Topics to study in 2016

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2016-10-27 (updated 2016-11-15) (37 minutes)

I have a fairly clear idea of what stuff I want to be studying right now, which has taken some time to congeal. There are 18 major themes: constraint satisfaction, mathematical optimization, logic, interval arithmetic, tensor or array computation, physical system simulation including finite element analysis, automated manufacturing or digital fabrication, incremental computation and caching, reproducibility, archival and publishing, real-time computation, anytime algorithms, probabilistic programming, neural networks, decentralization, self-replicating machinery, self-sustaining software systems, and physical security. These seemingly disparate themes actually have an underlying unity, which I will attempt to explain.

Constraint satisfaction

Constraint satisfaction systems search for a configuration that satisfies some set of boolean conditions. Sometimes the configuration may be continuously variable, like a point in ℝⁿ. Other times it may be discrete, like a set of choices for a set of Boolean variables. It may have finite dimensionality (like ℝⁿ), infinite dimensionality (like a function ℝ → ℝ), or finite but unbounded dimensionality (like a sentence in some formal language). The conditions may be simple and tractable (things like “x > 0”) or very hairy indeed (“md5(x) == 0xd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e”, which looks computationally intractable but is actually fairly easy).

The parts of the configuration are sometimes called “design variables”.

Different kinds of constraint satisfaction problems have different algorithms available to solve them. Most of classical algebra and integral and differential calculus consist of algorithms for solving particular kinds of constraints. You’re given a constraint like 2x² + 4x = 30 and your objective is to find an x that satisfies that constraint, traditionally by deducing logical consequences from that given constraint until it’s trivial to compute the answer. For example, from that equation we can deduce x² + 2x = 15, then x² + 2x - 15 = 0, then (x - 3)(x + 5) = 0, and x=3 ∨ x=-5.

You can think of a constraint as a generalization of the notion of a function — it’s a function that can “run backwards”, so to speak. This can significantly simplify the process of developing a piece of software, thus amplifying the intellectual abilities of its author. Often it is significantly easier to express attributes of the desired results of a program (consider the MD5 example above) than how to compute them. In some such cases, it’s even possible for existing constraint-satisfaction software to find the results.

MiniKANREN is one of the more interesting pieces of constraint-satisfaction software becoming available today. The burgeoning field of efficient SAT and SMT solvers such as Z3 contains many others.

Aside from the rapid advances in the efficiency of satisfiability algorithms, larger and larger constraint-satisfaction problems are coming within reach as memories and CPUs dramatically increase in power. A crude understanding of complexity theory might lead you to think that this won’t matter much, because SAT is not known to be in P, so even a CPU that is 256 times faster will only allow you to expand the feasible problem size by 8 bits. But in fact the base of the exponential has been brought down far below 2 and continues to diminish.

Mathematical optimization

Mathematical optimization is the problem of finding a configuration that maximizes (or minimizes) some objective (or loss) function, subject to some feasibility constraints. The classic example — and indeed nearly the only one considered in many textbooks on mathematical optimization today — is linear programming, where the feasibility constraints are linear inequalities and the objective function is linear.

Categories of algorithms for mathematical optimization are called “metaheuristics”, which is a somewhat misleading name but gives some clue of how broadly applicable they are. Random guessing, hill climbing, gradient descent, gradient descent with random restarts, and genetic algorithms are widely-used metaheuristics.

Constraint satisfaction and optimization

Optimization can be seen as a generalization of constraint satisfaction in a few different ways.

Clearly if you can find the optimal configuration among all feasible configurations, then you can find at least one feasible configuration, which is the constraint satisfaction problem. So, from this point of view, algorithms to solve optimization problems can solve constraint satisfaction problems too, but it might be easier to say

Also, though, you can conceptualize the constraints of a constraint-satisfaction problem as real-valued functions that are multiplied together, where those functions take the value 1 when the constraint is satisfied and 0 otherwise. Then, finding a maximum of the product is equivalent to finding a solution to the constraints. Many optimization algorithms will have an easier time if those factor functions are instead continuous and between 0 and 1 when the condition is false. And in fact this sort of thing is a common method (the “penalty method”) for incorporating constraints into optimization problems for solvers that don’t natively handle constraints. The very first constraint-satisfaction system for mechanical design, Sketchpad, apparently used gradient-descent to search for approximate solutions to geometrical constraint systems.

However, constraint satisfaction algorithms can also be used to solve optimization problems if you invoke them many times. If your objective function is y, you first seek a solution for y > 0. If successful, you seek a solution for y > 1; if successful, a solution for y > 4; if successful, a solution for y > 8; and so on until you fail, at which point you can approximate the optimum as closely as desired using binary search.


Logic is a very broad term, but in particular what I’m interested in are theorem provers and predicate logic, which can produce machine-checkable proofs of mathematical propositions — whether propositions of general interest, such as (most famously) the four-color theorem, or propositions having to do with particular pieces of software.

There is a lot of work currently going on in this space, with systems like Coq, Agda, Idris, Isabelle-HOL, Z3, Mizar, and Epigram being actively developed, and systems like CompCert and seL4 being proved.

Much of the initial work on program correctness came from a desire to ensure that all programs were correct, for reasons having to do with the risk-averse nature of military bureaucracies, rather than any kind of rational cost-benefit analysis. But in practice, many programs do not even have a well-defined specification that they could conceivably fail to conform to, nor is it a good use of the irreplaceable million or less hours of a human being’s life to write one. It’s often adequate to try things and see what happens.

To me, proving programs correct is of interest for four reasons: compiler optimization, user interface innovations, software security, and embedded systems.

It’s interesting for compiler optimization because if an unoptimized program can be proven equivalent to the original program, the correctness of the optimizer or optimizers is a moot point, and indeed some kind of random search over all feasible programs may be adequate (as Sorav Bansal proposed in his thesis, Peephole Superoptimization).

(Note that “optimization” here is used in a sense unrelated to the “Mathematical optimization” section above.)

It’s interesting for user interface innovations because the interactive process of creating a machine-checkable proof with a proof assistant like Coq is very different from the traditional batch-job-inspired workflow of writing a program in a text editor in a compiled language and then feeding it to a compiler. I don’t have enough experience with this process yet to figure out whether it has innovations that can be applied more widely to the process of creating things using computers.

It’s interesting for software security because trying things and seeing what happens is never adequate to produce secure software, although it may be adequate to find security holes. Often when a security hole is detected in the field, it is already too late to prevent disastrous effects. So significant effort toward other ways to prevent them seems like it would be justified.

It’s interesting for embedded systems for a somewhat similar reason.

If my production database server crashes, the production cluster can fail over to a secondary and save the logs and a core dump, and in the morning I can inspect the core dump and the logs to figure out what went wrong. Then I can fix the bug, recompile the database software, and upgrade across the cluster. The cost of the failure is low (assuming it wasn’t a security hole), and it’s highly inspectable and reparable.

By contrast, if the software on the Arduino controlling an autonomous toy car, the car may be run over by a truck, and possibly all the Arduino can do to make the error debuggable is to blink an LED. It doesn’t have space for a core dump. The cost of the failure is high, and it’s poorly inspectable and reparable. (The situation is even worse if it’s an automatic implantable defibrillator.)

So for embedded systems, it’s highly desirable to detect errors at compile time rather than run time.

Logic and constraint satisfaction

In some sense, theorem-proving is merely an application of constraint satisfaction: you have some set of axioms and inference rules which you’ve previously decided are reasonable or at least consistent, and you’re searching for a proof which starts from those axioms, is valid according to those inference rules, and ends with your desired conclusion. That’s clearly a constraint-satisfaction problem.

But constraint satisfaction is also merely an application of theorem-proving. A constructive theorem prover, given the task of proving that some set of constraints C is satisfiable, will produce a constructive proof, which is a way to construct a configuration satisfying them. But even a non-constructive prover can be used, at least for a finite set of design variables; you repeatedly attempt to prove that a given design variable is in a given range.

This conjunction between constraint-satisfaction systems and logic systems is sometimes called “constraint logic programming”.

From another angle, all of classical algebra (the equation-solving stuff, not the modern abstract algebra stuff that grew out of group theory) is the application of logic to constraint satisfaction. So you would think that that kind of theorem-proving logic could be applied to significantly ease more general kinds of constraint-satisfaction problems, where the constraints might include things like arbitrary lookup tables, conditionals, and iteration.

Logic and optimization

Both theorem-proving and mathematical optimization intersect with constraint satisfaction, but their intersections are sort of complementary. Theorem-proving is associated with (I’m being vague here) finite domains, algebraic structures, and various kinds of backtracking search. Mathematical optimization is associated with continuous and therefore infinite domains, analytic structures, and various kinds of iterative approximation.

But of course in day-to-day math, we often use theorem-proving techniques (often with pencil and paper) to transform problems of analysis into tractable forms and even to find closed-form solutions to them. So it seems likely that the two approaches are likely to be complementary in software as well.

Interval arithmetic

Interval arithmetic is a means to bound the approximation error on an approximate calculation by computing on a conservative approximation of the answer. The usual arithmetic operations are defined to operate over intervals of the real line in such a way that the result of the computation is a conservative approximation of the correct result. In general, narrower bounds on the input will result in narrower bounds on the output, although sometimes not as much as you’d hope.

Interval arithmetic has been most investigated as a way to bound the approximation error from floating-point roundoff by setting different rounding modes, at the cost of considerable performance. However, it has a number of other applications; probably the best known is precise and efficient ray-tracing of implicit surfaces, a technique surveyed broadly in Jorge Eliécer Flórez Díaz’s 2008 dissertation, but which has been developed continuously over the last quarter-century. In this application, it improves performance by avoiding redundant calculations that will produce the same result.

Intervals and constraints

You can use interval arithmetic to solve constraint satisfaction problems over continuous variables by recursive subdivision of the problem space, in the same way that I outlined earlier for solving optimization problems with a constraint solver, except that you may need to recurse into more than one subinterval. Treating arithmetic as constant-time, this approach is probably logarithmic-time in the required precision and exponential-time in the number of dimensions, and is therefore not practically applicable to problems of high dimensionality.

However, it is the only general algorithm I know of for continuous constraint satisfaction problems, not being limited to finite domains or to constraints of a particular form, such as linear systems or polynomials. (It only requires that the constraints be computable, which turns out to imply a particular kind of continuity.)

It’s not completely trivial to get right, because strictly speaking, in the form I’ve described, it only guarantees that it wasn’t able to prove that no points in the selected region satisfy the constraints, not that any of them do. For example, a simple implicit function grapher I wrote using interval arithmetic suggests that there may be zeroes anywhere the implicit function has a singularity, because the result of dividing by an interval containing zero is the interval (-∞,+∞), which contains 0. But small regions around such a singularity will typically not contain any zeroes or even numbers close to zero.

There are lots of tweaks you can apply to this algorithm, and as with other kinds of recursive search algorithms, even fairly minor improvements can have enormous effects on efficiency, since they exponentially reduce the number of nodes searched. Some of the things I’ve been thinking about are priority queues of regions by size, a tighter interval representation that approximates results by =a linear function of input variables over a given input interval, three-way partitioning, and choosing partition locations to be closer to the part of the region most likely to be feasible.

Intervals and optimization

By the same token, you can use interval arithmetic to solve mathematical optimization problems by recursive subdivision.

Intervals and logic

I don’t know how interval arithmetic combines with theorem proving.

Array computation

Array languages are not merely languages which support arrays, as almost every programming language does. They are languages in which arrays are first-class values that support aggregate arithmetic and computational operations. They were born in the form of APL in 1957–1962, but in the 1980s spawned S, IDL, and MATLAB, and since then have spawned the languages R, J, K, A+, and Lush, and the Python library Numpy, the Perl library PDL, and most recently the neural-network-focused libraries TensorFlow and Theano.

Typically the arrays are of arbitrary dimensionality, and sometimes they may be called “tensors” or something else.

Fitting a program into the array-programming style requires a different kind of thinking than the mainstream record-oriented or object-oriented style which evolved, as far as I can tell, from 1950s business data processing on machines with a few kilobytes of RAM and tape drives. I find it very awkward.

There are two or three interesting advantages of this way of doing things that induce me to keep trying it:

  1. Efficient execution. Originally this was only an advantage for interpreted implementations like the original APLs, Numpy, or old versions of MATLAB; it just pulls the interpretation overhead out of your algorithm’s inner loop. So C and FORTRAN programmers scoffed, since at best it got you from wasting 99% of your CPU to wasting 50% of it. Nowadays it’s becoming an advantage even compared to C, C++, or Fortran (TensorFlow originated as a C++ library) because the array aggregate operations can be compiled efficiently onto a GPU. The array operations are generally explicitly parallel, rather than implicitly so as more imperative code usually is. (R0ml Lefkowitz is the first person I remember making this observation.)

  2. Terser code. By making most loops implicit, arguably the code strips away much of the inessential implementation complexity and reveals the intention of the programmer more clearly. I feel like this can go either way, but this may be a function of my inexperience with the paradigm.

  3. More abstract and thus more flexible code. Typically the code a*b with an array language or library could mean (in Python notation) any of [ai*bi for ai, bi in zip(a, b)], [a*bi for bi in b], [ai*b for ai in a] just a*b, or even [[aij*bij for aij, bij in zip(ai, bi)] for ai, bi in zip(a, b)], and which one depends on which of the two is a vector or array. This works to your advantage more often than you’d think; if you write a plotting function that takes arrays of X-coordinates, Y-coordinates, and point colors, it will generally just fall out that you can pass in a single color instead of an array of colors when that’s what you want. This depends, however, on the detailed design of the aggregate operations provided by a particular language, and sometimes it fails in surprising ways. (And I’m not sure it applies at all to TensorFlow and Theano.)

I’ve been thinking for a while about how to clean up the semantics of array languages, and I think there’s an interesting unification between array languages and logic languages waiting to be birthed.

One interesting possibility is being able to decide, separate from the specification of what is to be computed, that some of the axes of the arrays in question should be materialized in time rather than in space.

Arrays and constraints

One of the most common uses for libraries and languages like these is in solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, which is the simplest kind of constraint satisfaction and often occurs as part of a larger constraint system (for example, a linear network within a circuit containing nonlinear elements); in Numpy, for example, to solve Ax = b for x, where A is a matrix and b is a vector, you use numpy.linalg.solve(A, b). Scipy, a library built on Numpy, has a sparse-matrices package that can be deployed in the service of solving much larger sparse linear systems.

XXX explain here about logic and array languages

Arrays and optimization

One advantage of array formulations of optimization problems is that automatic differentiation — which numerically computes a derivative or gradient together with the output of a calculation — is easily added to an array library like those mentioned, and indeed TensorFlow and I think Theano provide this functionality natively.

Arrays and logic

Iverson got a Turing Award for inventing APL, and his lecture was entitled Notation as a Tool of Thought. He argued that APL was a more formally tractable notation for programs, to which we could more easily apply the principles of symbolic reasoning and manipulation. Certainly programs in APL and related languages are compact, which is a major advantage for symbolic manipulation by hand; could it similarly make formal manipulation more tractable?

Arrays and intervals

I don’t think there is any particular synergy between arrays and intervals.

Physical system simulation

From the beginning, one of the most important uses for computers has been the numerical simulation of physical systems — whether wing flutter in Germany with Zuse’s Z-3, artillery trajectories and H-bomb explosions with the ENIAC, the car-crash simulations that were the public rationale for the Tera MTA, or the optical systems that modern GPUs were developed to simulate.

I am just beginning to learn about finite element analysis, which is the most broadly applied method for physical system simulation.

Simulation and constraints

To the extent that you can formulate a simulation in a constraint-satisfaction-system-tractable fashion, you can use the constraint-satisfaction system to design a physical system that satisfies your constraints. But this is more useful in the context of optimization.

Simulation and optimization

The most famous results along these lines are topology optimization, which has been used to optimize stiffness, heat transfer, and so on, but which seems to me to still be in its infancy despite a third of a century of development. Still almost nobody is optimizing elastic bodies for specific stress-strain curves, for example, or searching for toolpaths that minimize the heat-affected zone around a kerf.

Simulation and logic

I dunno, I got nothing.

Simulation and intervals

One of the hairy problems with finite element simulation is that it’s conducted on a discretized approximation of the actual physical system, not the continuous system itself. The discretization introduces errors into the simulation results, but how do you find out if those errors are big enough to be significant? You can use a finer discretization and see if the results changed much. If they do, you need to go finer. But if they don’t, you don’t know if you’re just on a plateau and an even finer resolution would give you a big change, or not. I’m told this is an especially big problem with fluid dynamics, due to “vorticity, cavitation, backflow, all sorts of wonderful nonlinear effects” (@sigfig).

There has been work on bounding these errors using conservative error approximation techniques, but I don’t know about them. The straightforward application of interval arithmetic is not enough.

To the point that it’s feasible to bound these errors, it should be possible to speed up preliminary simulations enormously by only simulating them to very loose tolerances. This should speed up optimization through simulation greatly.

Simulation and arrays

Everybody uses arrays for numerical simulations. It’s, like, what they’re best at.

Automated manufacturing or digital fabrication

Fabrication is the making of physical objects. Digital fabrication is making them from a design in a computer; the most commonplace example is printing out a page on a printer, but it also includes things like integrated circuit fabrication and CNC milling. There’s been a lot of excitement around 3-D printing (aka additive manufacturing) in the last few years, but that’s only one kind of digital fabrication.

I think digital fabrication is poised to explode over the next few years for a variety of reasons: better sensors (producing better feedback), better design tools (including simulation), and the RepRap-derived community, including things like Thingiverse and OpenSCAD.

Manufacturing and constraints

Much of robotics has to do with finding a feasible plan for achieving an objective under known constraints. Toolpath planning for CNC is one example; a bad toolpath can do things like drive a cutting tool hard against a part of a workpiece it was not supposed to contact.

Even without robotics, of course, things like nesting for panel cutting are constraint problems.

Manufacturing and optimization

In those cases, often some plans are much better than others. A manual panel-cutting plan that requires you to reset the fence on the panel saw three times is better than one that requires you to set it twelve times, unless it results in using three sheets of plywood where one would do. A toolpath can take more or less time and spend more or less time far from the optimal feed rate.

We often break down design problems into parts separated by abstraction layers in order to make each part tractable on its own. Indeed, this is one of the major forces driving additive manufacturing in industry in the last few years — it allows you to fabricate a much wider range of shapes, increasing the freedom of the design stage. But it seems likely that mathematical optimization should be able to optimize across many such stages at once, and this is likely to provide one or more orders of magnitude improvement in cost/benefit ratio.

Manufacturing and logic

I dunno.

Manufacturing and intervals


Manufacturing and arrays


Manufacturing and simulation

Simulation enables optimization in manufacturing. It also makes it possible to reduce the number of prototypes enormously, conceivably eliminating the necessity for mass production entirely.

Self-sustaining software systems

Self-sustaining systems are those that can compile themselves from source code. PyPy, Squeak, Oberon, and metacompiled Forth are my usual examples.

I’m interested in self-sustaining systems for a few different reasons.

XXX movethislater

Incremental computation and caching

Incremental computation is adjusting the output of a computation to reflect a change in its input in some way that is cheaper than simply recomputing the output from the changed input. A large fraction of our existing software infrastructure is occupied with incremental computation, because it’s common to get several orders of magnitude performance improvement from it.

Caching or memoization is one strategy for incremental computation; this works by breaking a computation into deterministic parts with identifiable inputs in a way such that some of the computations have no change to their inputs, and therefore are guaranteed to have the same output as before; then you simply reuse the previously computed result for that part of the computation, thus limiting the work only to part whose input has changed.

Examples include executable files (cached compiler output), font bitmaps (cached font rasterizer output), window contents backing store (cached paint output), the DOM (arguably, cached parser output), any in-memory data structure computed from the contents of a file, and any number of lower-level pieces of information in your code — basically almost anything for which you write a function with the word “update” in its name.

This is a very broad topic, including perhaps the majority of software in existence, because it’s common for caching of the results of computations to convert exponential-time algorithms to linear-time or even constant-time algorithms, or to knock off four or more orders of magnitude from constant factors. A unified system for caching that was capable of doing a reasonable job at solving these problems could increase the power per line of code of software enormously.

(It’s commonly said that the only two hard problems in software are naming things and caching (or cache invalidation).)

The few interesting projects on this front are Apache Spark, redo, and Self-Adjusting Computation.

Caching isn’t the only way to do incremental computation. It’s also possible, though less common, to compute a new output from the old output and some kind of description of the change. This is typically the approach taken with RDBMS indices — when an indexed value is updated in the underlying table, rather than recomputing the index or part of the index from the new table contents, the database adds a new index entry and deletes or invalidates the old one. This kind of incrementalization requires the processing being incrementalized to preserve some kind of homomorphism between the input and output such that the change to the output can be computed from the change to the input.

Incrementality and constraints

There are some incremental constraint systems, which can propagate an incremental change to constraints more efficiently than recomputing a constraint from scratch. Constraint systems implemented by optimization will typically have this property by default. Combinatorial search (for constraints over finite domains) also likely benefits from reusing parts or most of a previously-valid solution.

The other angle on this would be using a constraint system to make a computation incremental. This might work but I’m not sure how.

Incrementality and optimization

As mentioned above, optimization systems that work by iterative approximation will tend to have incremental properties — a small change in the objective function or the constraints will get a big performance boost from having an existing approximately-correct solution.

The other angle on this would be using a mathematical optimization system to carry out general incremental computation. In particular, caching systems face difficult choices about which cached computations to throw away and which to keep; space is always finite, relevant information about what to keep is always incomplete, and good choices can speed things up by many orders of magnitude overbad choices.

Incrementality and logic

Tabled resolution is the standard way to cache logical conclusions in Prolog-derived logic-programming systems. I don’t know anything about it.

In more general theorem-proving systems, which I also don’t know anything about, I have the impression that tactic choice and proofs can be reused from one run to the next of the proof assistant, saving the time of expensive searches; as with combinatorial search in constraint systems, this should be a huge win.

Using theorem-provers to support strategies for incremental recomputation also seems feasible, both in informing cache eviction strategies (if you can prove that something will be used again in the near future, it may be a poor choice to evict from cache) and in proving that an incrementalization strategy doesn’t introduce bugs. This seems necessary if homomorphism-based incrementalization (as opposed to caching) is to be correct, and would be sufficient to introduce it automatically where applicable.

Incrementality and intervals

One of the more interesting ideas in Flórez Díaz’s dissertation is that interval arithmetic can avoid computation and thus dramatically accelerate ray-tracing, especially of animations. If you determine that for 0≤x≤0.1, 0.2≤y≤0.3, 0≤t≤5, some conditional yields false, then you don’t have to recompute anything in that x-y area guarded by that conditional when t increases from 1 to 2.

Applying this idea more generally, it may be possible in some cases to compute a description of how much some input would have to change in order to change an output.

And, of course, the recursive refinement algorithm I described earlier for using interval arithmetic to solve optimization and constraint problems could in theory benefit enormously from incrementalization, since each subdivision of the problem space changes only one input from the previous iteration.

Incrementality and array languages

Incremental recomputation of arrays or parts of arrays seems like an interesting idea. The array language K implements some version of it. Some relevant considerations:

Incrementality and simulation

Incrementalizing simulation of physical systems would be super awesome; if you could get a 1000× speedup on second and subsequent simulations of slight variations of a design by reusing data computed in the first iteration, you could try 1000× as many variations. Straightforward caching won’t get you there, because typically any change to any part of the system design immediately reverberates through the system, creating tiny, possibly insignificant changes everywhere. I think this might be possible, on the other hand, under some circumstances, with the interval-arithmetic ideas I mentioned earlier — you may not care to find the precise stiffness of each design, for example, but only to optimize the stiffness by finding the stiffest variant.

Incrementality and manufacturing

I don’t think I have anything to say here that isn’t said above.

Incrementality and self-sustaining systems

A coherent incremental recomputation system may be a key to getting a self-sustaining system down to a reasonable size.

XXX movethislater


Reproducibility is the foundation of science. Science is what can be demonstrated. Irreproducible results cannot be demonstrated; you must take it on faith that the person reporting them is reporting them accurately, and so there is no tendency toward self-correction over time.

We have a limited kind of reproducibility with our current software; often enough, you can download a piece of software, possibly recompile it with current libraries, and have it work on your computer. But often this requires some work to get it running, and even if it appears to work, you don’t know if it works the same way it worked on other people’s computers in the past. So if they reported some results with it, and you get conflicting results, you don’t know why that is.

Nix and Guix are efforts to make software more reproducible by nailing down all its dependencies, and they enhance the reproducibility situation significantly. However, the bootstrap kernel for either of them is fairly large, and they rely on unreliable third-party websites to host the tarballs of the dependencies, with the result that this reproducibility still has big holes in it.

I think we can do considerably better, keeping the initial bootstrap kernel very small indeed — small enough that it can be reimplemented from scratch on a new platform in a few hours.

Reproducibility and constraints

Constraint-solving systems are inherently nondeterministic in a way that imperative systems are not; the solutions they find, and indeed whether they find a solution at all even when one exists, may vary depending on details of their search strategies. This potentially poses problems for reproducibility, since the effects of changes may be hard to track.

For a weak form of reproducibility, this is not a problem, since we can compile a theoretically nondeterministic constraint-solving system into a deterministic imperative form before using it. But a stronger form of reproducibility, in which we can reason about what effects will be produced by a given change, will be frustrated by it, because the effects of altering constraint-solving things will be mostly by virtue of changing which of many possible acceptable solutions will be found first.

Reproducibility and optimization

Optimization is even more sensitively dependent on random nonsense and thus that much more difficult to achieve reproducibility in. Worse, being able to take advantage of things learned during previous optimization sessions may be really crucial to making optimization-based computation feasible, in a way that it isn’t for traditional programming paradigms. To some extent, it may be possible to paper over this using caching approaches to incrementalization.

However, to the extent that optimization can be used as a way
