Dercuano grinding

Kragen Javier Sitaker, 2019-10-01 (12 minutes)

Right now all the code blocks in Dercuano are rather plain: black on gray, with one typewriter typeface in one size; I think some syntax highlighting would make it both more pleasant to read and more inviting. The contrast between the colorful source listing I see as I’m editing notes in Emacs and the dull gray listing I see in the rendered HTML is depressing.

The standard way to syntax-highlight code for the WWW is to run something like Pygments or Emacs htmlfontify-buffer on the server side to generate a passel of HTML spans that refer to some stylesheet, but in part since Dercuano doesn’t have a server side, that isn’t really an option, for the same reason prerendering of PNGs is not an option (see Dercuano drawings) — the resulting files are huge.

So, how can I syntax-highlight code in Dercuano? Presumably I need to write something in JS that can be instructed to attempt to tokenize code blocks with the lexical syntax of various languages, perhaps even parsing them, and apply spans and styles to them based on the results.

Languages: mostly Python, SQL, and very minimalist languages

First I thought it would be good to take a sampling of the syntax-highlightable languages I’m using in Dercuano.

Phase relations: none
Harvesting energy with a clamp-on transformer: none
Query evaluation with interval-annotated trees over sequences: SQL, Python, SQL fragments
Cheap textures: none
Tagged dataflow: none
A bag of candidate techniques for sparse filter design: Python
Flexures: none
Notes on Raph Levien's "Io" Programming Language: Io, Scheme, possible extensions of Io
Microfinance: none
Binate and KANREN: Binate
Midpoint method texture mapping: none
Forth with named stacks: possible extensions of Forth
Things in Dercuano that would be big if true: none
Spiral chinese windlass: ASCII art diagrams
Wang tile font: none
Replacing fractional-reserve banking with a bond market disintermediated with a blockchain: none

The main conclusion I can draw from this random sample of 16 notes is that there isn’t much code in Dercuano (≈⅓), and what there is tends toward very minimalist programming languages (Scheme, Forth, Io, Binate) which in many cases don’t even have existing implementations — and, also, Python and SQL. Languages I’ve recently used in other notes include SQL, Python, OCaml, Lisp S-expressions, Lua, GNU MathProg, and Golang.

Syntactic categories and aesthetic treatment

Popular syntactic categories to highlight include, in more or less decreasing order of importance, keywords, function names, type names, string contents, numbers, comments, and punctuation.

Common practice is to emphasize the keywords, but that does not make any sense; the keywords are the lowest-information-density part of the program code, so that merely adds noise. A better approach might be to reduce the contrast of keywords, allowing the reader to focus on the informative part. Reducing font size (and increasing letter-spacing to compensate) might also help. Much the same can apply to punctuation, and while this is fairly unimportant for comprehension because it’s already visually distinctive, it can be a major boon to aesthetics.

A recent post discussed on the orange website suggested coloring identifiers by a hash of their contents, so that pcall would look very different from pcal1, especially to non-colorblind people. If you also wanted to use color to distinguish function names, type names, and keywords, you’d need to slice up the color cube into distinct regions for each one with a demilitarized zone between them to permit reliable discrimination.

One possible significant exception to the dismissal of punctuation is that parenthesis-matching can improve the readability of Lisp code substantially. Traditionally it’s done interactively (e.g., by bouncing on % in vi or using C-M-f and C-M-b in Emacs), but by assigning different colors and weights to different parenthesis levels, noninteractive parenthesis matching could be facilitated.

The available aesthetic attributes for syntax highlighting in modern CSS go far beyond what was traditionally available either in hot lead or in emulated VT340+ terminals. Even without using different typefaces, sizes, and letter-spacing, we can oblique, drop-shadow, change the background color, greatly vary the line width, underline (though be careful about underlining spaces), overline, strikethrough, compress the letterforms, and rotate the letterforms.

The vgrind program would call out definitions (for example, of functions and types) by putting the name of the defined entity in the right margin in a larger font, which was useful for paging through printed-out listings but probably isn’t useful for a small snippet of code with commentary around it.

Where do I get the tokenizers or grammars?

It would be nice to avoid writing parsers for Python, SQL, OCaml, Scheme, MathProg, Golang, and Lua, especially fragment-tolerant and REPL-tolerant parsers, but there’s probably no way to get around writing parsers for things like Binate, proposed extensions of Forth, proposed extensions of Io, and Io itself.


Pygments comes with a fairly comprehensive set of lexers optimized for this task; grep --color -nH -e ^class /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pygments/lexers/*.py yields a bit over 400 matches. Most of these contain some imperative Python code, but Pygments has a pretty extensive set of regexp-based facilities:

class MoinWikiLexer(RegexLexer):
    For MoinMoin (and Trac) Wiki markup.

    .. versionadded:: 0.7

    name = 'MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup'
    aliases = ['trac-wiki', 'moin']
    filenames = []
    mimetypes = ['text/x-trac-wiki']
    flags = re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE

    tokens = {
        'root': [
            (r'^#.*$', Comment),
            (r'(!)(\S+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text)),  # Ignore-next
            # Titles
             bygroups(Generic.Heading, using(this), Generic.Heading, String)),
            # Literal code blocks, with optional shebang
            (r'(\{\{\{)(\n#!.+)?', bygroups(Name.Builtin, Name.Namespace), 'codeblock'),
            (r'(\'\'\'?|\|\||`|__|~~|\^|,,|::)', Comment),  # Formatting
            # Lists
            (r'^( +)([.*-])( )', bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text)),
            (r'^( +)([a-z]{1,5}\.)( )', bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text)),
            # Other Formatting
            (r'\[\[\w+.*?\]\]', Keyword),  # Macro
             bygroups(Keyword, String, Keyword)),  # Link
            (r'^----+$', Keyword),  # Horizontal rules
            (r'[^\n\'\[{!_~^,|]+', Text),
            (r'\n', Text),
            (r'.', Text),
        'codeblock': [
            (r'\}\}\}', Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
            # these blocks are allowed to be nested in Trac, but not MoinMoin
            (r'\{\{\{', Text, '#push'),
            (r'[^{}]+', Comment.Preproc),  # slurp boring text
            (r'.', Comment.Preproc),  # allow loose { or }

Even things like (90 lines of code) are written entirely in this declarative style without any executable code. As you can see above, Pygments apparently has a stack machine for nested multi-line string constructs such as Trac code blocks or OCaml comments.

One drawback of trying to use this stuff is that it relies pretty heavily on Python’s regexp syntax, which is mostly, but not completely, compatible with JS’s.

Another is that syntax-highlighting purely through tokenization doesn’t have much chance of, for example, consistently distinguishing user-defined types from user-defined functions.


Vim comes with some 586 syntax definition files; many of them are fairly minimal. They are written in Vimscript, which is imperative, but most of the commands consist of defining regular expressions — which I originally thought would be in Vim’s regexp dialect with \(\) for grouping and whatnot, but which has apparently adopted many PCRE-like features — though the backwards-incompatible ones are turned on on a per-regexp basis by the sequence \v, which means “very magic”. Here’s Honza Pokorny’s Dockerfile syntax file:

if exists("b:current_syntax")

let b:current_syntax = "dockerfile"

syntax case ignore


syntax region dockerfileString start=/\v"/ skip=/\v\\./ end=/\v"/

syntax match dockerfileComment "\v^\s*#.*$"

hi def link dockerfileString String
hi def link dockerfileKeyword Keyword
hi def link dockerfileComment Comment

Vim also does automatic indentation, which requires a little deeper understanding, but this is done entirely separately and with no dependence on the syntax highlighting.

Consequently, even in C, like Pygments, Vim doesn’t manage to distinguish between types and functions.


Emacs does successfully distinguish between types and functions, and it is configured in a similar way to how Vim is configured, but with Lisp lists instead of sequences of commands, and perhaps a few more levels of indirection. However, some of the Emacs syntax highlighting setup involves truly unbelievable amounts of hair.

Golang in Emacs

go-mode.el is relatively simple; one of the first things the go-mode function does is to set font-lock-defaults to a list containing the name of a function that returns a declarative configuration for syntax highlighting as a list:

(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)

This list is built up more or less as follows, though I've omitted most of the individual items:

(defun go--build-font-lock-keywords ()
   (if ...)
     (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "map")
               "\\[[^]]+\\]" go-type-name-regexp)
      1 font-lock-type-face) ;; map value type
     (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "map")
               "\\[" go-type-name-regexp)
      1 font-lock-type-face) ;; map key type

The mysterious go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol function is defined as follows:

(defun go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (s)
  "Enclose S as regexp symbol.
XEmacs does not support \\_<, GNU Emacs does.  In GNU Emacs we
make extensive use of \\_< to support unicode in identifiers.
Until we come up with a better solution for XEmacs, this solution
will break fontification in XEmacs for identifiers such as
\"typeµ\".  XEmacs will consider \"type\" a keyword, GNU Emacs
  (if (go--xemacs-p)
      (concat "\\<" s "\\>")
    (concat "\\_<" s "\\_>")))

The two particular items I called out earlier, which cause foo and bar in map[foo]bar to be highlighted as type names, come out as the following:

1 font-lock-type-face)
1 font-lock-type-face)

This says to highlight subexpression 1 in each of those regexps as font-lock-type-face, which begins at the first \\( that isn’t followed by a ?: — Emacs, too, has adopted some of Perl’s regexp syntax, though not the good part of not having to double-backslash things or backslash your parens at all.

The whole syntax-highlighting list is about a page long, mostly regexps like that, but it also includes a call to go--match-func, which parses function parameter lists to look for type names. This involves several pages of Elisp that does a lot of stuff like (save-excursion (if (looking-at ...) (goto-char (match-end 0)))), which is precisely the kind of thing I’d like to avoid, convenient though it sometimes is as a way to munge text.

C in Emacs

By contrast, C syntax highlighting (like various other features for C) is mostly handled by a heuristic, forgiving C parser consisting of over ten thousand lines of Elisp written over the last 35 years in cc-engine.el, which also handles Objective-C, C++ (including the Qt extensions), Awk, IDL, Java, and Pike. No test suite is evident. As to how it distinguishes type names from function names, I have no idea and I might not find out tonight even if I spent the rest of the night on it, but it does.

Writing them from scratch

An appealing alternative, and really the only alternative when it comes to programming language syntax variants that I’m exploring that nobody has ever implemented, is to write tokenizers and parsers from scratch. This is especially appealing if the parser can be used to actually interpret or compile the language as well as syntax-highlighting it, although of course if I’m just interested in the language’s semantics and not its syntax I can quite reasonably just serialize to S-expressions, as in A formal language for defining implicitly parameterized functions, or just RPN, like Python pickle. But if I want compatibility with existing code or existing implementations, parsing arbitrarily complicated languages may be useful.

For interpretation, though, handling incomplete or incorrect code isn’t necessary, and sometimes for syntax highlighting it is, though less often than for text editing. One possibility for that kind of thing is to write a normal parser using some kind of parsing theory (such as an Earley or Packrat parser) and then mechanically transform it to produce possible parses of substrings of the original language. (This approach is also useful for parallelizing and incrementalizing parsing; see Parallel NFA evaluation for details.)

Another possibility, maybe a more interesting one, is to train a recurrent ANN to classify syntactic elements instead.
