An affine-arithmetic database index for rapid historical securities formula queries

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-09-15 (15 minutes)

I started writing a for a project called “affinebase” in 2017, but then never wrote any code for it; this note outlines what I had in mind to implement.

Suppose you want a database of financial tick data that can efficiently evaluate queries for things like “when the price of SPY was at least 1% higher than its 15-minute moving average but lower than its 4-hour moving average”, or “when the price of GOOG.A was more than 26 times the price of GOOG.B”.

Conventional database indices provide very little help with such queries, but an organization based on affine arithmetic occurs to me as an efficient structure for such things.

Query evaluation with interval-annotated trees over sequences considers associating an interval-arithmetic interval with substrings of a sequence of records as a form of index; this note considers moving from interval arithmetic to affine arithmetic.

Affine arithmetic

Affine arithmetic is a system of “self-validating arithmetic” similar to interval arithmetic, but supporting linear cancellation of approximation errors.

In affine arithmetic, instead of evaluating expressions to numbers under some assignment of numbers to their free variables, we evaluate them to affine forms under some assignment of affine forms to their free variables; these affine forms take the form k + Σᵢaᵢεᵢ and are stored as a vector [k, a₀, a₁, … aₙ]. The εᵢ are gremlin variables that are free to introduce error into your results by taking any value within some fixed range, usually [-1, 1]. (The standard term for “gremlin variable” is “error symbol”.) Whenever you execute an arithmetic operation that may introduce rounding error, you introduce a new εᵢ to account for that rounding error, with an aᵢ sized appropriately for the computed size of the rounding error.

In its most basic form, this is a somewhat less conservative form of interval arithmetic; in ordinary interval arithmetic, the expression x - x evaluates to some interval around zero whose error is twice the size of the error of x, but in affine arithmetic the errors cancel exactly and you are left with exactly 0, as the SF intended. In general, affine arithmetic can precisely cancel the linearly-varying parts of numerical errors, but nonlinearly-varying parts will be incompletely canceled, so it still provides error bounds that are wider than the real error can be.

The part where this gets interesting is when you assign non-negligible aᵢ to the free variables. Suppose you want to plot the surface x² + xy + 2, for example. With affine arithmetic, you can directly evaluate it over a region such as x ∈ [-1, 3], y ∈ [2, 4], by assigning x = 1 + 2ε₀, y = 3 + 1ε₁. Depending on the particular evaluation approach, the result will depend not only on ε₀ and ε₁, but also two to four more ε variables representing the rounding error from the additions and the nonlinearity of the multiplications. If we ignore the rounding errors, this works out to 8 + 10ε₀ + 1ε₁ + 2ε₂ + 2ε₃.

For use as self-validating arithmetic, which is to say saving you the trouble of calculating static bounds on your algorithm’s approximation errors, you probably want to run each calculation more than once with different floating-point rounding modes by calling the C99 function fesetround or something similar: 0 is round-toward-0 and 1 is the default round-to-nearest, but the relevant ones are 2 for toward-positive-infinity and 3 for toward-negative-infinity; with GCC I think you also need to compile with -frounding-math. However, in this note, I’m focusing on the non-self-validating-arithmetic uses of affine arithmetic.

Now, the simplest reading of this result 8 + 10ε₀ + 1ε₁ + 2ε₂ + 2ε₃ is that if x and y are inside the specified ranges, then the surface will be between the heights of 8 - 10 - 1 - 2 - 2 = -7 and 8 + 10 + 1 + 2 + 2 = +23, and this is true. In fact the surface actually does reach +23 at (3, 4), but its lowest point in this range is at (-1, 4), where it reaches -1, so the -7 is a bit conservative. This is in fact precisely the same result that ordinary interval arithmetic would have given us on the factored form (x + y)x + 2, but affine arithmetic gave it to us without doing the factoring step.

However, a much more interesting reading of this result is to re-express it in terms of x and y. 5x = 5 + 10ε₀, so it’s 3 + 5x + 1ε₁ + 2ε₂ + 2ε₃, which is 0 + 5x + y + 2ε₂ + 2ε₃, which is to say, 0 + 5x + y ± 4. This gives us much tighter bounds on the result: instead of ±15 we have ±4. (They are still conservative bounds, because the function never actually gets below 5x + y - 2¼, which it reaches at (½, 4).)

So, a very interesting thing we can do here is to start with a large interval of our independent variables and recursively subdivide it to get a piecewise-linear approximation of our function of choice. We can choose whether to subdivide the interval based on criteria such as: the remaining error; for plotting, the geometric angle, in radians, between adjoining line segments; or simply whether it’s possible for any point within the interval to satisfy an equation or an inequality — like the inequalities in the example queries at the beginning of this note.

As noted in Affine arithmetic has quadratic convergence when interval arithmetic has linear convergence and Affine arithmetic optimization, the affine-arithmetic approximation has a higher order of convergence than the interval-arithmetic approximation — as the size of the interval decreases, the error of any regular function diminishes quadratically in the size of the interval with affine arithmetic, but only linearly with interval arithmetic.

In this connection it’s worth mentioning “reduced interval arithmetic” in which we restrain the proliferation of the εᵢs by introducing an εω not subject to linear cancellation; its coefficient represents the errors proceeding from things like small rounding errors that we don’t bother to track separately. This way we can still get the tasty quadratic convergence and even the self-validating property without paying the high cost of an ever-growing flock of εᵢ variables on every operation.

Existing work

The above is not original to me; there are at least three papers describing it, none of which I have managed to finish reading.

These papers are especially relevant to Reduced affine arithmetic raytracer, which is why I was reading them.

Jorge Eliécer FLÓREZ DÍAZ wrote his 2008 dissertation, “Improvements in the Ray Tracing of Implicit Surfaces based on Interval Arithmetic”, on using this approach to accelerate the ray-tracing of animated scenes, but using a modal “completion” of ordinary interval arithmetic (“modal interval arithmetic”) rather than affine arithmetic. I read someone else’s dissertation in French on doing something similar with affine arithmetic, but I can’t remember who it was or what it was called.

Knoll, Hijazi, Kensler, Schott, Hansen, and Hagen wrote a paper “Fast Ray Tracing of Arbitrary Implicit Surfaces with Interval and Affine Arithmetic” in 2008 describing how to use this approach to accelerate raytracing, including in GPU shaders; they trace the approach back to Toth in 1985 and also cite, among many others, a 2006 paper by Flórez Díaz.

Gamito and Maddock

There’s also a paper on the subject by Gamito and Maddock from 2004 or 2005, “Ray Casting Implicit Fractal Surfaces with Reduced Affine Arithmetic”; I think this may be the paper that introduced reduced affine arithmetic.

I think it has a couple of errors in it. On p. 6 equation (13), computing the reduced affine arithmetic product of two variables ŵ = ûv̂ represented as three-tuples (center, parametric coefficient, error bound) says w₂ = |uv₂ + vu₂| + (|u₁| + |u₂|)·(|v₁| + |v₂|), but this can incorrectly cancel the error bound v₂ of against the error bound u₂ of û if their signs happen to be opposite, which would be pure happenstance; that first term should be |uv₂| + |vu₂|, not |uv₂ + vu₂|. (This is assuming that it’s possible for the error-bound’s sign to be negative, which would arise from a direct application of the affine operations in equation (7) on p. 5.)

On p. 5 I think equation (8) gives an avoidably pessimistic bound for the extra error coefficient of a product wk. It says wk = Σ|uᵢ| · Σ|vᵢ|, which is safe but unduly pessimistic in the case where the two i variables coincide. û = u₀ + Σᵢuᵢeᵢ for i > 0 (Gamito and Maddock use eᵢ rather than the εᵢ used above), and similarly for v, and if we take e₀ = 1 this simplifies to û = Σᵢuᵢeᵢ. Then ŵ = ΣΣⱼuᵢeᵢvⱼeⱼ. So the case i = j > 0 corresponds to a term in the fully expanded sum uᵢvᵢeᵢ², and the implicit presumption of that sum is that eᵢ² ∈ [-1, 1].

This is not incorrect, but a tighter and also correct bound is that eᵢ² ∈ [0, 1]; if you take this into account, you need to add ½uᵢvᵢ to the constant term w₀, so rather than being w₀ = uv₀, it’s w₀ = uv₀ + ½Σᵢuᵢvᵢ for i > 0; this halved sum is also what you would subtract from wk. I think. I haven’t really tried it, so I might be overlooking an absolute value or something.

Similarly, the “interval optimisation” algorithm they give in §4.3 and figure 2 on pp. 6–7 is not wrong but it is suboptimal — they had the brilliant idea of using the affine form to tighten the interval where they’re trying to find the root, which is the whole thing that Fast mathematical optimization with affine arithmetic is about, but then they wastefully divide the interval in half even if the affine-arithmetic-based tightening was very successful, guaranteeing an additional time through the loop and perhaps even an additional branch to recurse down.

Also they misspelled “Lipschitz” as “Lipchitz”.

A univariate affine-arithmetic database

So, if we have an affine form that summarizes a time-varying quantity, such as a stock price, in the form k + at + aε₁, for some interval, where ε₁ is a bound on the error of the linear approximation over that interval, then we can efficiently compute some bounds on the kinds of expressions in the introduction, and efficiently reject huge swaths of history at once as not meeting our query condition, and efficiently accept other huge swaths of history as always meeting it. For intervals where the condition may possibly be met, we can recursively subdivide them into smaller intervals with tighter error bounds.

But where do we get these affine forms? They already exist in the technical analysis of securities prices, where they go by the name of “channels” — a “channel” is a linear approximation of a securities price over some period of time within some error bounds. Although there is no guarantee of this, it is typically very efficient to compute the best channel for a given time period by computing the convex hull of the prices over that time period, which takes linear time, and then considering the slopes of the line segments of that convex hull; the best channel slope will be one of these, and it suffices to consider the points on the convex hull. In theory there could be a linearly large number of line segments on both the upper and lower convex hull, but in practice the number is much smaller.

You can subdivide history at arbitrary points and compute the best channel for those arbitrary intervals, but you can get much tighter channel bounds if you instead look for “natural” points to make the divisions. The points on the convex hull are promising candidates for “natural” division points, since the largest local extrema of oscillation from the trend line will necessarily be part of the convex hull, but I think there’s a linear-time algorithm to find the “most natural” division point.

If you use FP-persistent stack structures to build the convex hull using the convex-hull algorithm mentioned in Some notes on morphology, including improvements on Urbach and Wilkinson’s erosion/dilation algorithm, you compute the convex hull not only of the whole interval but also every prefix of the interval in a single linear-time, linear-space pass. Doing this once in each direction allows you to evaluate every possible division point within the interval without redundantly recomputing those convex hulls.

In this way you can build a tree over time that permits rapid branch-and-bound evaluation of ad-hoc historical queries on arbitrary computable inequalities.

A multivariate affine-arithmetic database using PCA

Simply approximating security prices or other time series as linear functions of time plus guaranteed error bounds does allow you to compute things like ratios and differences between them efficiently with guaranteed error bounds. However, it’s very common — not to say nearly universal — for securities prices to have correlations, negative or positive, that go beyond a simple linear trend over some time period, and if you can take these correlations into account, you may be able to get much tighter error bounds.

One possible way to do this is to run a principal components analysis over historical prices, and then store the time series of several principal components in your database alongside the actual securities prices. Then you can summarize each interval in the tree of a security as a linear function not merely of time but also of these principal components. This should permit much tighter bounds on the results of the arbitrary expressions over long time intervals, thus permitting much faster branch-and-bound evaluations.

Non-market applications

This technique, of course, is applicable to any time-series quantitative data, not just securities prices — market prices of commodities, temperatures and other climate data, system administration metrics such as network traffic and error rates, telemetry data from satellites and space probes, audio signals, image data (with two “time” dimensions), and so on.
