Fast mathematical optimization with affine arithmetic

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-09-15 (5 minutes)

Suppose that, like most days, we’re trying to find a local minimum of a univariate function f(x) we can automatically differentiate with a continuous derivative. By using affine arithmetic, we should be able to get both quadratic convergence to the minimum, under Newton–Raphson-like conditions, and a guarantee of global optimality.

Newtonish–Raphsonish root finding with affine arithmetic

Suppose that the derivative is continuous (though not necessarily Lipschitz) and our automatic differentiation procedure supports reduced affine arithmetic, so that we can evaluate the function’s derivative f'(x) at “points” that are really affine forms describing some interval [x₀, x₁], such as an interval with a zero in it, and get back an affine form that gives a linear approximation k + ax and a fairly tight worst-case error a₁ from that approximation x ∈ [x₀, x₁] ⇒ ∃ε ∈ [-1, 1]: f'(x) = k + ax + aε. (Affine arithmetic is discussed at some length in An affine-arithmetic database index for rapid historical securities formula queries and Affine arithmetic optimization.)

This allows us to bound the zero of the derivative, and thus the critical point of f(x), to a generally much smaller interval: x must be between -(k - a₁)/a₀ and -(k + a₁)/a₀. In fact, every zero of the derivative within the original interval is guaranteed to be within that new interval, so in cases where the new interval is larger or fails to be sufficiently smaller than the original, we must be prepared instead to subdivide the interval and recurse on each subinterval.

Rate of convergence and global optimality

I was thinking about trying to do a rigorous proof here but instead I’m just going to handwave because it’s almost 4 AM. Generally the (vertical) error bounds affine arithmetic gives you are proportional to the second derivative of the function you’re calculating (which is itself a derivative in the above), unrelated to its first derivative, and inversely proportional to the square of the interval width. This is pretty much the same situation as Newton–Raphson iteration or the method of secants, so you should expect it to converge quadratically under the same conditions that they do.

If you can figure out how to make an initial interval that is big enough to contain all the local optima, then this approach is guaranteed to find all the local optima and in fact all the critical points; you can use branch-and-bound to avoid recursing too deeply in areas where the local optima are not as good as the worst case in other areas where you are also searching, so even functions with a large number of critical points may be tractable.

Indirect multidimensional optimization, and root-finding in general

This can, of course, be used to find zeroes of functions that aren’t derivatives of anything of special interest, and I think that’s where I got the idea — from people using this approach for raytracing of implicit surfaces, specifically Gamito and Maddock’s paper from 2004 or 2005, “Ray Casting Implicit Fractal Surfaces with Reduced Affine Arithmetic”, §4.3, p. 6, fig. 2. But it seems like an approach that could be extremely fruitful for mathematical optimization. In Robust local search in vector spaces using adaptive step sizes, and thoughts on extending quasi-Newton methods I suggested cutting a multidimensional function along a gradient line to get a one-dimensional function that’s easier to optimize, an approach I haven’t tried yet, but it seems like this approach would work for it.

Direct multidimensional optimization

Alternatively, it might be feasible to use this approach more directly for multidimensional optimization. There’s a paper out a few years back about a correct algorithm using interval arithmetic for multidimensional optimization, using a branch-and-bound approach, but as I understand it, it has the problem that it is very slow on high-dimensional spaces. Suppose you look for a zero of some gradient g⃗ as Σᵢgᵢ² or Σ|gᵢ| using a variant of the method above, using reduced affine arithmetic to compute bounds on this (squared) gradient magnitude or other gradient norm over some multidimensional box; I think this should take time merely proportional to the dimensionality.

The magnitudes of the coefficients in the resulting affine form should tell you how sensitive the gradient is to your location within the box along each dimension; to some extent you can trade off shrinking the box along one dimension against shrinking it along another dimension, but it’s hard to know which dimension is optimal to shrink most in.

Maybe if we automatically differentiate our reduced-affine-arithmetic program, we can get the gradient of the error bars on the (original function’s) gradient norm, with respect to the bounds of the box we’re evaluating the gradient over. This would tell us which dimensions of the box are most important to shrink in order to reduce the uncertainty in the gradient.
