Modeling trees with slices containing metaballs

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2014-06-29 (updated 2014-07-02) (6 minutes)

So I'm doing this tree-growth simulation thing in slices, where theoretically we want the total cross-sectional area of the tree to stay constant through branch points. That is, the branch before a fork should have the same total cross-sectional area as the two branches after it, and also that every intermediate point in the forking process should have the same cross-sectional area.

The underlying structure is a set of branch center points that move around in the XY plane as a function of Z, but my current problem is how to convert that into a three-dimensional shape that has the right thicknesses, transitions smoothly from one layer to the next, and is approximately circular around the branch center points.

I've been trying to fake this by putting a circle around each branch center point and inflating it in such a way that two overlapping circles with the same center will have twice the area as if there were just one of them, and doing a radius linear interpolation thing as their radii get further apart, until they have no overlap at all. This is not working super well for a couple of reasons: the circles intersect one another and don't have a way to find corresponding points to join with a mesh, so they're only a step toward the two-dimensional shell I want, not the final result; and when more than two of them overlap because two branch events happened close together in time or because circles were forced to collide, the resulting circles are too big, and sometimes discontinuously so.

So it occurred to me that you could solve most of this problem with some variety of gradient descent. You have a bunch of boundary points linked into a bunch of loops. You're trying to optimize the following:

  1. The area of each loop is close to the sum of the weights of the branch center points contained inside it.

  2. The difference between the boundary points in this generation and in the last generation is small.

  3. The total length of each loop is as short as possible.

  4. The loops do not intersect or self-intersect.

  5. The loops have the right number of points: no more than necessary, but enough to keep their form well-defined.

Most of these can be optimized by continuously varying the boundary points' coordinates, but sometimes you might instead split or join loops or reorder the points of a loop, which might be done heuristically. If you can really differentiate the merit function with regard to the coordinates, you can do real gradient descent as such; otherwise, you're stuck with blind hill-climbing search or genetic algorithms.

Implicit functions

Unfortunately most of those things require a lot of geometric algorithms, and Sedgewick has impressed upon me how tricky those are. As an alternative, maybe I could use an implicit function, a function whose zero is a circle of the correct area when it's fed with only a single branch center, which is computed from the sum of the functions of the different branch centers, and where the contribution of a branch center falls off rapidly to zero as you get far away from it.

As an example, you could use a sum of Gaussians centered on each center point, scaled to match the branch's radius, and subtract 1 from the sum to get a function with useful zeroes.

However, you'd also want it to be the case that the area of overlapping branches is the area that would be the sum of the individual branches, at least in the common case I'm looking at here where I divide a branch by making two new branches in the same place whose eventual cross-sectional area, once they separate, will sum to the cross-sectional area of the original branch.

A necessary but not sufficient condition for this is that the gaussian-like function of the distance from the center have the property that doubling the function makes the distance from the center at which the sum falls to 1 increase by a factor of √2̄. It happens that Gaussians do in fact have that property, at least if you double them! You can show it by algebra, but you can also do the experiment:

import math
def gaussian(r): return math.exp(-r**2)

def search(f, v, min, max, tolerance):
    fmin, fmax = f(min), f(max)
    assert (fmin - v) * (fmax - v) <= 0
    if tolerance >= abs(fmin - v): return min
    if tolerance >= abs(fmax - v): return max
    mid = (min+max)/2.0
    fmid = f(mid)
    if (fmid - v) * (fmin - v) <= 0:
        return search(f, v, min, mid, tolerance)
        return search(f, v, mid, max, tolerance)

This code shows that gaussian(.832554) ≈ 0.5, and 2*gaussian(1.17741) ≈ 0.5. The ratio between those two is indeed √2̄. However, it is not true in general that gaussian(x)/2 = gaussian(x√2̄), although that shouldn't stop us from using it here.

It seems like if there's an analytic function that has these properties (minimally, that in general f(x)/2 = f(x√2̄), that it's always positive and finite, that f(x) = 1 at exactly one positive x, and that its limit at infinity is zero) it should be unique.

I've already written an interval-arithmetic package in JS that could be used to efficiently divide the canvas into an implicit k-d tree to search for zero pixels. It may need to be enhanced somewhat to look harder for the zeroes, down into deep subpixel, in order to avoid false positives.
