex upwards, rather than that it is nondecreasing. This is important for efficiently finding affine-arithmetic approximations of empirical data, as explored in An affine-arithmetic database index for rapid historical securities formula queries.

There’s a completely different algorithm with similar linear performance published by van Herk in 1992 in a paper entitled, “A fast algorithm for local minimum and maximum filters on rectangular and octagonal kernels” and concurrently by Gil and Werman. It divides the array into N-sample blocks and computes prefix-sum minima within each block going both left “h” and right “g”. Any N-sample window will include some number x ∈ (0, N] of samples in its leftmost block and some number N - x ∈ [0, N) of samples in the block to the right; the minimum of the x samples in the left block can be found in the “h” array for that block, and the minimum of the N - x samples in the right block can be found in the “g” array for that block. The minimum of these two numbers is the minimum over the whole block.

Separable kernels

As with box-filter convolution and Gaussian convolution, we can decompose erosions with certain two-dimensional kernels into compositions of two erosions with one-dimensional kernels, one in X and one in Y, thanks to a sort of distributive law (sometimes called “the chain rule”):

(I ⊖ k₁) ⊖ k₂ = I ⊖ (k₁ ⊕ k₂)

This is great, because it means we can erode an image with a paraxial rectangle of any size and shape in 90–130 nanoseconds per pixel, because it takes six pixel-minimum operations per pixel. (This is faster than just generalizing the van Herk–Gil–Werman algorithm to rectangles, which takes 15 pixel-minimum operations per pixel.) Great, right? But it’s a paraxial rectangle. One could wish for something more. For example, many real-world images have features that are rotationally invariant, so a circle or annulus or something might be a more interesting kernel.

The distributive law says that eroding with two kernels is the same as eroding with the dilation of the kernels, which in this context is just their Minkowski sum. For example, dilating a kernel with a kernel that is a line in whatever orientation, that sort of pulls it apart in the direction of the line, filling in the gap by adding two straight facets in between, facets of the orientation and length of the line. So eroding an already-eroded image with such a kernel is the same as expanding its erosion kernel in that way.

So if you erode with two kernels that are lines, you get the erosion of a parallelogram, or in the degenerate case, a longer line. But so far we’ve only covered how to erode efficiently with horizontal and vertical lines.

How about diagonal lines? The one-dimensional sliding-window minimum algorithm is just as happy to run along a diagonal of the image pixels as along a row or column. If your kernel is literally just a diagonal line of pixels like [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)], then you might get some checkerboarding artifacts in the resulting image, but if you’re also using a horizontal or vertical kernel, those should go away.

This carries over to skewed-line kernels like [(-4, -2), (-2, -1), (0, 0), (2, 1), (4, 2)] or [(0, 0), (1, 3), (2, 6)]. These have big gaps in them, so they would be shitty kernels by themselves, but used to dilate a kernel that fills those gaps on its own, they can give you not only excellent approximations of circles but also lines and arbitrarily-oriented capsules.

It turns out this approach to approximating circular kernels was published by Adams in 1993 in the paper, “Radial decomposition of discs and spheres”, except for the bit about skewed-line kernels with gaps in them.

Bresenham lines

I was also thinking that you could get a good approximation of a line kernel by running the one-dimensional algorithm along gap-free rasterized diagonal lines — essentially running it in the X or Y direction, but occasionally “jumping the groove” to an adjacent raster; this will give you a slightly different kernel at each pixel, but probably the errors are insignificant for most applications. But now I think that there is no real advantage to that approach over the precise approach described earlier.

It turns out that Soille, Breen, and Jones published essentially this algorithm in 1996 in their paper, “Recursive implementation of erosions and dilations along discrete lines at arbitrary angles”, but using the van Herk/Gil–Werman one-dimensional sliding-window minimum algorithm. They note this approximation drawback:

…it is important to note that the shape of the SE [kernel] may vary slightly from one pixel to another. Indeed, except for horizontal, vertical, and diagonal directions, a discrete line in the square grid contains 4- as well as 8-connected pixels. Hence, when the SE of length k moves along such a discrete line, its shape varies accordingly to its position along the line. In practice, this is not a major drawback provided that the angle specified is actually defined in the neighborhood corresponding to the extent of the SE.

Then they go on to define a “translation-invariant implementation” that avoids this non-major drawback, which has a great deal in common with what I’ve described above but may not be exactly the same; I’m not sure yet. It does seem to work better for their radial-decomposition purpose.

Also they point out a use of this algorithm to detect linear features by combining linear openings at different angles by max, rather than by composing linear erosions and dilations to get a round kernel.

Gapped one-dimensional kernels to accelerate the naïve algorithm

One way to get an erosion with a 9-pixel-wide kernel is to erode with a 3-pixel-wide kernel four times. But a better way — aside from the deque algorithm described previously — is to erode first with the kernel [-1, 0, 1] and then the kernel [-3, 0, 3]; and, to get only a 7-pixel kernel, you could erode with [-1, 0, 1] and then [-2, 0, 2]. If you want a 27-pixel-wide kernel, you can do [-1, 0, 1] ∘ [-3, 0, 3] ∘ [-9, 0, 9], and by reducing the width of this last kernel, you can get any number less than 27, too. (Though, see below (‡) for why using kernels with two pixels is better than using kernels with three.)

This points out a log-linear-time algorithm to erode with large kernels (linear in the image, logarithmic in the kernel) in a single dimension, which, unlike the deque algorithm, is easy to parallelize and incrementalize. For example, this algorithm can be straightforwardly applied to several scan lines in parallel using vector instructions, while the deque algorithm can’t. (The van Herk/Gil–Werman algorithm can, though.)

(And of course it applies to sliding-window-minimum-type problems in non-image-processing contexts, as well.)

This implementation of the algorithm takes 16 nanoseconds per byte to compute a 50-byte erosion on a 10-million-byte input without paying proper attention to the boundary conditions:

static inline char cmin(char a, char b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; }
int x;
for (x = 0; x < w- 3; x++) out[x] = cmin(in[x],  cmin( in[x+1],  in[x+ 2]));
for (x = 0; x < w- 9; x++) out[x] = cmin(out[x], cmin(out[x+3], out[x+ 6]));
for (x = 0; x < w-27; x++) out[x] = cmin(out[x], cmin(out[x+9], out[x+18]));
for (x = 0; x < w-50; x++) out[x] = cmin(out[x], out[x+23]);

This is about four times as fast as my implementation of the deque algorithm above, although probably that’s just because of the three divisions in its inner loop.

But you can pipeline this algorithm into requiring only a single pass over the input:

for (x = 0; x < w-50; x++) {
  out[x+23+18+6] = cmin(in[x+23+18+6], cmin(in[x+23+18+6+1], in[x+23+18+6+2]));
  out[x+23+18] = cmin(out[x+23+18], cmin(out[x+23+18+3], out[x+23+18+6]));
  out[x+23] = cmin(out[x+23], cmin(out[x+23+9], out[x+23+18]));
  out[x] = cmin(out[x], out[x+23]);

For some reason, this version runs at the same speed as the many-pass version, even over the same 10-million-byte input.

Union kernels

This can be generalized! And, not surprisingly, someone already has.

I ⊖ (k₁ ∪ k₂), the erosion by a union, is the same as (I ⊖ k₁) ∧ (I ⊖ k₂), where ∧ is the pixelwise minimum operation. Urbach and Wilkinson published an algorithm in 2008 (doi that decomposes an arbitrary kernel (“flat”, they say, meaning that — as in all of my discussion above — the kernel contains only full and empty pixels, no shades of gray) into scan lines (“chords”).

Urbach and Wilkinson use the fact that the erosion by a kernel consisting of N consecutive 1s on a single scan line, composed with erosion by a kernel consisting of two 1s on a single scan line at (possibly non-consecutive) positions 0 and M (the kernel [0, M] in the notation I used above), computes the erosion by a kernel of N+M consecutive 1s. This is a special case of the distributive law mentioned earlier, that (A ⊖ B) ⊖ C = A ⊖ (B ⊕ C) — the N+M consecutive 1s are the dilation of the N consecutive 1s and the two 1s at positions 0 and M. So Urbach and Wilkinson use this to compute the erosions of the image by “chord” kernels of lengths 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, … with one comparison operation per pixel per binary chord length. Given these, they can compute the erosion of the image by any arbitrary chord length by taking one of those images and eroding it by another two-separated-pixel kernel in, again, one comparison operation per pixel; for example, to get erosion by an 11-pixel chord, you erode the 8-pixel-chord-eroded image with the kernel 1 0 0 0 0 1, that is, with pixels in positions 0 and 5.

A union of such chord kernels can thus compute the erosion by an arbitrary flat kernel with two comparison operations per pixel per chord of the kernel, once results for enough chord kernels of powers of 2 have been computed.

This algorithm is claimed to be considerably faster than the others I mentioned above, and now that I understand it, I believe it.

However, I think we can do better. You can see this as a special case of (A ⊖ B) ⊖ C = A ⊖ (B ⊕ C), but you can also see it as a special case of I ⊖ (k₁ ∪ k₂) = (I ⊖ k₁) ∧ (I ⊖ k₂), where (except in the last step, where different scan lines are brought together) the two kernels are always the same kernel with different pixel shifts. (We can probably assume that the pixel shifts are free until the kernel gets large compared to the image size.) So the generalized problem is to minimize the cost of a DAG where the nodes are of the form (I₀ shifted (x₀, y₀)) op (I₁ shifted (x₁, y₁)), where op is either ∨ or ∧, to build up the kernel we want, starting with only the identity kernel, then taking unions and intersections of (shifted) existing kernels.

In some cases it is clear that there are better alternative strategies; for example, with a vertically symmetric kernel like a circle, you can compute each chord length once instead of twice, and if there are N adjacent scan lines with the same chord, you can use ⌈lg N⌉ comparisons to compute that block rather than N-1. Urbach and Wilkinson’s paper also gives an H-shaped example kernel of 49×49 pixels, consisting of three overlapping 1×49 pixel lines (one horizontal and two vertical), which also clearly has a much simpler decomposition: a 49-pixel vertical line, unioned with itself shifted 48 pixels to the right, and a horizontal line of between 47 and 49 pixels. This H could be decomposed into horizontal chords of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 47 pixels, vertical chords of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 49 pixels, and two more (shifted) pixelwise minimum operations to combine the three; this requires 14 pixelwise minimum operations rather than the 54 they implicitly report in their paper.

I think it is the case that I ⊖ (k₁ ∩ k₂) = (I ⊖ k₁) ∨ (I ⊖ k₂), thus allowing us to intersect erosion kernels as well as take their union — but I’m not sure right now, because that would seem to suggest that if you intersect the identity kernel with a shifted version of itself, you get a well-defined dilation rather than an ill-defined erosion with an empty set; I’m not sure this doesn’t suggest that sometimes you’ll get a dilation or a combination of dilation and erosion in less pathological cases.

If we exclude intersections and have only unions, then there is a computable algorithm for finding the optimum DAG: exhaustive search of all the possible ways to compute all kernels that could fit into our desired kernel somewhere. I think we can use A* search to get a better, perhaps even computationally tractable, strategy for finding the optimum DAG. Failing that, a heuristic optimization algorithm that starts with the feasible Urbach–Wilkinson strategy and attempts to improve it is a reasonable approach.

Many of these search algorithms could probably be sped up with a precomputed database of all the possible DAG nodes accessible in, say, four or five pixelwise minimum operations, if limited to some sort of reasonable shift radius.

My suggestion (‡) in an earlier section that making a pipeline out of erosion operations would be most efficient when each kernel in the pipeline had three pixels active was ill-founded; in fact the optimum is two, because you find the minimum of two pixels in one operation, not two.

Urbach–Wilkinson with an ascending minima stack

The Urbach–Wilkinson algorithm computes one eroded image for each distinct horizontal chord length in time logarithmic in the maximum chord length and linear in the number of chord lengths, then combines these horizontally-eroded images with vertical and horizontal offsets to get the final result. Above I point out that there are sometimes more efficient ways to combine the horizontally-eroded images that require less than the one operation per chord Urbach–Wilkinson give. Also, though, we can compute those horizontally-eroded images in a more efficient manner than Urbach and Wilkinson’s algorithm when we have a small number of chord lengths — by using the ascending-minima algorithm.

As an extreme case, consider using Urbach–Wilkinson to erode by a paraxial square 65×65 kernel. Each final image pixel is the minimum of 65 vertically-adjacent pixels in a single intermediate image that is eroded by a 65-pixel horizontal-line kernel; to compute this intermediate image, the UW algorithm first computes the erosions by horizontal-line kernels of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 pixels, requiring 6 min operations per pixel. A seventh min operation per pixel gives the 65-pixel erosion we needed. (This doesn’t require nearly as much memory traffic as you might think, because you can pipeline it just as you can some of the algorithms discussed earlier, or as in Evaluating DSP operations in minimal buffer space by pipelining.)

By contrast, the ascending-minima algorithm does 2 pixel-min operations per pixel, plus some pointer comparisons, to achieve this or any other single-window-width sliding-window erosion.

You might think that the ascending-minima algorithm would require a separate deque for multiple window widths. But consider what happens if we implement the deque as a stack of all nondecreasing pixels on the line, with a “bottom pointer” that we sometimes increment and never decrement. When we push a new pixel onto the stack, we need to check to see if the bottom pointer must be incremented because its pixel has aged out; when we pop pixels from the stack in order to push a smaller pixel, we need to ensure that the bottom pointer points to the newly pushed pixel or something to its left.

But the actual contents of the stack do not depend on the bottom pointer, and the bottom pointer is the only thing that depends on the window width. So many bottom pointers can share the same pixel stack. And so adding more bottom pointers doesn’t add more pixel comparisons; those remain at 2 per pixel, regardless of the number of chord lengths demanded. The extra bottom pointers do, however, add more index comparisons, which are about 2 per chord length per pixel.

Conceivably in practice the extra log-N factor is too small to matter.

Of course this whole technique to get an arbitrary number of sliding windows out of a single ascending-minima stack is applicable to other applications of sliding-window RMQ, not just image erosion.

You could try to make a sort of “spaghetti stack” out of this approach by making a note under each pixel of the pixel index at which it gets popped off the stack and of the index of the pixel under it on the stack, but in this simple form, this modification doesn’t buy you anything useful — computing a sliding-window RMQ is already as fast as it’s going to get, and it doesn’t make it fast to compute a random-access RMQ, because the “stack” isn’t random-access — you have to chase the pointers up it, and you can’t traverse it downwards at all except by linearly searching all the pixels. If you additionally note the replacement of each pixel (if any) when you pop it, a sort of next-child pointer, it becomes possible to traverse the tree downwards in a useful way, but you still have no guarantee of the kind of balance or random access among children that would make this efficient — if the pixels happen to be in descending order, the root will have them all as its children.

You could maybe do some kind of skip-list or tree-balancing thing, but this avenue of investigation seems progressively less appealing.

Linear convolution

You can use the Urbach–Wilkinson decomposition into “chords” to accelerate the usual kind of convolution, too, the kind where you take a weighted sum of the selected neighborhood pixels instead of their maximum or minimum. See Real-time bokeh algorithms, and other convolution tricks for details. (It also includes some tricks for decomposing angled lines that can be used for the morphological operations discussed in this note.)

Range minimum query

All of the algorithms mentioned here work by comparing intact pixels (as opposed to, say, computing histograms of pixel values; there are somewhat efficient algorithms for general rank-order filtering, which is a generalization of erosion, dilation, and median-filtering, that work that way — see Median filtering). This means that we can augment the pixel values being considered with extra metadata. For example, we could compute the luminance of each pixel and use that for the comparisons, but drag the original pixel data along with the luminance so that the color follows as it should. Or we could tag the original pixel coordinates onto the end of the pixel data, thus solving the range-minimum-query problem generalized to arbitrary window shapes — when we find the minimum pixel within the erosion window by these algorithms, it comes with its original coordinates.

See further applications in Query evaluation with interval-annotated trees over sequences.

The Urbach–Wilkinson algorithm constructs an index data structure of size O(N lg N) which answers range minimum queries in constant time. There is a known RMQ algorithm based on Cartesian trees that also answers range minimum queries in constant time, but using an index data structure of size only O(N). I don’t understand it well enough yet to compare the two algorithms.
