Observable transaction possibilities

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-06-15 (10 minutes)

I was reading about Observablehq last night. They’ve layered a dependency and auto-recalculation system on top of JS, so that any cell of your code is re-executed when its dependencies change, without requiring you to explicitly reinvoke it.

I should probably dig into what Observable can do, or actually I should work on some DSP code I’ve been procrastinating on, but instead I am going to go off and natter about vaguely related stuff.

By executing the sequence of code in a cell, such a system can discover which inputs it’s currently reading from and which outputs it’s currently writing to, although both of these could change depending on the values of those inputs. Observable in particular determines the outputs statically and doesn’t let different cells write to the same variable.

Suppose in such a system you have a cell that computes

r = (x**2 + y**2)**0.5

You can interpret this in the standard way, as a “statement”, which is to say an instruction, which, when executed, reads single values from x and y, do a computation, and write the single result to r. Numpy extends this, following APL, by allowing x, y, or both, to contain values which are arrays of numbers. For example:

>>> x
array([-1.  , -0.75, -0.5 , -0.25,  0.  ,  0.25,  0.5 ,  0.75,  1.  ])
>>> y
array([ 1.73205081,  1.85404962,  1.93649167,  1.98431348,  2.        ,
        1.98431348,  1.93649167,  1.85404962,  1.73205081])
>>> r = (x**2 + y**2)**0.5
>>> r
array([ 2.,  2.,  2.,  2.,  2.,  2.,  2.,  2.,  2.])
>>> y = 1
>>> r = (x**2 + y**2)**0.5
>>> r
array([ 1.41421356,  1.25      ,  1.11803399,  1.03077641,  1.        ,
        1.03077641,  1.11803399,  1.25      ,  1.41421356])

In addition to allowing x and y to either not vary or to vary together, we can also have them vary independently, producing a matrix of results for r:

>>> y = x.reshape((9, 1))
>>> y
array([[-1.  ],
       [-0.5 ],
       [ 0.  ],
       [ 0.25],
       [ 0.5 ],
       [ 0.75],
       [ 1.  ]])
>>> r = (x**2 + y**2)**0.5
>>> r
array([[ 1.41421356,  1.25      ,  1.11803399,  1.03077641,  1.        ,
         1.03077641,  1.11803399,  1.25      ,  1.41421356],
       [ 1.25      ,  1.06066017,  0.90138782,  0.79056942,  0.75      ,
         0.79056942,  0.90138782,  1.06066017,  1.25      ],
       [ 1.11803399,  0.90138782,  0.70710678,  0.55901699,  0.5       ,
         0.55901699,  0.70710678,  0.90138782,  1.11803399],
       [ 1.03077641,  0.79056942,  0.55901699,  0.35355339,  0.25      ,
         0.35355339,  0.55901699,  0.79056942,  1.03077641],
       [ 1.        ,  0.75      ,  0.5       ,  0.25      ,  0.        ,
         0.25      ,  0.5       ,  0.75      ,  1.        ],
       [ 1.03077641,  0.79056942,  0.55901699,  0.35355339,  0.25      ,
         0.35355339,  0.55901699,  0.79056942,  1.03077641],
       [ 1.11803399,  0.90138782,  0.70710678,  0.55901699,  0.5       ,
         0.55901699,  0.70710678,  0.90138782,  1.11803399],
       [ 1.25      ,  1.06066017,  0.90138782,  0.79056942,  0.75      ,
         0.79056942,  0.90138782,  1.06066017,  1.25      ],
       [ 1.41421356,  1.25      ,  1.11803399,  1.03077641,  1.        ,
         1.03077641,  1.11803399,  1.25      ,  1.41421356]])

As I wrote in A principled rethinking of array languages like APL and Index set inference or domain inference for programming with indexed families, you could think of the broadcasting rule for these simple elementwise operators as a logical interpretation: if x = -0.75 and y = -1, in that case r = 1.25; but if y = 0, in that case r = 0.75; and so on. And given a reactive observable dataflow transaction system like Observablehq, you could in fact evaluate it that way — if you change the value of y from -1 to 0 without changing x, r will react by changing its value from 1.25 to 0.75.

A FIR filter example

How about a FIR filter?

y = sum(w[i] * x[-i] for i in range(len(w)))

This is a valid Python statement, applying the time-domain FIR kernel w to the last few values of the list or array x. If you run it every time you append a new value to x, it will put successive samples of the FIR filter result into y. You have to be careful to not run it before x has enough values in it, and you probably want to do something with the result in y before it gets overwritten by the next execution, because the result is a function of a time-varying state of the system.

Suppose instead that you want to compute the entire FIR-filtered signal rather than just a point on it. You can do such a computation in Numpy in at least four different ways. The way you would actually use in practice is the convolve function:

y = numpy.convolve(w, x, 'valid')

Unfortunately this doesn’t throw any light on how to solve the problem; it just delegates it to a library function, which, as it turns out, delegates to the multiarray.correlate function, which is written in C and presumably does a nested loop.

The other two straightforward ways involve an interpreted loop in Python (which is why you wouldn’t want to use them in practice) which invokes an inner loop via a Numpy SIMD operation. You could have the implicit inner loop compute a single point of y:

y = [(w[::-1] * x[i:i+len(w)]).sum() for i in range(len(x) - len(w) + 1)]

Or you could have the implicit inner loop calculate the contribution of a single sample of x to all the samples of y:

y = numpy.zeros(len(x) + len(w))
for i in range(len(x)):
    y[i:i+len(w)] += x[i] * w
y = y[len(w)-1:1-len(w)]

The fourth approach is to transform both x and w into the complex Fourier domain, multiply the complex phasors there elementwise, and transform back into the spatial domain. This involves some subtle issues of numerical precision, and it’s profoundly nonobvious, but for large signal vectors, it is by far the fastest method. Implicitly in the above, w is not longer than x, and in that case it looks like this:

wf = numpy.fft.fft(numpy.concatenate((w, numpy.zeros(len(x) - len(w)))))
y = numpy.fft.ifft(wf * numpy.fft.fft(x))[len(w)-1:]

How about in the “logical” view? w * x is a perfectly reasonable expression; if w has 5 possible values and x has 11, then it w * x has 55 possibilities, reasonably represented as a matrix (the outer product of w and x, considered as vectors). It’s indexed by the Cartesian product of w’s index set and x’s index set. The y computed above is just a sum over some of those values; the summation introduces a dummy variable that ranges over the valid indices of w.

The conventional mathematical notation for this is

yₙ = Σᵢwᵢxₙ₋ᵢ

where the dummy variable i implicitly takes all the values that it would be coherent for it to take. This is somewhat ambiguous and often disambiguated by contextual information: if xᵢ only exists when i ≥ 0, for example, does y₀ exist, being simply wx₀? And resolving that ambiguity is what the 'valid' in the above Numpy expression is for.

Typically we think of x and y here as being indexed by (discretized) time, but of course nothing in the math requires that; for math, the time is just another meaningless variable.

In the “logical” view, this introduction of the dummy variable i means that any value of y depends on every value of w. In the sort of ambient-indexing environment I was thinking of there, Σ considers a multiplicity of possible worlds with different values of w; in this case, we also want to use the index into w to reindex time itself (ominous music with minor chords!) so we can access values of x from other points in time. A reasonable way to write this in ASCII might look something like this:

y = sum(w.i, w * x[t = t-w.i])

Here sum takes two arguments: the index to sum over and the expression to evaluate in a possible world for all of the possible values of the index. w.i is the index set of w; as sum’s first argument, it’s being used as a reference to an index that needs to have its index set inspected and iterated over, while within the expression, it’s being used as a reference to a particular value of that index, a mere rvalue. x is being indexed by the specification [t = t-w.i]; this indexing creates another possible world in which to evaluate x, in which the index t (which, perhaps, might be x.i or a part of x.i) has a different value from its value in the outer environment. The expression t-w.i is evaluated in that outer environment, taking the ambient value of t and subtracting the current value of w.i from it. The indexing expression hides the outer ambient value of t from x, replacing it with the fake value.

This implies that t and w.i are of some types such that it makes sense to subtract them; they are not, for example, merely categorical or ordinal. They could, however, be vectors of the same dimensionality, such as 2-vectors, in which case the same expression above serves for convolving images as well as time-series signals.

However, the fact that we’re iterating over all the possible values of w.i means that it cannot be a continuous dimension, although its values could be values of a continuous type. It must be discrete so that it can have a finite number of possible values!

The same ambiguity about out-of-range values is present. If one of the x[t = t-w.i] values happens to not exist, for a given ambient value of t, does that mean the entire sum fails to exist, and thus y has no value at that point? Or does it merely mean we sum over a smaller number of values?
