I was thinking about Prolog as I lay in bed last night, and I came up with this:
%% Sorting a sequence of numbers: a constructive definition.
%% Choosing an element from a nonempty sequence:
choose([X|Xs], X, Xs).
choose([X|Xs], Y, [X|Ys]) :- choose(Xs, Y, Ys).
%% Permutations of sequences.
perm([], []).
perm([X|Xs], [A|As]) :- choose([X|Xs], A, B), perm(B, As).
%% Ordering of sequences.
ordered([X, Y | Xs]) :- X =< Y, ordered([Y | Xs]).
%% Sorting.
sorted(Xs, Sorted) :- perm(Xs, Sorted), ordered(Sorted).
This can, in fact, be used in an ordinary Prolog system to sort a sequence of numbers:
?- sorted([5, 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 2, 6, 4], X).
X = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] ;
However, Prolog's standard evaluation order makes this a ridiculously inefficient way to sort, taking a factorial number of steps.
What would you do if you wanted to evaluate this definition
efficiently? perm/2
with its first argument instantiated generates
its permutations left to right, and ordered/1
inspects permutations
left to right; it is clear that no sequence of the form [2, 1 | As]
can ever pass ordered/1
, so there is no need for perm/2
to recurse
to generate alternatives for As
in that case. Suppose you could
propagate that nogood set from one branch of the program to the other;
would that give you an O(N²) sorting algorithm?
I don't think so, because in the example above, there is only one correct initial sequence of 2 items, and 35 other pairs of 2 items that must be tried and rejected --- but rejecting them involves trying everything that can follow them. I'm not totally sure.
This is a reasonably efficient insertion sort with Prolog's usual semantics, but I think it's still O(N³):
isort([], []).
isort([X | Xs], Ys) :- isort(Xs, Sx), choose(Ys, X, Sx), ordered(Ys).
This is vaguely related to Generic programming with proofs, specification, refinement, and specialization.