Finishing Dercuano

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-12-30 (9 minutes)

Today is the day I'm finishing Dercuano, or, perhaps, giving up on it. I could of course continue to add stuff to it indefinitely, but I want it to have a definite, unambiguous publication year, and there's only one day left in the year, plus a few hours. I slept six hours this afternoon after pulling an all-nighter. I want to get it done tonight so that the publication year doesn't depend on your timezone.

Goaded by John Cowan, I've spent the last week hacking together a terrible piece of shit that renders a pile of HTML to a PDF file for reading on hand computers, as described in How to make Dercuano work on hand computers?. The result is considerably more readable than the output of a one-week HTML-rendering hack has any right to be, and in many ways it's much more readable than the PDF output of browsers: it has better margins, its font sizes are more readable on hand computers, and links are annotated with page numbers so you can follow them (with about 15 seconds of effort, in hallway user testing) even if your PDF viewer doesn't support links, as Google Drive's PDF viewer doesn't.

There are lots of things I wanted to add to both Dercuano and its PDF rendering that I haven't managed to: dynamic models, 3-D models, drawings, diagrams, decent formula display, and so on, not to mention an endless variety of ideas I hoped to explore further. Some of these things are in fact present in Dercuano itself, but missing from the HTML rendering. Rediscovering successive parabolic interpolation: derivative-free optimization of scalar functions by fitting a parabola has a calculation form that doesn't work in PDF. A mechano-optical vector display for animation archival and Dercuano drawings contain SVG graphics, but I haven't implemented an SVG renderer, so they're not in the PDF version. Lots of notes contain tables which I went to the trouble of converting to HTML, but I haven't implemented HTML tables in my PDF renderer (whose layout model is impossibly simpleminded) and so they're only barely preserved; most of them are comprehensible, while a few aren't. This is what happens when you hack together an HTML renderer in a week.

I suppose no plans are realized completely, so when it's too late to pursue them further, they all end with some regret.

Nevertheless, I can rest easy knowing that all of this foofaraw has been Published --- not in the peer-reviewed-research sense, but in the sense of being made public, and therefore probably being able to survive the inevitable and fairly imminent death of this body, as well as serving as prior art ("printed material") for patent purposes.

So, what will this body do next? After all, it's extremely improbable that it will die in the next two days. Will there be a "Derctuwo"?

I don't know. I think I'd like to write something that has a little more of the nature of a Jupyter notebook and can include a lot of colorful illustrations, and that realizes some of the aspirations in The book written in itself.

Ideas I'm just now getting around to writing down

Here are some things I might have written full notes about if I'd gotten around to it.

Could you move things around a multitouch acoustic panel, as described in Audio tablet, using ultrasound, vibrating it under them?

Can you get mobile browsers to open data: URLs embedded in QR codes? Can you gzip the contents? Can you stick HTML with <canvas> or SVG into those files?

Normal build systems like make are pretty much theorem provers, but they generally only handle monotonic logics: no build artifact is conditional on the absence of another build artifact, just its presence. But suppose you made a build artifact depend on the result of a query; adding new assertions to the database could change the result of the query and thus trigger a rebuild. This could, for example, cause Dercuano to build a new version of an HTML file if a note gained new topics.

Can you get haptic feedback for piano keys using magnetic braking? Normally piano keys move heavy hammers which have a large mechanical advantage; can you replicate that with magnetic brakes?

In things like A principled rethinking of array languages like APL I considered something similar to normal APL syntax, so X×Y would multiply X and Y elementwise, but to sum it you would need +/X×Y, meaning +/(X×Y). For an exploratory data analysis UI, this is kind of a suboptimal sequence: +/X is usually not a good first approximation to +/X×Y. Usually you start with X×Y and then reduce it, so a postfix .sum() (with some kind of syntax) is probably better.

Can you get better efficiency in floating point by sharing the same exponent among a group of mantissas, perhaps using some kind of CPU fault to trigger an exponent change?

Can you build a really simple and cheap spectrum analyzer with a wide-range VCO, a mixer, and an STM32 that can digitize half a megahertz of bandwidth at any given time?

The usual implementation of a priority queue uses a binary heap, but what if you keep the top, say, 8 items insertion-sorted in an array instead? Or the top up-to-8 items? Maybe that would give you better constant factors than always using a binary heap.

This netbook, like many old netbooks, runs on 14 volts. How hard would it be to generate 14 volts at the 800 mW or so it needs with a boost converter from a USB power pack?

The standard Android lockscreen snaps your finger's path to a number of grid points in order to discretize it and thus make it possible to accept or reject a passcode attempt. Hofstadter's "gridfonts" are similarly discretized and are aesthetically interesting letterforms; could such an interface be an interesting way to draw gridfont letterforms?

The sinc tails of a brickwall bandpass filter's impulse response are full of beating (a "carrier frequency" amplitude-modulated by a lower "beat frequency"; the "beat frequency" here is the oscillating tail of the sinc that is the inverse Fourier transform of the rectangular passband in the frequency domain, while the "carrier frequency" is its offset from zero, which is an impulse in the frequency domain that's been convolved with that pulse to shift it away from zero, and thus is multiplied by it in the frequency domain). Such beating also arises by adding two oscillations of different pure frequencies. Can you somehow make a filter that somehow approximates these tails by adding together sinusoidal time-domain responses?

Evince (the PDF etc. viewer) remembers where it is in files by filename. This means that if you rename a file, for example to have a name other than '3280523.pdf' or 'thesis.pdf', it forgets where it was. The same is true of, for example, F-Droid's Document Viewer. Maybe it would be better to use the file size plus some checksums of some byte-ranges of the file, rather than the file's name.

How would you make a composite material to resist abrasion? Making it very hard is of course a useful element, but perhaps it's even better to mix very hard flakes with a gummy binder that deforms plastically instead of splitting off. Hardened steel works this way, for example, as does road asphalt, but you could use many other materials.

A backpack needs to resist a number of different failure modes: ultraviolet degradation, water penetration (if it gets soaked and everything inside is destroyed by the water, the backpack has failed, abrasion, failure by tensile stress, and the zipper wearing out or otherwise failing. You could imagine a backpack with different layers for these different failure modes; UHMWPE fiber is great at resisting tension, for example, but sucks at resisting ultraviolet, so a layer on top of the UHMWPE fiber that protects it from light would be useful, and some hard bosses (metal or whatever) could prevent abrasion from reaching the softer fabrics.
